
Winter is coming to an end, spring is coming, and all the good is counting down

author:Qi Jingzi
Winter is coming to an end, spring is coming, and all the good is counting down

It's getting darker late lately

Recently sat by the window colleagues always in the near end of the work sigh, now the day is getting darker and late, in the past at 5:30 p.m., the sky has all darkened, but now at 5:30 the sky is still white, until six o'clock all dark, I then glanced at the calendar, the original February 4 is Lichun, and now it is only ten days away from Lichun, and there are only 11 days left before the New Year.

I still pass through the bridge hole every day after work, but I can't bear to take a closer look at my uncle and his dog, compared to him, I still have a decent job in the exquisite new office building that does not need to be blown and rainy, every night there are people waiting for me to return, in the small rented house, cooking a bowl of hot noodles, and my lover looking forward to the end of this cold winter in the hot air of noodle soup, lying in bed late every night, listening to the wind whistling in the corridor outside the door, falling asleep in the warm futon.

I need to always remind myself to be a happy person, forget the complexity of work, the leader is not transparent, forget the long bus journey to and from my hometown every two weeks, the night after work alone to the bus stop, get off the bus still need to walk through the cold and windy intersection, every time I stand at the intersection, waiting for the traffic to pass, I am thinking, the most difficult time is not the present, is the past those days without expectations, is the time when the side of the road shed tears five years ago, And now the days of anticipation for the future are the moment when I begin to feel happiness, just like in the solar terms, this cold winter is about to pass, and spring is within reach.

Winter is coming to an end, spring is coming, and all the good is counting down

Spring is just a short distance away

A day's plan lies in the morning, a year's plan lies in the spring, in the coming days of spring, the dark accumulation of strength, in the spring will be like a small grass, breaking the shackles of the soil, growing tender green shoots, smiling at the spring wind, when the spring is bright, it will harvest the blossoms of a tree, the temperature will warm in the countdown, and all the beauty is also countdown.

Winter is coming to an end, spring is coming, and all the good is counting down

It's spring when the sun is shining

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