
You who have resigned years ago, you need to make these preparations, don't wait for the New Year together

author:Next door Lao Wang emotional self-media

Text/Lao Wang next door

If you have a stable job and a steady income, please do not quit your job years ago.

If, for whatever reason, you've had a hot head, quit your current job, and cut off your source of income years ago. Please don't say give yourself a holiday, let's talk about it after the New Year, now the economy is in a depression, let me rest well.

But if you don't have a plan to lie down completely, you need to make a complete plan for yourself from now on.

1. Exercise and improve your overall form.

Exercising is a long-term investment. It is difficult to see results in the short term. It's easy to put it stranded during this period of rest.

Running is the most economical. Yoga is a long-term insistence. Iron pulling now requires motivation and perseverance. You can choose from.

You who have resigned years ago, you need to make these preparations, don't wait for the New Year together

2. Increase the amount of reading, improve your own awareness, and break down the barriers of your knowledge.

Financial books

Achieving Financial Freedom consists of three volumes, at least the first of which should be read.

"Puppy Money Money" is easy to understand and understands the basic logic of money flow.

Psychology books

Cognitive Therapy, "You Should Talk to Someone," breaks down stereotypes about fixed careers.

Social Fiction:

The strength of "Tatar Desert" is the strength of perseverance in one's own life.

You who have resigned years ago, you need to make these preparations, don't wait for the New Year together

3. Modify your resume and improve the readability of your resume.

Resume, not only records their own work history, but also a business card of job seekers. Writing a resume that is highly readable is essential. If you write a resume and have no clue, you can leave a message. Lao Wang can help you adjust.

You who have resigned years ago, you need to make these preparations, don't wait for the New Year together

4. Plan the cycle of rest and adjustment, and enjoy the happiness you deserve during the cycle.

Whether to enjoy a pleasant holiday and can have a pleasant leisure period after resigning.

Then you must make a good plan, and what time is the time to rest. A wave of brains into the atmosphere of finding a job. It will exhaust itself. Do a good job of date planning, it is best to go to the day, what to do in the morning, what to do in the afternoon, what to do at night.

Lao Wang thought that you would definitely have a pleasant break period.

You who have resigned years ago, you need to make these preparations, don't wait for the New Year together

5, do not forget, your social security contributions.

Resignation is not terrible, and the social security policy given by the state is also perfect. You can go to the place where you are archived to continue to pay social security on your own, or you can entrust relevant institutions to pay social security on your behalf. Now it's all online. Very convenient. Without leaving home, you can do continuous social security. So be obedient, be manipulative. Give yourself a good follow-up guarantee.

You who have resigned years ago, you need to make these preparations, don't wait for the New Year together

6. After resigning, how to face your family.

Many people cannot accept the act and action of resigning. Because rationally think about it. It really takes a lot of guts to complete this move. So how to face your family has become a problem you have to face. How to express it in order to make parents and lovers accept it.

You can tell your family in slow language that you have resigned, and tell your family that your own plan after resignation, please rest assured. There must be a plan, otherwise, it is difficult to convince others that they are feasible.

You who have resigned years ago, you need to make these preparations, don't wait for the New Year together

7, if you want to start a business, it is another track, which needs to be explained separately.

Written in the end, before the Spring Festival, the occurrence of resignation, layoffs, unemployment and other things are not terrible. As long as you plan well, there will be a dawn waiting for you.

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