
Winter Olympics Smart Restaurant Revealed: Shunde Celebrity Chef "Teaching", behind the scenes team from the Greater Bay Area

author:Southern Metropolis Daily

According to reports, the main media restaurant smart restaurant will use more than ten intelligent cooking and transmission equipment such as hamburger machine, rice cooker, intelligent wok, etc., not only automation, visualization, efficiency, optimize labor costs, but also in the context of epidemic prevention and control, further reduce people-to-people cross-contact, reduce the probability of epidemic transmission and epidemic prevention costs, and also be able to provide services 24 hours a day.

Winter Olympics Smart Restaurant Revealed: Shunde Celebrity Chef "Teaching", behind the scenes team from the Greater Bay Area

Interior view of the smart restaurant

These fully automatic equipment is developed and manufactured by a local enterprise in Foshan, the core city of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and has been widely used in restaurants, scenic spots, exhibition halls, transportation hubs and other diversified scenes in 30 provinces and cities across the country, but it is the first time to serve important international sports events.

Winter Olympics Smart Restaurant Revealed: Shunde Celebrity Chef "Teaching", behind the scenes team from the Greater Bay Area

Restaurant service personnel order dishes from the intelligent delivery system

The logistics service of the Winter Olympics with the help of science and technology should be both simple and safe. The intelligent cooking equipment of the Greater Bay Area "intelligent manufacturing" will provide catering services for guests around the world, from Lingnan-style pot rice to Western-style drinks, coffee, cocktails, etc., and more Chinese characteristics of the New Year's "standard" dumplings, wontons, will let the global media see the "intelligence" and "emotion" of the scientific and technological elements of China's Bay Area.

Science and technology "intelligently manufactured" Chinese and foreign cuisine

24-hour "no closing"

The second phase of the China National Convention Center project is an important hardware facility for the construction of the Capital International Exchange Center, and undertakes the mission of the main media center of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games. Located on the basement floor of the project, the smart restaurant covers an area of about 3,680 square meters and can accommodate nearly 1,000 people at the same time. During the Winter Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, in addition to serving global media dining, it will also provide catering services to various staff such as volunteers and contractors in the venue. The biggest feature of the restaurant is the use of more than ten fully independently developed automated, visualized, efficient intelligent catering equipment, in the context of epidemic prevention and control, reduce people-to-people cross-contact, reduce the probability of epidemic transmission and epidemic prevention costs, and can provide services 24 hours.

During the Winter Olympics, the main media center will be the "main venue" for media headquarters and media reporters during the Beijing Winter Olympic Games. Combined with the media personnel different time zone, unexpected tasks, irregular dining time and other work characteristics, media personnel may need to work all night, according to this, the smart restaurant gives a perfect solution: in addition to the catering supply of the three meal periods in the morning, middle and evening, the restaurant's specially set up smart equipment dining area can operate 24 hours a day, and arrange special services, so that busy media personnel can enjoy on-order, fresh-made warm meals at any time and ensure that the whole process of ordering, meal making, and dining is automatically completed.

Showcasing a new way of making

Nandu reporter learned that the smart restaurant shows a new way of Chinese and foreign food production: hamburger machine, rice cooker, intelligent wok as the restaurant "chef", through the mechanical module to accurately control the program, the heat, perfect reproduction of the level of celebrity chefs.

The neatly arranged intelligent woks are "taught" by Shunde celebrity chefs themselves, and the cooking process, dish raw materials, stove actions, heat control, cooking process and other data are entered into the computer to carry out repeated adjustment experiments, so as to perfectly reproduce the chef's level. It can not only stir-fry dozens of traditional Chinese dishes such as Kung Pao chicken and Dongpo meat, but also make pasta with italian meat sauce, Guangzhou fried rice and other staple foods.

Winter Olympics Smart Restaurant Revealed: Shunde Celebrity Chef "Teaching", behind the scenes team from the Greater Bay Area

Intelligent conveyor - cloud rail

Winter Olympics Smart Restaurant Revealed: Shunde Celebrity Chef "Teaching", behind the scenes team from the Greater Bay Area

Intelligent conveyor - cloud rail trolley

On the transparent glass track visible in the restaurant's Chinese food area, the cloud rail trolley is always on standby and freely shuttles, which can realize the intelligent transmission of dishes in the air. The intelligent wok uploads the dishes to the cloud rail in the air, and the system intelligently dispatches the cloud rail trolley to meet the dishes, intelligently plans the optimal path, automatically delivers to the corresponding table, and then through the dish machine, let the food "fall from the sky". It not only effectively reduces the labor intensity of service personnel to pass dishes, but also improves the efficiency of dish transmission, dustproof and insulation, eliminates human contact, and provides a dining experience full of science and technology.

In order to meet the different eating habits of domestic and foreign media, the restaurant has carefully designed more than 200 meals, divided into 8 sets of menus for recycling. The dishes are mainly Chinese food, supplemented by Western food, which will allow guests from five continents to experience the authentic taste of China.

Staff "preparing" for the Winter Olympics

The central kitchen is expected to supply a total of 180 tons of raw materials

Nandu reporter learned that the smart restaurant was launched in March 2021, and in July, according to the overall construction progress of the main media center, the smart restaurant began to enter the construction site, and the main construction, decoration project and intelligent catering equipment installation and commissioning work were efficiently completed in November last year. In December 2021, Smart Restaurant set up a restaurant operation team of nearly 300 people and gradually put it into trial operation. In accordance with the requirements of the Winter Olympic Organizing Committee, the team staff actively participated in a series of training courses such as catering service work specifications and common English for the Winter Olympics, and successfully passed the assessment. In order to do a good job in epidemic prevention and control and comply with closed-loop management requirements, restaurant staff need to receive 3 doses of vaccines, and regularly carry out new crown testing, and strictly implement various epidemic prevention measures in accordance with the "Winter Olympics Epidemic Prevention Manual".

In order to meet the demand for the supply of raw materials for smart restaurants, in May 2021, Beijing Pinggu District started construction of a 4,500 square meter central kitchen to provide catering supply chain guarantee for restaurants, and in August of the same year, it was completed and obtained catering qualifications, and established a whole-process system of intelligent catering supply such as food storage, standardized processing, real-time control, detection and traceability, and cold chain distribution. Suppliers of raw materials are selected from the list of qualified suppliers screened by the organizing committee of the event, strictly implement the acceptance of high-standard ingredients, comply with closed-loop management requirements, and implement a special car logistics system jointly composed of government quality supervision departments, central kitchens, and restaurants. During the event, the total supply of the central kitchen is expected to reach 180 tons, and the peak supply in a single day will reach 5 tons, which can ensure the meals of more than 6,000 people.


Make one in 20 seconds

Fresh and hot hamburgers

The intelligent burger machine in the smart restaurant integrates the functions of ingredient refrigeration, double electric furnace heating, automatic assembly line assembly, packaging and other functions, from heating bread and freshly fried meat cakes to matching lettuce and sauce, all of which are independently completed by mechanical equipment, and the whole process is efficient, stable and visualized. After each device starts continuous production, a fresh and hot hamburger can be made in 20 seconds, and a device can make 300 servings continuously after preparing the ingredients at a time, which can easily cope with the peak demand of the meal.

Winter Olympics Smart Restaurant Revealed: Shunde Celebrity Chef "Teaching", behind the scenes team from the Greater Bay Area

Smart burger machine

Each serving of rice stew

All come with golden pots

Intelligent rice cooker realizes the perfect integration of traditional rice cooker and intelligent technology, it is composed of modules such as storage cold storage, cooking, and dining equipment, using mechanical cooking modules to control the precise heat of 36 stove heads at the same time, opening the lid, refueling, adding ingredients and other operation links are automatically completed, ensuring that every customer can enjoy the authentic pot rice with golden pot. The cooking time of each pot of rice is about 15-20 minutes, and the efficiency of each device is 100-120 servings/hour.

Winter Olympics Smart Restaurant Revealed: Shunde Celebrity Chef "Teaching", behind the scenes team from the Greater Bay Area

Smart rice cooker

The "master" of the smart wok

Is a famous chef in Shunde

Intelligent wok is the main force of Chinese cooking, which can realize the automatic integration of feeding, stir-frying, oil and water addition, washing pots, loading plates and meals. Specially invited the "World Capital of Gastronomy" Shunde top ten famous chefs, the whole process of participating in the research and development of cooking automation, the chef's heat control, stir-frying methods, feeding order and other cooking processes into programs, perfectly reproducing the skills of Fengcheng celebrity chefs.

Winter Olympics Smart Restaurant Revealed: Shunde Celebrity Chef "Teaching", behind the scenes team from the Greater Bay Area

Smart wok

The smart wok can cook a variety of boutique dishes according to the recipe. After the dishes are served, they can be automatically transmitted without contact by the cloud rail transmission system and delivered to the table in the form of "falling from the sky", and the whole process takes only 6-10 minutes.

Increase the Atmosphere of the Spring Festival

Developed dumpling ravioli machine

During the Spring Festival, the restaurant specially developed a dumpling ravioli machine, and the steaming dumplings can make the global media fully feel the strong Chinese New Year flavor. The equipment integrates the traditional boiling process to realize automatic feeding, fresh cooking of broth, and meals. Equipped with 6 cooking baskets, make a dumpling for about 10 minutes, a ravioli for about 6 minutes, and you can eat about 60 meals per hour.

Cook in 6 minutes

One serving of spicy and hot

Spicy hot ironing machine with intelligent single, self-service soup selection and other functions, can manage 8 stoves at the same time, each with a wealth of spicy hot, only 6 minutes can be cooked, the entire equipment can produce about 70 meals per hour. From taking ingredients, cooking to the meal is fully automatic, the kitchen is bright, reducing human contact, safety and hygiene.

Smart bartending is flowing

The coolest thing is a smart bartending device, through the dexterous "arm" to take the cup, ice cup, set the cup, like a bartender to complete the complex mixing, show the intelligent shaking action, the action is like a cloud flowing water, only 3-5 minutes can make a variety of colorful, unique taste of a variety of cocktails.

Winter Olympics Smart Restaurant Revealed: Shunde Celebrity Chef "Teaching", behind the scenes team from the Greater Bay Area

Smart bartender

16 fried baskets started at the same time

120 snacks can be fried in 1 hour

Winter Olympics Smart Restaurant Revealed: Shunde Celebrity Chef "Teaching", behind the scenes team from the Greater Bay Area

Smart snack fryer

Snack frying machine can realize from the cold storage discharge, frying cooking to boxed meal full automation, through intelligent temperature control, no need for manual operation, automatic identification of different ingredients according to the order, automatic extraction to the frying oven station, each frying oven can be for different ingredients, different processes independent control of frying temperature and time, 16 frying baskets at the same time, the meal efficiency of up to 120 parts / hour.


Meet in Beijing, struggle with me

Interviewee: Zhong Zhanpeng, project director of the smart restaurant of the main media center

Winter Olympics Smart Restaurant Revealed: Shunde Celebrity Chef "Teaching", behind the scenes team from the Greater Bay Area

Zhong Zhanpeng said, "Being able to have the opportunity to serve the Winter Olympics is a common honor for enterprises and team members, and each of us is proud. Guided by 'Meet in Beijing, Struggle with Me', with the fullest enthusiasm, passion and vitality, we deliver the most sincere service to friends from all over the world. ”

In March 2021, the group that provides services for smart restaurants set up a Beijing area to form a full-time and professional team to prepare for the smart restaurant project.

In December 2021, the smart restaurant was completed and put into trial operation. The group dispatched its hotel and property sectors to form a restaurant operation team of nearly 300 people together with the Beijing area. In accordance with the requirements of the Winter Olympic Organizing Committee, the team staff actively participated in a series of training courses such as catering service work specifications and common English for the Winter Olympics, and successfully passed the assessment.

On January 4, 2022, the smart restaurant officially launched the trial operation and entered the closed-loop management of the game. In order to do a good job in epidemic prevention and control and comply with the requirements of closed-loop management, the restaurant staff have completed 3 doses of vaccination, and regularly carried out new crown testing, and strictly implemented various epidemic prevention measures in strict accordance with the "Winter Olympics Epidemic Prevention Manual".

Zhong Zhanpeng introduced, "During the trial operation from January 4 to 22, more than 1,700 journalists and broadcasters from all over the world will carry out pre-game preparations in advance in the main media center. By the time of the race, the venue is expected to host an average of around 5,000 to 6,000 registered photojournalists and rights holders per day. The restaurant service will continue until the end of the Winter Paralympic Games in mid-March, with a longer project cycle. Doing a good job in epidemic prevention and control is the biggest test of restaurant operation, and the restaurant will put food safety first, pay attention to source control, and ensure that nothing goes wrong. ”

Reporters observe

In Interactive Emotions

Promote the concept of "contactless dining"

Whether the smart restaurant is a "gimmick" or not, can it be applied to the "wisdom" appropriately, not only to solve the problem of smart devices in the cooking and service process to achieve real "wisdom", rather than "decoration" into "toys".

With more and more smart restaurants "showing their faces", seeing the specifications of the "world" getting bigger and bigger, enterprises headquartered in Foshan, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, their research and development and manufacturing of intelligent catering equipment is also more and more "fan", more and more capable, will do more and more dishes, snacks are also more and more. In September 2020, the 2020 Guangdong 21st Century Maritime Silk Road International Expo opened in Guangzhou, the group with 23 independent research and development of intelligent equipment to participate in the exhibition, this is its debut in a large-scale exhibition; at present, the intelligent and automatic catering equipment in the smart restaurant has been widely used in scenic spots, pavilions, transportation hubs and other diversified scenes in 30 provinces and cities across the country.

The Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area points out that the Greater Bay Area should accelerate the adjustment of the manufacturing structure and promote the intelligent development of the manufacturing industry.

As the representative of "intelligent manufacturing" in the Greater Bay Area, smart restaurants not only benefit the public with the power of science and technology, but also directly visualize the concept of "contactless catering". At the moment when the global epidemic prevention and control is normalized, smart restaurants meet people's demand for "contactless catering", and also conform to the trend of high-quality development of the manufacturing industry.

Written by: Nandu reporter Xiao Yang

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