
A derailment and a lifelong traitor

author:Sister with enough

A derailment and a lifelong traitor


He cheated and returned, and you chose to readmit it in order for your children to have a complete home. But when you see him doing nothing, you are indignant and don't want to spare him. But the normal days have to go on...

In fact, he is losing a lot, but he can't see it on the surface, because it's very essential and long-term. He loses your trust in him, loses your kindness to him, and loses the comfort of his future middle-aged and elderly people. Especially when your child has a third generation in the future, you will become one with the younger generations, and he will be alone. Because the infidelity was essentially a betrayal of the entire family, he was a traitor on a spiritual level. His old age will not be good.

A derailment, a lifetime of debt repayment, that is his own karma to complete, you don't have to worry about it.

You do your best and live your best. Take a long-term view.

Sister @ Ben is self-sufficient

Written for girls who have suffered trauma in their marriages, cheering you on and giving you strength.

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