
Living in a chicken feather? These three tricks will help you rebuild your life

author:A rainbow that loves to think

Chen Chen is a manager of a foreign company, and she is the object of envy of everyone when her career is on the rise. However, due to only a single focus on work, her life fell into an unprecedented hectic situation, and unsatisfactory things gradually broke her mentality...

At this moment, Chenchen was invited to join a 90-day game and started a 3-month management training with 7 small partners from all walks of life.

What challenges will they face next? At the end of the game, can ChenChen successfully get rid of the original troubles?

And with me opened the book "Making Good Use of Time" and listened to Teacher Ye Wubin tell us.

"Making Good Use of Time" is another masterpiece by Ye Wubin, the founder of Easy Effect. Unlike High Energy Essentials, this book incorporates real student cases and shows us an efficient approach to time management in a storytelling way.

Living in a chicken feather? These three tricks will help you rebuild your life

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Like many of us, the protagonists in the book are troubled by trivialities, confusion in life, and mental fatigue. So, how did they finally overcome the difficulties they had and start a new life?

By mastering the following three tricks, we can also improve our effectiveness and reshape our lives.

First, event management - distinguish the priority and secondary, eat the "frog" first

The author said: "In fact, 99.99999999999% of the world has nothing to do with us, we can't decide and can't affect, and that less than 0.000000000001% of the things are worth our attention." ”

When I saw this sentence, I was deeply touched, and I recalled that my attention had been too distracted.

For example, when writing, I will always stop to deal with the information from WeChat, the email that suddenly pops up on the computer... And these trifles are basically irrelevant to the important events of the day.

To improve efficiency, the book says, "We need to delete some things that are not related to ourselves according to our current life vision and work priorities."

Detached from the irrelevant chores, the real things that deserve attention are clear at a glance.

As for how to do that 0.00000000001% thing well, it depends on whether we have the determination to eat the "frog" first.

The "frog" here is not a creature of nature, it refers to the most important or tricky thing in each day.

Living in a chicken feather? These three tricks will help you rebuild your life

Why eat it in the first place? Because after eating the "frog", all that is left is a piece of cake.

Therefore, to improve efficiency, we must distinguish the priority of the incident and make up our minds to prioritize the most difficult "frogs".

Second, mind management - collect chores and focus on the present

In daily life, have you ever felt that something has not been done, but you can't remember what it is?

At the end of the day, just thinking about these vaguely remembered things has taken us a lot of time and energy, not to mention how efficient it can be.

So, how can we get rid of this "vague memory" problem? They always inadvertently break into our heads and upset people.

To solve this problem, the author's advice is: collect chores.

The book compares the human brain to a CPU in a computer that slows down if multiple programs are running at the same time. Therefore, to improve performance, you must focus your mind on what is happening in the moment.

Living in a chicken feather? These three tricks will help you rebuild your life

And the action of "collecting" can effectively help us focus on the present moment.

We collect trivial, pop-up ideas and ideas and put them in phone memos or computer documents.

Such an approach is equivalent to transferring the pending transactions to the "second brain." At this point, doesn't our original mind have enough storage space to deal with important things?

Therefore, to improve efficiency, you need to empty your brain, move all the chores to a reliable hard disk, and focus on the current affairs.

Third, emotional management - brave face, enjoy life

The plane flight is delayed, if we blindly complain, things will go in a good direction? In the face of difficult work projects, if we fall into fear, can we still have the strength to overcome the difficulties?

Have you ever had the trouble of being held back by emotions? Once we are led by emotions, is there any effectiveness in life?

Therefore, the author tells us: "Only by managing your emotions can you manage your effectiveness." ”

Living in a chicken feather? These three tricks will help you rebuild your life

We've all experienced to some extent how negative emotions prevent us from focusing on important things. Therefore, it is necessary to master emotional management in order to improve the efficiency of doing things.

So, how can you not be disturbed by emotions? The author points out that we must understand a truth: "All that happens is to bless us... That way we will truly enjoy everything that comes to us. ”

This reminds me of Dr. Yang Dingyi's view in the book "Abundance": believing that everything is the best arrangement, you can live a rich life.

In life, we will always encounter people or things that make us uncomfortable, escape and complaining can not help us overcome difficulties, only bravely face, in order to further grow!

Therefore, the improvement of efficiency requires us to clearly understand that the adversities in life are to help us improve ourselves, and we must enjoy life and obtain the freedom of the heart!

Write at the end:

One of the sentences that impressed me most in this book is: "How to live a day is how to live a lifetime." ”

Improve efficiency, starting with time management.

Reinvent your life, starting today!

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