
Do you know how to judge your baby's calcium deficiency? There are a variety of phenomena here that indicate that your baby is deficient in calcium

In the process of growing up, parents are most concerned about the health of their children.

Then, parents naturally pay attention to whether the baby is deficient in calcium.

If the baby is deficient in calcium and parents want to give their children calcium supplements, what should they eat? What kind of calcium supplement is good?

Do you know how to judge your baby's calcium deficiency? There are a variety of phenomena here that indicate that your baby is deficient in calcium

Over the years, calcium has been busy...

Do you know? If you blindly supplement calcium to your child, it will cause your child to supplement calcium in excess, but it may lead to constipation in your child, affect mineral absorption, and may even lead to kidney stones!!!!!

So, how do we judge whether the child is deficient in calcium, and how to correctly supplement the child's calcium?

Manifestations of calcium deficiency in babies

1, teeth late or teeth arrangement sparse, not neat, not tight, some baby's teeth will be black pointed or serrated, and not hard enough, chewing hard food will be some difficult.

2, more experienced doctors if you touch the baby's ribs, if it is softer, a press a pit into it, this may also be a lack of calcium.

3, easy to wake up, sleep is not steady. A little sound will frighten, some babies are prone to sweating after falling asleep, this sweat is not the usual much, is a lot of sweat like a small pea.

4, the fontanelle closed late, 18 months have not been closed, and the fontanelle is larger.

5, the baby toddler late, 13 months after the start of toddler, some babies after walking, there are O-shaped legs or X-shaped legs.

6. Muscle relaxation, abdominal bulge is often frog-like, and movement and intellectual development are slow.

7. Yellowing and thinning hair, occipital hair ring, hair loss often occurs on the back of the head.

Love tip: If the baby has the above symptoms of calcium deficiency, it is recommended that parents take their children to the hospital for a trace element examination, and if the calcium deficiency is diagnosed, they can use drugs according to the doctor's guidance and review it regularly.

Ways to give your baby calcium supplements

Do you know how to judge your baby's calcium deficiency? There are a variety of phenomena here that indicate that your baby is deficient in calcium


Food supplements.

In the baby calcium supplement method, food supplements are the best, mainly because they do not have side effects like drugs. If the baby's calcium deficiency is not very serious, you can pay attention to adding shrimp skin, beans, fish and other foods in the usual diet. Eat less vegetables and other foods that affect calcium absorption.


Eat calcium supplements.

Sometimes the baby can not keep up with the calcium supplement by eating alone, and the baby's calcium deficiency is more serious, so it is necessary to take calcium for the baby appropriately. When taking calcium, it should be noted that different calcium absorption is different, and the calcium content is also different. According to data, calcium carbonate contains about 40%, calcium acetate 29%, calcium citrate 21%, dibasic calcium phosphate 15%, calcium lactate 13%, calcium gluconate 9%. Experts pointed out that products with high calcium content and relatively low prices should be selected. Although the calcium lactate content is not very high, the absorption effect is good, and it is a good choice for calcium supplementation for babies.


cod liver oil.

Cod liver oil is rich in vitamin D, which promotes your baby's digestion and absorption of calcium. Eat 1-2 a day.



In addition to the above food supplements and calcium supplements, there are more practical ways to let the baby bask in the sun. Sunshine is a good supplement of vitamin D, which can ensure that the calcium intake of the baby during meals can be well absorbed. Baby basking in the sun should not be separated by glass, that does not have much effect, and choose the right time according to the change of temperature.

Do you know how to judge your baby's calcium deficiency? There are a variety of phenomena here that indicate that your baby is deficient in calcium

There are old people who often say that they don't need to eat calcium tablets, and they can hold their babies and bask in the sun.

Can you use scientific calcium supplementation in the sun?

Because the body relies on vitamin D after absorbing calcium, and then forms bones and so on. Therefore, more exposure to sunlight can promote the synthesis of vitamin D, thereby promoting the absorption of calcium.

The above symptoms are indicative of the baby's calcium deficiency, and mothers should pay attention to it. But this does not mean that the appearance of these necessarily indicates that the baby is deficient in calcium, and it should be analyzed in combination with other factors. There is also a corresponding method of calcium supplementation, and timely calcium supplementation for the baby.


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Do you know how to judge your baby's calcium deficiency? There are a variety of phenomena here that indicate that your baby is deficient in calcium
Do you know how to judge your baby's calcium deficiency? There are a variety of phenomena here that indicate that your baby is deficient in calcium
Do you know how to judge your baby's calcium deficiency? There are a variety of phenomena here that indicate that your baby is deficient in calcium
Do you know how to judge your baby's calcium deficiency? There are a variety of phenomena here that indicate that your baby is deficient in calcium
Do you know how to judge your baby's calcium deficiency? There are a variety of phenomena here that indicate that your baby is deficient in calcium

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