
The content preview of the first episode of the large-scale humanistic documentary "Shijingshan" "Xianshan Context"

The content preview of the first episode of the large-scale humanistic documentary "Shijingshan" "Xianshan Context"

Trailer for the first episode of "Immortal Mountain Context"


Large-scale humanistic documentary "Shijingshan"

Episode 1 "Immortal Mountain Context"

In Beijing, Xianshan has never been a vague and illusory concept, but a tangible geographical existence. Less than 30 miles west of Tiananmen Square, a 168-meter-high hill, which for thousands of years has always been known as the First Immortal Mountain of Yandu, 85 square kilometers, 560,000 people shijingshan district so named, the thousand years of the capital culture also flourished.

The content preview of the first episode of the large-scale humanistic documentary "Shijingshan" "Xianshan Context"
The content preview of the first episode of the large-scale humanistic documentary "Shijingshan" "Xianshan Context"

Three thousand years of the big city of Beijing, the well-documented history of civilization began from Jicheng. However, for many years, the specific location of the ancient thistle city has always been a mystery. In 1965, with the excavation of a cultural relic in the Beijing subway project, the mystery of the millennium was finally solved, and an ancient ruler and epitaph from 1700 years ago proved that the location of the ancient Jicheng City was in the area of the Huicheng Gate Bridge in Beijing today. The thousand-year-old cultural context has thus been cleared up, and the urban cultural business card of Zebei jingxi has also been formed.

The content preview of the first episode of the large-scale humanistic documentary "Shijingshan" "Xianshan Context"
The content preview of the first episode of the large-scale humanistic documentary "Shijingshan" "Xianshan Context"

The relics of Xian Shan are just the beginning of the story of Shijingshan's context: the Buddha tooth relics in the eight major places, the exquisite murals of Fahai Temple, the oar sound of Pangcun Gudu, and the Thousand Camel Bells of the Motaikou Ancient Road – all of this has left an unparalleled cultural heritage for Shijingshan, which is known as the right arm of Shenjing. As an important bearer of the Yongdinghe Cultural Belt in Xishan, whether Shijingshan District can inherit the innate cultural endowments and use this golden business card to help the city achieve an overall gorgeous turnaround on the occasion of the Winter Olympics, which will be the most anticipated urban reform proposition under the five rings.

The content preview of the first episode of the large-scale humanistic documentary "Shijingshan" "Xianshan Context"
The content preview of the first episode of the large-scale humanistic documentary "Shijingshan" "Xianshan Context"

The more the past is a thousand years, everything can be expected

It's all there

Large-scale humanistic documentary

Episode 1 - "Immortal Mountain Context"

The content preview of the first episode of the large-scale humanistic documentary "Shijingshan" "Xianshan Context"

The first episode of "Immortal Mountain Context" aired

January 20

Premiere Time:

Beijing Satellite TV: 8:00-8:30

News Channel: 8:00-8:30

Replay time:

News Channel 20:37 (same day)

News Channel 15:00 (next day)

Shooting units

Propaganda Department of the SHIJINGSHAN DISTRICT COMMITTEE OF THE CPC Beijing Municipality

Beijing Radio and Television Station

The content preview of the first episode of the large-scale humanistic documentary "Shijingshan" "Xianshan Context"

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