
"Do it yourself, have enough food and clothing" "Military and Civilian Mass Production" Listen to music stories and chase the love years

author:Bright Net

Recently, under the guidance of the State Administration of Radio and Television and the Central Radio and Television Corporation, and jointly produced by the IPTV general score platform, the series of works of "One Song, One City, And Fine Exhibition Season" landed in the IPTV Song City Special Zone, and appeared simultaneously on more than 20 new media platforms such as Youku, Tencent, and iQiyi, praising the new era with the "one city, one song" model. Among them, the Gansu music story work "Military and Civilian Large-scale Production" starts from five groups of character stories, praises the fighting spirit of "self-reliance and hard struggle" of the military-civilian large-scale production movement, and shows the lofty style of the people building a great motherland in the new era.

The times wrote praises, and "Military and Civilian Large-scale Production" resounded throughout the land of Longyuan

The song "Military-Civilian Mass Production" was born in the early 1940s, during the most difficult strategic stalemate of the War of Resistance Against Japan. At a grim historical juncture, the people of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region actively responded to the party's call and launched a vigorous large-scale production campaign to achieve self-sufficiency. When zhang Hanhui, the "people's artist", was infected by the fiery labor scenes of the military and the people in this area, he combined the tune of Xintianyou with the local folk song "Push Fried Noodles" to create this song.

"Do it yourself, have enough food and clothing" "Military and Civilian Mass Production" Listen to music stories and chase the love years

"The Eighth Route Army is full of excitement and the melody is majestic and heroic, singing the surging enthusiasm of the masses for production and labor and the beautiful yearning for a happy life. As a work that integrates the revolutionary spirit with local folk songs, "Military and Civilian Large-scale Production" was widely circulated as soon as it came out, becoming a spiritual booster for all the military and the people to fight against the world, overcome difficulties, and create a better life.

The torch will never be extinguished, and the revolutionary spirit of the past will last forever

In the musical story work "Military and Civilian Mass Production", Xia Shipeng, director of the Nanliang Revolution Memorial Hall in Huachi County, Qingyang City, Gansu Province, traces the history of the origin and tells the birth process of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Bian Revolutionary Base Area. In the 1920s and 1930s, the Northwest Communists created the Shaanxi-Gansu-Bian Revolutionary Base Area centered on Southern Liang. As an old revolutionary area, the Shaanxi-Gansu-Bian revolutionary base area has written a glorious chapter in the history of the Chinese revolution, and the spirit of labor praised in "Large-scale Production of The Army and the People" has also radiated from here throughout the country, attracting many young people to visit and study in the memorial hall every year and inherit the revolutionary spirit.

"Do it yourself, have enough food and clothing" "Military and Civilian Mass Production" Listen to music stories and chase the love years

During the period of large-scale production, the heroic sons and daughters represented by Zhang Zhencai relied on themselves, and in 10 days they opened up 25 mu of land, cultivated 98 mu of land, harvested 27 stones of grain, realized the good wish of "cultivating one more than one", and displayed the revolutionary spirit of arduous struggle and indomitable perseverance. As a native of Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region, He Weimin, director of the Longdong Sub-district Memorial Hall in the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region, is deeply touched by the earth-shaking changes around him. Housing has become a high-rise building, and travel is more convenient. He Weimin said emotionally: "Although the era of military and civilian large-scale production is somewhat distant from now, the spirit of that year should be continued from generation to generation and the red gene should be passed down from generation to generation." ”

"Do it yourself, have enough food and clothing" "Military and Civilian Mass Production" Listen to music stories and chase the love years

A new chapter in the era of common composition, rural revitalization shines with the glory of struggle

Thanks to the unremitting struggle and efforts of the party and the people, the hot land of Gansu has "changed the world." The infrastructure has gradually improved, the industrial economy has flourished, and the ecological environment has been greatly improved. In the music story short, the land of Longyuan presents a green scene.

In the inheritance of the red gene, the people of Longyuan in the new era inherit and carry forward the revolutionary tradition and build a beautiful homeland with their own diligent hands. After graduating from Peking University Law School, Luo Jie, 34, became a township cadre in Qingyang City. The changes in this hot land have excited Luo Jie, and Heshui County, Qingyang City, Gansu Province, has inherited and carried forward the spirit of the old district, and steadily realized agricultural mechanization, production automation and diversification of sales platforms. At the same time, the series of activities of square dance and cultural month have been carried out in an orderly manner, and the spiritual life of the local people has become more and more abundant.

"Do it yourself, have enough food and clothing" "Military and Civilian Mass Production" Listen to music stories and chase the love years

For filmmaker Wang Yong, "Military and Civilian Mass Production" has a special significance. In 2021, he combined the strong regional characteristics and the spirit of the times in the song to create the film of the same name "Military and Civilian Mass Production", which further promoted the spirit of military and civilian large-scale production in the form of images. At present, the film is on tour in major universities in Gansu Province. Wang Yong said: "Everyone was touched by the dedication of the revolutionary martyrs, which made us feel particularly proud and felt that it was very meaningful to make this kind of film. ”

"Do it yourself, have enough food and clothing" "Military and Civilian Mass Production" Listen to music stories and chase the love years

The red blood has been passed down from generation to generation, and the spirit of struggle has been passed down from generation to generation. The musical story work of "Military and Civilian Large-scale Production" takes the people's self-reliance as the keynote, uses the production and construction of the times as the brushstroke, plays praise to the vast number of labor heroes, and also draws a spiritual blueprint for the young people in the new era who are born in the prosperous era. "A Song, a City, a Fine Exhibition Season" takes the contemporary people as the perspective and uses music to connect the story of the city. More music story works will be available soon, so stay tuned!

Source: China Net

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