
Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Chengdu Museum will launch a series of exhibitions to reminisce about the burning years

author:Red Star News

In order to pay tribute to the centenary of the Communist Party of China, chengdu museum will successively launch a series of exhibitions entitled "Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China". On June 29th, the "Red Star Glory City • Centennial Casting Brilliant Exhibition" and "Red Centennial - National Revolutionary Cultural Relics Picture Selection Exhibition" will be opened together, using cultural relics, physical objects, images, archives, etc. to tell the story of the century; on July 15, Chengbo will also launch the "Tianfu Photo Album - Chengdu Centennial Photo Exhibition" to show the audience the unique urban temperament and precious urban memory of Chengdu in the past century.

A strategic town in the rear area of the War of Resistance

It is understood that the upcoming series of exhibitions "Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China" at the Chengdu Museum will present the turbulent history of Chengdu as a strategic town in the rear area of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. Starting from the revolutionary exploration of outstanding Bashu progressive youth and intellectuals such as Wang Guangqi, Wu Yuzhang, and Wang Youmu, the exhibition tells how Sichuan revolutionaries closely linked their personal ideals with the destiny of the country on the road of revolution and in the ocean of revolutionary forces.

From the establishment of the Young Chinese Society in Beijing by Young Sichuan Youth Wang Guangqi and Zhou Taixuan, to the actions of Wu Yuzhang, Wang Youmu, Li Jieren, and others in Chengdu, especially the arrival of many literary and art figures and scholars after the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Chengdu's cultural and educational undertakings have developed rapidly. "Sunday", "Rensheng" newspaper, "Sichuan Xiaobao", "Loud Weekly" and other positions for disseminating new ideas have formed a symphony in Chengdu and cultivated a large number of young people with lofty ideals.

Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Chengdu Museum will launch a series of exhibitions to reminisce about the burning years

"Voice of Man" newspaper Chengdu City Archives Collection

After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Sichuan became the rear base for the rejuvenation of the Anti-Japanese War and a strategic center for the great rear area of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.

Pioneer of construction before and after reform and opening up

The series of exhibitions "Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China" will also present the vigorous appearance of Chengdu in ushering in a new era after the founding of New China. How the people of Chengdu quickly established political power, stabilized order, and resumed production, and how the city's old twilight was swept away, the valuable materials of this history will be displayed in this exhibition.

The series of exhibitions will also show the new development of Chengdu people under new historical conditions after the founding of New China: during the "First Five-Year Plan" period, Chengdu was identified as one of the eight key industrialization construction cities in the country, and modern industry began to take off; during the period of third-line construction, Chengdu, as the command center, seized the historical opportunity and built a modern industrial system; since the reform and opening up, Chengdu has been standing at the forefront of reform and exploration.

In the history of this brave tide and turbulent modernization construction, Chengdu has written a number of "first" stories, leaving many historical "firsts":

For example, from the birth of China's first black-and-white picture tube and the first projection picture tube state-owned red light electron tube factory, to the first production of black and white television sets in the southwest region, to the first experimental opening of digital television in the country, from industrial production to people's livelihood services, Chengdu has always been in the leading position in the country.

Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Chengdu Museum will launch a series of exhibitions to reminisce about the burning years

Hongming Radio Equipment Factory employee Huang Yongzhong's work notes

Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Chengdu Museum will launch a series of exhibitions to reminisce about the burning years

Picture tube (state-owned red light electron tube factory)

Another example is that on July 1, 1952, the first trunk railway after the founding of New China, the Chengdu-Chongqing Railway, was fully opened to traffic, and on the same day, the Baocheng Railway, the first railway passage out of Sichuan, broke ground; from the end of the history of Sichuan's lack of railways to the connection with the national railway network, Chengdu ushered in an economic leap.

For example, in 1980, the first Sichuan restaurant "RongYuan" of the Sino-US joint venture opened in New York, becoming the first cooperation project in China's catering industry after the reform and opening up of the country - since then, Sichuan cuisine has embarked on the international stage; 6 years later, China's first farm was born in the Xujia compound of Nongke Village in Pi County (now Pidu District) in Chengdu - since then, a new rural tourism development model has been opened.

A park city under a snowy mountain

The series of exhibitions "Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China" will naturally also show the happy picture of Chengdu's development since the 21st century, especially the outstanding results of Chengdu's "three cities and three capitals" construction in recent years. Among them, the exhibition will focus on the expression of ecological values that Chengdu has always advocated during its development, focusing on the moving moments of Chengdu, a park city under the snowy mountains.

Taking the fertile wilderness of the country of Tianfu as the model, as the first mention of the park city, Chengdu actively builds and practices the new development concept of the park city demonstration area, creates a landscape with the organic integration of nature, economy, society and humanities, and promotes the natural and orderly growth of the city.

Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Chengdu Museum will launch a series of exhibitions to reminisce about the burning years

In 1998, the Chengdu Funanhe Project won the United Nations Habitat Award

Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Chengdu Museum will launch a series of exhibitions to reminisce about the burning years

Post-disaster Reconstruction and Development Model City Award

The current park city of Chengdu is no longer just a proposal, "living like a Chengdu people" has become a way of life; "the window contains a thousand autumn snows in Xiling" is no longer just a famous sentence in history, but also a picture of the daily life of Chengdu people - Chengdu, the only city in the world that can look at the snow mountains above 5,000 meters, has written "snow mountains" in the city's business card.

Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Chengdu Museum will launch a series of exhibitions to reminisce about the burning years

On June 8, 2021, you can look at the snow-capped mountains in downtown Chengdu. (Photo by Red Star News reporter Wang Xiao)

Through the pages and chapters of the series of exhibitions "Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China", the Chengdu Museum hopes to present to the audience one by one the red memories of the past century, the various blood and passions of the past century, and how generations of Chinese have awakened in the difficulties of the world, cut through thorns in difficulties, struggled in the waves, and marched towards the future in the dawn.

Red Star News reporter Qiao Xueyang Zeng Qi

Edited by Li Xueli

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Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Chengdu Museum will launch a series of exhibitions to reminisce about the burning years

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