
"Invisible Elephant" - Yang Yang is generous and the weather is endless

author:Ding Qian calligraphy art
"Invisible Elephant" - Yang Yang is generous and the weather is endless

The phrase "invisible elephant" comes from the forty-first chapter of Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching. When Lao Tzu talked about the supreme realm of the "Tao", he quoted such sayings as "great white is humiliating, generous and boundless, great instrument is late, big sound is loud, elephant is invisible", which means: "The whitest things seem to be dirty, the grand square (image) generally cannot see the edges and corners, the grand (human) material (object) instruments generally mature later, the grand rhythm often sounds thin, and the grand momentum scene seems to have no definite shape."

"Elephant invisible" can be understood as: the world's great, magnificent, sublime and magnificent style and realm, often do not stick to certain things and patterns, but show the appearance and scene of "thousands of weather".

"Invisible Elephant" - Yang Yang is generous and the weather is endless

In a simple way, the ancients elucidated the macro positioning and development orientation of Chinese culture. It is very appropriate to use "elephant invisible" to describe one of the characteristics of Chinese culture, and to summarize its great spiritual temperament of generosity, eclecticism, all-encompassing and unlimited vitality.

In the practice of thousands of years, this "elephant invisible" culture, as an intangible spiritual foundation and vitality resource, has been consciously or unconsciously maintained and carried forward by generations of Chinese, and has become an important condition for the Chinese nation to continue to grow and expand, to endure countless disasters without decay and collapse, and to be able to achieve success and glory.

"Invisible Elephant" - Yang Yang is generous and the weather is endless

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