
Hongmeng + 6000mAh large-capacity battery, Huawei's new machine officially announced, will be launched soon

Hongmeng + 6000mAh large-capacity battery, Huawei's new machine officially announced, will be launched soon


2024-05-25 08:36Posted in Zhejiang Digital Creators

Huawei launched the Changxiang 70 mobile phone last year, using a 6.75-inch LCD waterdrop screen design, pre-installed Hongmeng 4.0 system, built-in 6000mAh large-capacity battery, support 22.5W fast charging, and have very good performance in battery life and fast charging.

Hongmeng + 6000mAh large-capacity battery, Huawei's new machine officially announced, will be launched soon

Next, Huawei Changxiang70S mobile phone is also coming, equipped with a large-capacity battery, strong battery life, according to the Huawei terminal document display: #华为畅享70S#, super battery life eye protection large-screen mobile phone, 5month28day10:08Pre-sale will be opened。

Huawei Enjoy 70S mobile phone will be available for pre-sale on May 28, and it can be seen from the pre-heating poster that the upcoming Huawei Enjoy 70S mobile phone has three different colors to choose from: Ice Crystal Blue, Snow White, and Yao Gold Black.

Hongmeng + 6000mAh large-capacity battery, Huawei's new machine officially announced, will be launched soon

For Huawei Changxiang70S mobile phone, ultra-long battery life is one of its highlights,Configuration6000mAhHuawei Giant Whale super battery life,Strong battery life,Huawei Enjoy operating system will be pre-installed HarmonyOS system,But its specific hardware configuration has not yet been announced。

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  • Hongmeng + 6000mAh large-capacity battery, Huawei's new machine officially announced, will be launched soon
  • Hongmeng + 6000mAh large-capacity battery, Huawei's new machine officially announced, will be launched soon

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