
Nezha Winter Olympics linkage before the Spring Festival on the shelves, special hardcover Zhang Fei was reinforced, and the name change card was weakened

Text/You Xiaoyu

With the Approaching Spring Festival holiday, many festival activities and skins of the Glory of the King have been announced one after another, so that players are completely excited, in addition to the five limited skins of the Year of the Tiger will be announced soon, there will also be a number of skins exposed on the shelves years ago, and there is also a linkage skin hidden in it. In addition, the new season due to the version of the strength of the problem by the player complained, the official is also gradually optimized, the original Canyon Hero strength adjustment has tended to balance, but in the latest experience suit changes, and completely let the players some do not understand the official.

Nezha Winter Olympics linkage before the Spring Festival on the shelves, special hardcover Zhang Fei was reinforced, and the name change card was weakened

Before the limited skin of the Year of the Tiger is listed, there are two new skins that will be exposed to the shelves, and at present, Han Xin's Ao Xuemei Gun has been warmed up, and only the special effects in the game have not yet been announced. The other new skin is the Winter Olympic linkage, combined with many exposure news to analyze, this skin should belong to Nezha, the previous exposure will have three Winter Olympic linkage skins, respectively, belong to the three heroes of Nezha, Mengqi and Shangguan Wan'er, and the first one on the shelves is the Nezha Winter Olympic linkage.

Nezha Winter Olympics linkage before the Spring Festival on the shelves, special hardcover Zhang Fei was reinforced, and the name change card was weakened

In fact, the news about this skin has a long history, as early as last season, the Winter Olympic Documentary official has announced some name sequences, of which the particularly eye-catching is the name of Nezha, so basically hammered Nezha will get the new skin of the Winter Olympics linkage. What is certain at present is that this skin will be warmed up next week, the skin poster and in-game effects will be gradually announced, and the skin will be officially launched before the Spring Festival.

Nezha Winter Olympics linkage before the Spring Festival on the shelves, special hardcover Zhang Fei was reinforced, and the name change card was weakened

In addition to the news of the new skin, the official also adjusted the hero strength again, but the adjustment content of the experience suit this time made the player stunned, as we all know, this season due to the emergence of the new equipment shock army tiger roar, resulting in the "special hardcover" Zhang Fei accidentally became popular, a piece of equipment directly let the Tanfu hero Zhang Fei, became a confrontation road T0 level hero, even if Ma Chao and other strong heroes, the line and team battles were all suppressed by the "special hardcover" Zhang Fei, and the players complained that countless finally attracted the attention of the official.

Nezha Winter Olympics linkage before the Spring Festival on the shelves, special hardcover Zhang Fei was reinforced, and the name change card was weakened

Originally in the previous adjustment, Zhang Fei's strength has been reduced to balance, but in the latest experience suit optimization, Zhang Fei has been enhanced again, in addition to output, shield and injury-free enhancement, but also has an outrageous deceleration ability, so that players once doubted, is the official to arrange new skins for Zhang Fei?

Nezha Winter Olympics linkage before the Spring Festival on the shelves, special hardcover Zhang Fei was reinforced, and the name change card was weakened

The specific changes this time are as follows, the basic shield value of the second skill has been increased to 550 due to 500, and the level growth has been correspondingly enhanced, so zhang Fei after the change is more meaty. After the special hardcover, Zhang Fei's skill hits the target, it will be accompanied by a slowdown that lasts for two seconds, and the two skills after the big change, the deceleration effect will also be superimposed.

Nezha Winter Olympics linkage before the Spring Festival on the shelves, special hardcover Zhang Fei was reinforced, and the name change card was weakened

In addition, the skill damage that was originally pulled back last week was enhanced again in the update, the two-skill basic skill damage was directly increased from 275 to 300, the growth increase was also enhanced, and when Zhang Fei's additional physical attack reached 150, the two-skill hit the enemy would also reduce the target output by 30%, lasting for up to two seconds.

Nezha Winter Olympics linkage before the Spring Festival on the shelves, special hardcover Zhang Fei was reinforced, and the name change card was weakened

Finally, there is a rather funny thing, the official enhanced the "special hardcover" Zhang Fei at the same time, but directly to the name change card to a wave of weakening, this wave of operations also let the players completely confused, after which the name change cycle of the name change card will be extended, from the initial 3 days can be changed once, changed to 15 days can be changed once, which for players who like to change their name frequently, it can be described as a heavy hammer.

Nezha Winter Olympics linkage before the Spring Festival on the shelves, special hardcover Zhang Fei was reinforced, and the name change card was weakened

From a personal point of view, before the arrival of the Spring Festival version update, the official interspersed with many small episodes, can be described as making players mixed, the exposure of a variety of new skins is indeed good news for players, but the re-enhancement of "special hardcover" Zhang Fei should make most players headaches, after all, at the beginning of the new season update, many players have experienced the nightmare dominated by "special hardcover" Zhang Fei, and now the experience service Zhang Fei has been enhanced, and the subsequent period of qualifying and peak matches, players will be worried about it again.

Nezha Winter Olympics linkage before the Spring Festival on the shelves, special hardcover Zhang Fei was reinforced, and the name change card was weakened

What do you think about the imminent exposure of the Nezha Winter Olympics linkage and the enhancement of the experience suit "special hardcover" Zhang Fei? Feel free to leave a comment in the comments section below.

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