
Lei Guanghua: The high-quality development of public hospitals is always on the road

author:Overseas network

Source: People's Daily News

Recently, Lei Guanghua, president of Xiangya Hospital of Central South University, made a guest appearance on the People's Network and People's Health", a series of programs on "Navigators Say - People's Doctors Salute the Centenary of the Founding of the Party" (click to view the program video). He said that the high-quality development of public hospitals is always on the road, and hospitals should adapt to the new situation in the process of development, resonate with the same frequency as the times, and optimize, reform and innovate according to the actual development experience of hospitals.

Lei Guanghua believes that the performance appraisal system of tertiary public hospitals is the baton, weather vane, steering wheel and booster for the development of public hospitals. At present, public hospitals across the country have entered a stage of high-quality development, and the implementation and promotion of performance appraisal can promote the high-quality development of public hospitals. Operations should be optimized through enhanced management, and business should be enhanced by optimizing operations, ultimately improving performance.

In order to give full play to the role of the performance appraisal baton, Lei Guanghua introduced that Xiangya Hospital put forward 18-character operation and management principles, that is, the hospital was required to "adjust the structure, control costs, improve efficiency, maintain the basics, tap potential, and open up new sources". Finally, by optimizing operation management, adjusting the business structure, and improving patient satisfaction and hospital social benefits.

Lei Guanghua said that through the reform of Xiangya Hospital in the past three years, the responsibilities and missions of hospital cadres and workers have become stronger and more cohesive, which has played a good role in promoting the construction and development of the hospital. In addition, as a research-oriented hospital, Xiangya Hospital should continue to find problems, analyze problems, solve problems in practice, and explore new methods and technologies for difficult and complicated diseases to better meet the needs of the people for medical treatment.

"Research hospitals should play a leading and exemplary role under the premise of completing basic tasks." Lei Guanghua introduced that Xiangya Hospital has launched the Xiangya model in the high-quality development of research hospitals. Hospitals require that we first improve the quality of hospital modernization management, improve the hospital management system, and optimize the hospital management system; secondly, to improve medical quality and safety services and optimize operation management to improve the efficiency of hospital development; in addition, we must strengthen medical innovation and create a talent team with both ability and political integrity.

How can public hospitals achieve high-quality development? Lei Guanghua believes that all development paths should form a joint force. The first is to lead the party building and promote development through party building; the second is the system guarantee, to form a single system, through the construction system, improve the hospital development system; in addition, to enhance the hospital culture, the hospital needs to strengthen cultural construction to promote high-quality development.

Lei Guanghua stressed that in the new stage of high-quality development of public hospitals, hospitals should grasp the new development pattern, implement the new development concept, do a good job in the high-quality development positioning of public hospitals, and live up to the requirements of the party and the government and the expectations of the people.

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