
On the long march of the Red Army, pneumonia was plagued by a major disease, and heroic Red Army soldiers defeated it

More than 80 years ago, 300,000 Red Army soldiers marched north from the revolutionary base areas in Ruijin and other places in Jiangxi Province, flew across the gushing rapids, crossed the snow-capped mountains, rushed out of layers of blockades, and broke through the smoke of thousands of miles. The soldiers of the Red Army, weak crowns and deaths, interpret ideals and beliefs, interpret lofty greatness, and interpret loyalty and boldness.

On the long march of the Red Army, pneumonia was plagued by a major disease, and heroic Red Army soldiers defeated it

More than 80 years later, what is less known is that the Red Army soldiers on the Long March Road were also plagued by pneumonia. He Cheng (1901-1992), also known as Li Ping, was a native of Shehong County, Sichuan Province. During the Long March, He Cheng served as the president and political commissar of the General Hospital of the Red Army. At that time, they got a German-made X-ray machine from Shanghai, which was the most advanced medical device in the Red Army. At the beginning of the Long March of the Red Army, He Cheng summed up several common diseases in the ranks of the Red Army - in addition to the usual combat injuries, malaria and dysentery are more common, but pneumonia and gastrointestinal diseases are the most prominent and the most difficult to cure.

On the long march of the Red Army, pneumonia was plagued by a major disease, and heroic Red Army soldiers defeated it

During the Long March, the commanders of the troops often took the lead in digging wild vegetables to fill the hunger, and gave the saved rations to the sick and wounded soldiers. Grassland is a wetland, there are also swamps, you can't stop when walking, you will sink down. At that time, the rations of many combat troops were cut off, and many officers and men could only rely on eating weeds, bark, and insects in the sludge to feed themselves.

Out of the meadow is a snowy mountain. The snow-capped mountains are high above sea level and the cold is striking. The terrible snow-capped mountains were so powerful that when the wind blew they were wrapped in snow flakes, and even people rolled up, and the officers and men crawled with difficulty. Sometimes, a strong wind blows and you can't see anything. After the fierce wind, many officers and men disappeared, and countless people were blown under the cliffs by the wind, fell into the snowy mountains, and froze to death on the spot.

On the long march of the Red Army, pneumonia was plagued by a major disease, and heroic Red Army soldiers defeated it

Zhang Yike, an old Red Army soldier, is a native of Wangjialing, Qingyun Township, Xuanhan County, Sichuan Province. During the Long March, he worked in the medical team of the 30th Army of the Red Fourth Front. He said that many officers and soldiers were suffering from pneumonia and the situation was very bad. While completing the rescue, the soldiers of the medical team also have to promote health and disease prevention knowledge, and also try to eat various weeds to find life-saving herbs for their comrades. In Zhang Yike's medical team, there were several hygienists who ate unknown weeds, and as a result, they were puffy and swollen, unfortunately poisoned, and died of abdominal pain. Later, they ate the folded ear root. The root of the folded ear is also known as houttuynia cordata. The use of houttuynia soup for the wounded was used to alleviate the symptoms of many pneumonia patients and save the lives of many soldiers on the Long March.

On the long march of the Red Army, pneumonia was plagued by a major disease, and heroic Red Army soldiers defeated it

Many old Red Army soldiers who came from the Long March did not pull out the houttuynia on the side of the road. They know that Houttuynia cordata is a natural and safe antibiotic, one of its functions is to help clear heat and anti-inflammatory, resist viruses, especially for a variety of inflammations including pneumonia, has a good effect.


On the long march of the Red Army, pneumonia was plagued by a major disease, and heroic Red Army soldiers defeated it

In the 1980s, the famous American journalist Thor Burtz visited the Long March of the Red Army at the age of 78. In his book "The Long March, an Unheard Story", Solberts began with the meaning: "The Long March is a great epic that tests the will, courage and strength of the Chinese Red Army." He also enthusiastically praised: "The Long March is a triumphant song of human survival... Once the spirit of the Long March is aroused, its power is endless. "In Salbots, the Long March is not only the path traveled by the heroic group, but also the code of the pioneering spirit of mankind.

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