
"Contemporary Female Marco Polo" in Italian tells the story of the overseas Chinese hometown of Zhejiang Ruian Intangible Cultural Heritage

Source: China News Network

Wenzhou, January 18 (Fan Yubin, Yan Xiaozhang) Hundreds of years ago, the Italian Marco Polo traveled to China, and later a "Marco Polo Travels" came out, opening the mysterious oriental door to the whole of Europe; hundreds of years later, Tang Yun, an Italian and "honorary citizen of Wenzhou", took advantage of the two-year "Ruian holiday" to read this thousand-year-old county, and wrote books in more than 100,000 Italians to tell his hometown about the beauty of the intangible heritage of Ruian in Wenzhou, Zhejiang.

"Contemporary Female Marco Polo" in Italian tells the story of the overseas Chinese hometown of Zhejiang Ruian Intangible Cultural Heritage

Visit Ruian Yuhai Building Photo by Yang Xiaotong

"Hometown people can also see the charm of Ruian Intangible Cultural Heritage." Tang Yun said that she was very happy that the "Discovery of Ryan Intangible Cultural Heritage" edited by her was officially published in Italy recently.

"2022 is the year of Sino-Italian culture and tourism, and the publication and distribution of the book not only allows Italians to understand the hometown of the overseas Chinese in Italy, increases the understanding and respect between Italians and overseas Chinese, but also allows the overseas Chinese to re-recognize and understand the beauty of the homeland, establish cultural self-confidence, and be proud of their hometown." Wang Xinhai, secretary of the party committee of the Ruian Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television, Tourism and Sports, said.

"Contemporary Female Marco Polo" in Italian tells the story of the overseas Chinese hometown of Zhejiang Ruian Intangible Cultural Heritage

Learn about Wenzhou drum lyrics photo by Yang Xiaotong

Tang Yun, formerly known as Bonino Gabriella (Bonino Gabriella), born in Turin, Italy, came to China alone in January 1987 and is known as the "contemporary female Marco Polo". On January 14, 2020, she moved to Ruian and was hired as a cultural consultant for the Sino-Italian Human Resources Industrial Park.

"Contemporary Female Marco Polo" in Italian tells the story of the overseas Chinese hometown of Zhejiang Ruian Intangible Cultural Heritage

Learn about Ryan Horn Sculpture photo by Yang Xiaotong

Shortly after coming to Ruian, the new crown pneumonia epidemic broke out, and Tang Yun's work in the Sino-Italian Human Resources Industrial Park could not be carried out. When she was idle, she flipped through books about Ryan's intangible cultural heritage and came up with the idea of writing books. "Wenzhou and Turin are international sister cities, and Ryan also has a lot of people living and working in Italy. I would like to write this book to introduce Ruian culture to my hometown, and promote the further expansion of Sino-Italian cultural tourism through this 'people-to-people diplomacy' approach." Tang Yun said.

"Contemporary Female Marco Polo" in Italian tells the story of the overseas Chinese hometown of Zhejiang Ruian Intangible Cultural Heritage

Learn about the color mosaic photo by Yang Xiaotong

Ruian is a famous overseas Chinese village, with more than 150,000 overseas Chinese in more than 100 countries and regions in the world, of which more than 50,000 are Ruian in Italy.

"Contemporary Female Marco Polo" in Italian tells the story of the overseas Chinese hometown of Zhejiang Ruian Intangible Cultural Heritage

Learn about bamboo weaving photo by Yang Xiaotong

In fact, Tang Yun had a long association with Ruian. More than 10 years ago, when she was working for China Radio International, she made a special trip to Ruian Dongyuan Village to interview Dongyuanmu movable type printing. A few days ago, Tang Yun once again walked into Dongyuan Village to visit Wang Fawan, the 35th generation inheritor of Dongyuan wood movable type printing.

Shui On currently has 139 items on the Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection List, 1 listed as UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage List in Urgent Need of Protection, and 4 listed on China's National Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection List. Like the wooden movable type printing technology in Dongyuan Village, many of Ruian's intangible cultural heritages have fallen in the alleys and fields, and many non-genetic heirs live in the countryside, and the road is far away.

"Contemporary Female Marco Polo" in Italian tells the story of the overseas Chinese hometown of Zhejiang Ruian Intangible Cultural Heritage

Learn about Dongyuan wood movable type printing Yan Xiaozhang photo

But for Tang Yun, this was not a problem. Urban and rural buses and bicycles are the "magic weapon" for her to visit Ruian Intangible Cultural Heritage and feel the charm of Intangible Cultural Heritage, and she has visited more than 60 non-genetic inheritors on the ground, and her footprints are all over Ruian. "Although the road is long and the translation process is not easy, I enjoy it." Tang Yun said.

From April 2020 to August 2021, Tang Yun cooperated with the Ruian Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Center to complete the book "Discovering the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Ruian", which was published and distributed in January 2022. The book details 64 Ruian intangible cultural heritage projects in more than 100,000 Italians, involving handicrafts, music arts, ethnic customs and other fields, including wooden movable type printing, Wenzhou drum words, rattan dance, blue clip valerian techniques, etc., as well as local intangible cultural heritage projects such as Ruian bamboo weaving, Ruian horn carving, Ruian high cavity, Caocun boneless flower lantern and so on.

"Contemporary Female Marco Polo" in Italian tells the story of the overseas Chinese hometown of Zhejiang Ruian Intangible Cultural Heritage

Cycling to visit Ruian Intangible Cultural Heritage Yang Xiaotong photo

Zheng Jianjun, director of the Ruian Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Center, said, "In the future, the book will be donated to the National Library of cities where overseas Chinese and Ethnic Chinese in Italy gather, and e-books will be issued. ”

Talking about the future plan, Tang Yun said, "If I have the conditions, I am very willing to stay in Ruian and settle down, continue to study Ruian intangible cultural heritage, and taste traditional Chinese culture. (End)

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