
In the face of external threats, North Korea tested missiles four times in the first month of this year, showing a tough attitude toward the United States

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Author: Battle Flash

According to CCTV News reported on the 17th, the ROK Joint Staff Headquarters reported on the 17th that the DPRK launched a UFO into the eastern waters of the peninsula on the same day. CCTV News said that this is the fourth time this year that the North Korean side has launched a suspected ballistic missile aircraft. According to another information released by the Japanese Coast Guard, north Korea is suspected of launching a ballistic missile on January 17. Xinhua News Agency previously quoted the KCNA report on the 6th that north Korea successfully tested a hypersonic missile on the 5th. KCNA announced on the 12th that the DPRK Academy for National Defense successfully conducted a hypersonic missile test launch on the 11th, and Kim Jong-un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, watched and guided the test. According to a report by KCNA on January 15, the North Korean North Pyongan Railway Mobile Missile Regiment conducted launch training on the 14th.

In the face of external threats, North Korea tested missiles four times in the first month of this year, showing a tough attitude toward the United States

In the first month of 2022, North Korea launched ballistic missiles four times in a row, a frequency that is extremely frequent. The United States, Japan and south Korea have all expressed great concern, and the United States has also prepared to increase sanctions and blockades against North Korea in response to its missile launch. Obviously, this did not scare North Korea, but successfully provoked north Korean anger, and the missile launch did not stop for a moment. As long as the United States and the ROK do not lift the blockade against the DPRK, its determination to develop ballistic missiles is not expected to be put down. North Korea is doing this for a reason.

In the face of external threats, North Korea tested missiles four times in the first month of this year, showing a tough attitude toward the United States

On the one hand, there are factors in the international environment. North Korea bears the brunt of military pressure from the United States and South Korea. The U.S. military has bases and garrisons in South Korea, and often conducts targeted exercises with South Korean troops. Such an external environment has always put North Korea in the illusion that it can be attacked at any time, and the national defense pressure is very high. In such a context, in order to resist the threat and seek self-preservation, it is inevitable that north Korea will develop various advanced weapons, after all, external threats are on its side and it has to guard against. Therefore, North Korea has come to this point, and the external military pressure brought by the United States and South Korea is one of the important reasons.

In the face of external threats, North Korea tested missiles four times in the first month of this year, showing a tough attitude toward the United States

On the other hand, it is determined by the DEVELOPMENT strategy of the DPRK. Giving priority to the development of the defense industry should be regarded as a national policy of the DPRK. And North Korea has always had a vision of a unified peninsula, and to achieve this goal, it is impossible to achieve this goal without a strong military force. Coupled with the fact that North Korea is still in a relatively poor state, it urgently needs a stable external environment in order to develop its own economy and improve the living standards of its people. The development of the defense industry is to obtain such an environment and then turn to economic development. All in all, North Korea is driven by internal contradictions in doing so.

In the face of external threats, North Korea tested missiles four times in the first month of this year, showing a tough attitude toward the United States

It has to be said that the DPRK's launch of missiles is bound to make the United States and South Korea jealous, a few days ago, the DPRK launched hypersonic missiles, although the US North American Air Defense Command did not issue a warning for the DPRK's test launch, but for safety reasons, the FAA instructed the flight from the US West Coast regional airport to be suspended for about 15 minutes. The deterrent power of hypersonic ballistic missiles has been shown, and flights have been grounded on the west coast of the United States. But this is bound to intensify again, and the contradictions between North Korea and the United States, Japan, and South Korea are bound to intensify again. After all, North Korea is not a force in their camp, not only a socialist country with different values, but also a north Korean friendship with China and Russia. It is inherently antagonistic to the United States and its allies.

In the face of external threats, North Korea tested missiles four times in the first month of this year, showing a tough attitude toward the United States

In the past, North Korea's military strength was relatively weak, it had no ability to threaten the United States, South Korea, and Japan, and it was also relatively honest that its sense of international presence was not strong, and everyone would not pay too much attention to it. Now it has begun to develop ballistic missiles, plus it is likely to already be a nuclear-armed state. Then its strategic deterrent is world-class. It is possible to directly strike and deter the United States, Japan, and South Korea, so naturally they do not want to see North Korea do such a test. It is inevitable to stand up against or even increase sanctions, especially since the United States is likely to continue to exert pressure on North Korea. The North Korean side will not easily give in, and its missile launch is to use military force to force the United States and South Korea to make concessions. In this way, you strengthen the military deterrent, and I increase the sanctions, which will inevitably lead to a further escalation of the situation.

In the face of external threats, North Korea tested missiles four times in the first month of this year, showing a tough attitude toward the United States

The stability of the peninsula is related to the national defense and security of Northeast China, and the Chinese side will not ignore it, and now China is calling for a peaceful resolution of relevant issues, so that the United States should not use sanctions to intensify contradictions. In fact, as long as the United States stops threatening North Korea, North Korea's plans to develop weapons will inevitably slow down. But in any case, North Korea is our neighbor, and relations have been good for many years, and we will never allow "chaos and war" here. The United States would do well to stop the sanctions and oppression of North Korea and join hands with China to peacefully resolve the Peninsula issue, which is the best choice, otherwise it is estimated that it will be a long struggle and confrontation.

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