
When he saw the robbery cave, the expert's heart was half cut off, fortunately the loss was slight, and the truth of the legend of the golden head was revealed

When he saw the robbery cave, the expert's heart was half cut off, fortunately the loss was slight, and the truth of the legend of the golden head was revealed

Under the long historical inheritance of thousands of years, China not only has a brilliant cultural grand scene, but also gives birth to countless treasures. Generations of artisans have exhausted their ability to create countless cultural relics, which are not only the condensation of their painstaking efforts, but also symbolize the profound aesthetic orientation and historical literary and artistic traditions. Although the Mo family, which stood on the side of the commoners, advocated "festival burial", and the Confucian "Yasheng" also agreed with the etiquette of thin burial, the noble gaomen clan obviously did not care.

When he saw the robbery cave, the expert's heart was half cut off, fortunately the loss was slight, and the truth of the legend of the golden head was revealed

Many emperors of the past, who had just succeeded to the throne, were busy building their own mausoleums, and construction began for decades. Ordinary nobles could not toss so much, so they took their most cherished collections to the ground in a grand and ceremonial manner. Most of the cultural relics passed down from generation to generation are re-excavated from the ground, so some people laugh that the practice of thick burial is "smuggling into the underworld". This situation prevailed in any dynasty, and thus the "underground gentleman" who sought this wealth was born.

When he saw the robbery cave, the expert's heart was half cut off, fortunately the loss was slight, and the truth of the legend of the golden head was revealed

In the eyes of many ordinary people, archaeology and tomb robbery are almost indistinguishable, but one is led by the official level, which is considered to be a legal start, while the other is done by individuals, so it is characterized as illegal. This view is extremely absurd. Tomb robbers only ask for money, and even if they have artistic vision and remove cultural relics, they are not out of appreciation and protection, but out of exchange for money.

When he saw the robbery cave, the expert's heart was half cut off, fortunately the loss was slight, and the truth of the legend of the golden head was revealed

They know that their behavior is illegal, they are afraid that they will be caught if they delay for a long time, and every time they find a "construction site", they will always use the fastest time to sweep the "harvest" away. Their methods were very crude, and often more artifacts were damaged than they had taken.

When he saw the robbery cave, the expert's heart was half cut off, fortunately the loss was slight, and the truth of the legend of the golden head was revealed

Archaeology is not the case, the country can hardly get the harvest from it, can only continue to invest money in it, the excavated treasures can not be sold, but carefully restored and processed as a cultural memory, displayed to everyone. Experts are more interested in the craftsmanship of cultural relics and the historical facts behind them, rather than focusing on the value of cultural relics. Moreover, the mainland knows the difficulty of cultural relics protection, and there are regulations that do not allow active search and excavation of ancient tombs, and will only carry out rescue passive excavations when they are forced to do so, such as building engineering facilities, reclaiming cultivated land, or when traces of tomb robbers have been found.

When he saw the robbery cave, the expert's heart was half cut off, fortunately the loss was slight, and the truth of the legend of the golden head was revealed

In Zaoyang, Hubei Province, there is a seemingly ordinary village. There has always been a legend here, in the Warring States period, this place belonged to the Chu State, here is a general with great military achievements, he has a strong and upright personality, always able to give blunt opinions to the King of Chu, for which he has also offended many colleagues, and the King of Chu himself does not look at him very well. His political enemies carefully fabricated "evidence" of his violation of the law and collectively appealed to the king of Chu to demand that he be severely punished.

When he saw the robbery cave, the expert's heart was half cut off, fortunately the loss was slight, and the truth of the legend of the golden head was revealed

The fainting King of Chu was furious when he saw this, and directly ordered the general to be arrested, and before he could distinguish, he cut off his head. When the people sent their souls to seek redress, the king of Chu suddenly realized that he had done something wrong, but his head had already been cut off and thrown away. The king of Chu, who could not regret it, found a craftsman, built a head for the general with gold, and built 9 tombs in a row, making it difficult for tomb robbers to identify the location of the real tomb. Therefore, the 9 mounds raised near the village are also known as the "Nine Piers".

When he saw the robbery cave, the expert's heart was half cut off, fortunately the loss was slight, and the truth of the legend of the golden head was revealed

Bronze ware was prevalent in the Warring States period, so when experts heard that there were tomb robbers here and that a large number of devices were suddenly circulating on the local black market, they were keenly aware that there was a rare ancient tomb here. However, when they arrived and searched carefully, looking at the big thief hole on the mound about 14 meters deep, everyone's heart was half cold. The bronzes in circulation do not need to think, it must be funerary goods, is this tomb already stolen?

When he saw the robbery cave, the expert's heart was half cut off, fortunately the loss was slight, and the truth of the legend of the golden head was revealed

In order to complete the task, the experts still beat the spirit and presided over this "rescue" behavior, hoping that the tomb robbers could still leave something for them, at least not to erase the traces of history. To their surprise, they found a huge carriage pit as soon as they went, and a total of 33 carriages were unearthed, more than half of which were chariots, and one in the middle was even pulled by 6 horses, which was the treatment that the son of heaven could only have in the ancient ritual system. These chariots are all arranged in the formation of the battle, combined with the legend and the characteristics of the tomb, indicating that the tomb owner is a General of the Chu State in the middle and late Warring States period, and the status is very high. Is the legend of the "Golden Head" General true?

When he saw the robbery cave, the expert's heart was half cut off, fortunately the loss was slight, and the truth of the legend of the golden head was revealed

Experts have found a total of 5 burial chambers, and a large number of artifacts have been seen in each place. There are indeed traces of tomb robbery, but it can be judged that the loss is not large. Experts speculate that there may be deep water in the ground at that time, and the tomb robbers could not go to other burial chambers, so they left directly. In addition to various battlefield weapons, there are also many precious cultural relics such as bronze artifacts, as many as more than 8,000 pieces. To this day, it is the largest and best preserved Warring States Chu tomb found here.

When he saw the robbery cave, the expert's heart was half cut off, fortunately the loss was slight, and the truth of the legend of the golden head was revealed

Experts nervously opened the coffin in an attempt to uncover the truth of the legend, but only saw scattered carbonized bones and did not find the gold head. The experts did not die, and finally found a row of teeth in it, indicating that the owner of the tomb was not beheaded, and the so-called "golden-headed general" was nothing more than nonsense.

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