
Cold air frequently infests the northeast temperature continues to be sluggish National weather forecast: the day after tomorrow, the central and eastern parts will meet a wide range of rain and snow

author:Minnan Net

Northeast temperatures continue to be depressed Since the 20th, the central and eastern parts have welcomed the largest range of rain and snow weather this year

Today and tomorrow (January 18-19), the impact of cold air has entered the final stage, and most parts of the mainland have warm suns on the line, and the temperature has risen, but in the northeast, the residual threat of cold air still exists, and the temperature will continue to be depressed everywhere. It is worth noting that from the day after tomorrow to the 23rd, the southwest warm and humid air flow is enhanced, and at the same time, there is cold air going south, and most parts of the mainland will usher in a large range of precipitation from west to east, which is during the Spring Festival, and the public needs to pay close attention to the approaching forecast and pay attention to prevention.

"April 9" Opens With Most of the Mainland Warm Enough Cold air frequently infests the northeast and the temperature is low

Yesterday (17th) was the first day of the "April 9th", affected by cold air, Gansu, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning and other places experienced different degrees of cooling.

It is expected that tomorrow, the warming of most parts of the country will become the main theme, of which the maximum temperature in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River will rise to more than 15 ° C, but in the northeast, the cold air residual threat still exists, and the temperature in various places will continue to remain sluggish. From the 19th to the 21st, a new stream of cold air will affect the mainland, the path will be east, and the northeast will be affected again. In cities, such as Harbin and Changchun, today's temperature will continue to fall, the maximum temperature will be only -17 °C and -13 °C, the minimum temperature will be below -20 °C, the whole day is cold, go out from head to toe to cover tightly.

Most of the mainland will enter a period of precipitation interval tomorrow The day after tomorrow, the central and eastern parts will meet with widespread rain and snow

Recently, the south has been rainy frequently, especially in parts of south China, which also suffered heavy rainfall that is rare in January. Yesterday, there was still moderate to heavy rain in many places in Jiangnan and Southern China, among which moderate rain occurred in parts of southern Guangxi, southern Hunan, central Jiangxi, northern Fujian, southern Zhejiang, and eastern Hainan Island, and heavy rain in Qionghai and Wanning, Hainan.

It is expected that tomorrow, most parts of the mainland will enter a precipitation interval, and the rainfall in the south will further weaken and decrease. Today, there is light rain in parts of north-central Fujian, south-central Yunnan, Taiwan Island and other places, of which there is moderate rain in parts of eastern Taiwan Island and other places.

Tomorrow, there will be light rain in most parts of Yunnan, most of Guizhou, southeastern Sichuan, Chongqing, Taiwan and other places, of which there will be moderate rain in parts of central and southern Yunnan.

However, from the day after tomorrow to the 23rd, affected by the eastward shift of the south branch, the southwest warm and humid air flow is enhanced, coupled with the cold air going south, the central and eastern parts of the mainland will face the obvious rain and snow process from west to east, the large-scale rain and snow weather process in the central and eastern regions has a complex precipitation phase, there is snowfall in many places in the north, and there will be heavy rainfall in some parts of the south, and the public needs to pay close attention to the nearby forecast and arrange travel reasonably. (Source: CCTV News Client)

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