
The simpler the heart, the richer life

Over the years, a new saying has arisen that when a person is particularly lucky and has everything people want, he will be called "the chosen daughter" and "the chosen son".

They are usually born in a rich, harmonious family, good looking, "double business" online, can easily get opportunities that others can not hope for, or always be favored by "nobles", must cultivate him, and even accidentally buy a lottery ticket to win the jackpot...

We often hear people talk about so-and-so being particularly lucky, the chosen one, but we rarely hear anyone think they are lucky.

Is your life lucky? What is luck?

There is a man in Thailand who won 6 million baht in the lottery ticket, which is about 1.3 million yuan.

After getting the prize money, he first bought a car, then met some fox friends, and the lottery prize money was quickly spent, and he also contracted drug addiction and gambling.

Every few days he asked his mother for money to buy drugs, and when she refused, he would get angry and smash and smash at home. In desperation, the mother had to call the police, hoping to use the power of the police to let her son get lost.

Lao Tzu said: Blessings and misfortunes depend on them, and misfortunes and blessings lie down.

Luck and misfortune, the cycle of cause and effect, are often between one thought.

The simpler the heart, the richer life

What is "lucky"?

Japanese landscape design master Toshiaki Toshiaki Toshiaki Believes that true luck is not to ask for anything, but to fight for and capture by yourself.

Life, life itself, is luck;

Optimism in the face of the impermanence of the world is lucky;

Family sitting idly, the lights are amiable, is lucky;

A lifetime of simple, hearty and beautiful, is lucky...

It is not only the "chosen ones" who can get lucky, the lucky life, from the simple, from the abundance, from the beautiful to the end.

In the book "Simple, Rich, Beautiful", Toshiaki Tsubaki proposes the cultivation path of a lucky life.

The simpler the heart, the richer life

Toshiaki Toshiaki Tsukino | the Beijing Times Chinese Literature Bureau

Keep your heart to live

Every morning, there are one after another things to do, brush your teeth, wash your face, make breakfast, dress, put on makeup, and look at your phone to understand what is happening...

Precious mornings are always spent in a hurry, and one link takes more time, so you have to hurry up the next link.

As a result, many people like to turn on the TV in the morning, listening to the news on the TV, while doing other things, and the progress of the news can remind you of the progress of time.

Such a morning may seem productive, but it is difficult to talk about happiness. A lot of things were done at the same time, just done, no feelings.

The result of chasing two rabbits at the same time is nothing; doing two things at the same time seems to be very efficient, but in fact, neither thing is done well.

Eating while watching TV and chatting while eating will eat more food than if you concentrate on eating, and you will not be able to fully taste the delicious food.

The simpler the heart, the richer life

Zen has clouds: "Drink tea and eat." ”

When drinking tea, only concentrate on drinking tea, and only concentrate on eating when eating.

Only by keeping one thing to live can we taste the taste of life.

Just like making a cup of tea, you can choose a convenient tea bag, hot water can be flushed, you can also buy a bottle of tea drink on the road, drink it in a hurry, but when you carefully brew a cup of tea, you will feel a more real taste and deeper happiness.

Single-mindedly boiling water, single-mindedly putting tea leaves into the teapot, seeing the timing, and pouring the teacup without distraction. Carefully treat every aspect of tea making, how much tea leaves are put in, the temperature of the tea in the teapot, the waiting time for the tea cup... Then slowly taste the brewed tea.

Live simply and attentively, and those small and beautiful happiness will come as scheduled.

Learn to switch between life and work

Such a simple principle of not taking work home is becoming more and more difficult to achieve in reality.

Even if you have left work, even if it is a weekend or a holiday, as long as the phone rings, you will be taken back to work. Many people are tired of running, in fact, not only because of too much work, but blur the boundaries between life and work.

After work, you can't rest well, and you are still tired and inefficient when you go to work, and you gradually form a vicious circle of getting more and more tired and busy.

The office is the place of work, the home is the place where you are relaxed, family reunion and doing what you like to do, distinguishing the two, changing the mood, in order to make each state energetic.

Outside the gate of the temple, there is usually a mountain gate or archway, which according to Buddhism is a kind of "boundary", which divides the secular space and the sacred space in two.

Through the mountain gate or archway, we will throw away the worldly troubles, delusions, enter the sacred space with devotion, and begin to pray.

The simpler the heart, the richer life

Switching from working mode to non-working mode also requires the establishment of a "junction".

You can use the swipe card reader at the door of the company as a "boundary", swipe your card into the company, and start thinking about work; in the process of cleaning up the desktop and organizing files, you can gradually switch to working mode.

On the contrary, after swiping the card after work, you will leave the work behind and enter the non-work mode.

You can also set the gate of your home or the swipe of the subway station as a "boundary" and put the transition process on the way to and from work.

Stopping is to get a better start, and many inspirations and new ideas are suddenly flashed in time outside of work.

In addition to the necessary work, people must also have leisure, have leisure to be a person, and have leisure to live people's lives.

Calm down and write

With the popularity of electronic products, people have little opportunity to pick up a pen and write.

When it comes to writing articles, what flashes in everyone's mind is the picture of typing the computer keyboard.

While mobile phones and computers are smarter and more convenient, people's writing ability is constantly decreasing, forgetting to write, and it is difficult to concentrate for more than half an hour...

The author believes that this state is very dangerous, on the surface everyone just loses the ability to write, in fact, everyone may lose the ability to perceive the good through the mind.

Calm down and write, not necessarily to create something, but also to copy favorite articles, books.

An essay of about 800 words doesn't take much time to copy once.

Writers with solid writing skills, after several deliberations to write the articles, not only rich vocabulary, the use of words is also very accurate, transcribe these articles, undoubtedly is also to improve their own writing level.

When you are young, many people will have a "famous quote book" that records the amazing sentences they have read.

Reading can enhance our ability to perceive the good, and transcription is a deeper reading, which can deepen our cognition and sensitivity to the good article, and then improve our ability to perceive the good.

According to statistics, people's favorite transcribed verses is the Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra, even if it is copied slowly, it only takes half an hour.

However, this short period of time can make people's hearts calm, and it is also the cultivation of the heart.

Daily transcription will make your body and heart develop good habits at the same time, and make your real life and spiritual life rich at the same time.

Calm down and write will become valuable spiritual food in your life.

The simpler the heart, the richer life

French microbiologist Louis Pasteur said: "Luck favors only prepared minds. ”

Only with a mind that can discover the good and perceive happiness can we have the ability to get lucky.

The so-called luck does not lie in the abundance of visible material wealth, but in the perfection and richness of the invisible mind within.

Life is simple, abundant and beautiful, and life is full, comfortable and calm, which is the greatest luck.

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The author | Kale, write other people's stories well, live your own life.

The anchor | Jiayin, ten o'clock reading contract anchor

Pictures | Visual China, Network (if there is infringement, please contact to delete)

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