
Like you, will also alienate your constellation, do not know how to approach, the inner fawn is messing around!

Like you, will also alienate your constellation, do not know how to approach, the inner fawn is messing around!

If you like someone, will you definitely get closer? The answer is not necessarily, just like some people, although they like a person, but they will also alienate a person, because the more they like, the more they do not know how to get closer, the inner deer is bumping, and they do not know how to confess, so what are the signs like this?

Many Capricorn people are often shy and shy, in fact, it is not necessarily that they do not want to fall in love, many times, it is completely their own delay, because they meet the people they like, and may not take the initiative, on the contrary, their first reaction is to find out a lot of each other's shortcomings, so as to suppress their own nameless impulses.

On the outside, that is, Capricorns will become a bit "twisted", they want to get closer on the one hand, but on the other hand, they are unwilling to take the initiative to get closer because of the inner fawn.

They may be stiffly pestle there, and their hearts are still constantly calculating each other's shortcomings, and it is not worth it for themselves, if the facts verify their guess, then Capricorn can breathe a sigh of relief, because they no longer have to take the initiative.

This kind of thinking makes Capricorn need to do a lot of psychological construction to dare to really face their own hearts, so if you meet a Capricorn who seems to be interesting to you, you may wish to give them some encouragement, otherwise you may miss the relationship.

Like you, will also alienate your constellation, do not know how to approach, the inner fawn is messing around!

Cancer people tend to treat feelings, more shy, their inner thoughts are often very much, but on the outside, but very little, therefore, many people do not know that Cancer originally has so many psychological activities, they are like a big iceberg hidden under the water, there are too many places that can not be figured out.

Cancer is very emotionally rich and imaginative, and they can use their imagination to support their feelings, so they don't need to take too much action in real life. In fact, when Cancer has feelings for a person, they often raise expectations of each other, and they hope that their psychological activities can be known to the other party. So if you don't do what they expect and speak the language they expect, they're a little disappointed and become hot and cold.

It can be said that Cancer likes a person, often will not take the initiative to approach, unless, they can perceive that their efforts will not be in vain, their initiative will not be perfunctory.

So, instead, they become very serious, and say some tentative words, go to see the other person's reaction, if the other party's reaction is not good, they will be like a little angry, run to the side, only until they can't help it, they will launch a careful temptation again.

Like you, will also alienate your constellation, do not know how to approach, the inner fawn is messing around!

It is often a very difficult thing for Aquarius to take the initiative to approach the person they like, because they either think about not being together or wait for others to come close to them, and Aquarius can be said to be a completely dependent view of love.

If there are many people who like themselves, then Aquarius may also linger in the "flowers and flowers", and if no one likes themselves, then they may also not want to talk about a relationship.

For the kind of person that Aquarius really likes, they may also adopt an alienating attitude, on the one hand, they will get along in the name of friends, on the other hand, they will remain unmoving, just a friend attitude.

Aquarius basically will not easily break through this layer of window paper, especially in the case that it seems that only their own side is interesting, this is not only a matter of facelessness, this is Aquarius simply regards feelings, sees it more lightly, and is more casual, so it is not in a hurry at all.

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