
Team Report: Messi will resume some joint training today and is expected to fully resume normal training this week

Team Report: Messi will resume some joint training today and is expected to fully resume normal training this week

According to the "Team Newspaper", Messi will resume some joint training today, and it is expected that he will fully resume normal training this week.

Paris Saint-Germain will resume training after a short break on Tuesday afternoon, Messi contracted COVID-19 late last year and he is still continuing his rehabilitation programme. On Tuesday, Messi will have some practice with his teammates and then continue his personal training.

Pochettino and his coaching staff don't want Messi to take too much risk, but once it is determined that Messi is recovering well, then Messi will fully return to normal training, and Messi is expected to return to normal training this week.

Messi's ability to play Against Metz will depend on his recovery. In terms of other players, Neymar continued to recover from an ankle sprain, and Navas remained in isolation for covid-19 positives. Wijnaldum injured his ankle and Letelier's calf.

(Iron Fist)

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