
Note to those who are preparing to go home for the Chinese New Year: 3 categories of people returning home require nucleic acid proof

author:Life Times
Note to those who are preparing to go home for the Chinese New Year: 3 categories of people returning home require nucleic acid proof

The footsteps of the Spring Festival are getting closer and closer, but there are confirmed cases of new crown pneumonia in many places, which affects the hearts of many wanderers who are eager to return to their hometowns for reunion.

On January 17, the curtain of the 2022 Spring Festival was officially opened, and train tickets for Chinese New Year's Eve (January 31) also began to be sold, and "whether the Spring Festival can go home" has become the most concerned issue for migrant workers in other places.

Note to those who are preparing to go home for the Chinese New Year: 3 categories of people returning home require nucleic acid proof

Where do you need a nucleic acid certificate to return to your hometown, how long is the nucleic acid test result valid, and do you need to isolate if you have a negative nucleic acid certificate? "Life Times" combs through the epidemic prevention policies in various places, telling you the nucleic acid requirements for returning home during the Spring Festival and the precautions for doing nucleic acid testing.

Returning home during the Spring Festival must bear a negative nucleic acid certificate

Why do I have to have a nucleic acid certificate when I go home?

The increase in the mobility of people during the Spring Festival and the frequent gathering activities have increased the risk of the spread of the epidemic. Returnees holding a negative nucleic acid test certificate can effectively reduce the risk of epidemic transmission and ensure that everyone can have a healthy and safe Spring Festival.

Note to those who are preparing to go home for the Chinese New Year: 3 categories of people returning home require nucleic acid proof

Zhong Nanshan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, believes that in areas without sealing and control, that is, low-risk areas, citizens can go home for the New Year conditionally under the premise of prevention and control, and there is no need for a complete shutdown.

· The following three categories of personnel must be tested before returning home

  • Persons in non-medium- and high-risk areas

Personnel returning to Zhengzhou, Henan, Shijiazhuang, Hubei, Hefei, Xi'an, Heilongjiang, Changchun, Jilin, Yinchuan, Qinghai, and other places must hold a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours, and a negative internal nucleic acid test report for 3 days (72 hours) when going to Lhasa, Tibet.

Guangdong Guangzhou, Guangxi Nanning and other places require that after arriving in the local area, take the initiative to do a nucleic acid test within 48 hours.

  • Personnel in medium- and high-risk areas and counties (cities, districts).

In-housers in medium- and high-risk areas are advised to celebrate the New Year in place.

For people with a history of residence in medium- and high-risk areas, or people with a history of residence in the county (city, district) where the epidemic occurred within 14 days, in addition to the 48-hour negative nucleic acid certificate, many places require home isolation or centralized isolation for 7 to 14 days.

Beijing and Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, strictly restrict the entry of people from medium- and high-risk areas, and Shanghai and Jinan, Shandong, recommend that people from medium- and high-risk areas suspend their travel.

  • Personnel of other counties (cities, districts) of the city where the medium and high-risk areas are located

Local policies vary, Shanxi Province requires non-essential not to return to Jin; Shandong Province requires a 48-hour nucleic acid test negative certificate, and a nucleic acid test is carried out after arriving in the local area; Zhejiang Province requires a negative 48-hour nucleic acid test certificate and the implementation of "2+14" health management measures; the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region requires a negative 48-hour nucleic acid test certificate; Liaoning Province requires reporting to the local community in advance and conducting a nucleic acid test.

All localities will dynamically adjust relevant policies according to the epidemic situation at home and abroad, and can consult the local epidemic prevention and control department or inquire about the State Council client Mini Program.

At present, in addition to Urumqi taking temperature measurement + green code verification for personnel in low-risk areas, Guangzhou, Guangdong and Nanning, Guangxi, can be tested after arriving at their destinations, and nucleic acid testing needs to be done in advance when returning to other places for the New Year.

When taking nucleic acids, what position is better?

When nucleic acid testing is done, a cotton swab of the nasal swab is inserted deeply, and the throat swab may irritate the throat and cause discomfort.

Note to those who are preparing to go home for the Chinese New Year: 3 categories of people returning home require nucleic acid proof

Some netizens described the feeling when the nasal swab was taken: "The nose will feel sour, and the tears will flow down unconsciously. It feels similar to the feeling of someone who can't swim suddenly drowning and being choked. ”

When sampling, is there any pose that makes people feel better?

Nasal swab: Raise your head slightly 45 degrees during sampling to relax your facial muscles. When a health care worker inserts a nasopharyngeal swab into the nasal cavity to cause soreness, the mouth can be slightly released to promote the relaxation of the nasopharynx and relieve the discomfort.

Throat swab: When collecting the oropharyngeal swab, the head is tilted back, the mouth is open and the nose is breathed, and the moment of collection, hold your breath, and the nausea reaction will be lighter.

How can I protect myself during nucleic acid testing?

Nucleic acid testing site personnel concentrated, to do nucleic acid testing to wear a mask, while preparing a spare mask, it is best to bring tissues; keep a safe distance of more than 1 meter when queuing, in addition to sampling other times do not take off the mask at will.

Open your mouth wide and don't shout "Ah"

During the sampling process, some people habitually shout "ah" while opening their mouths, which may pose a potential risk.

A person's breath can blow out 15 meters, once the sampled person is a positive patient, when shouting "ah", a large amount of virus will be exhaled, and an aerosol will be formed in the sampling area, causing direct pollution of the sampling point environment, and when the next test is performed, it may not be possible to avoid inhaling the aerosol with the virus into the respiratory tract.

Before detection

  • Try to avoid eating 2 hours before the nucleic acid test to avoid vomiting.
  • Do not drink water or beverages, do not smoke, do not drink alcohol, do not chew gum, etc. for 30 minutes before sampling.
  • Before the examination, reduce the swallowing action and do not clear the throat, such as coughing up sputum, spitting and other actions.
  • Prior to the collection of nasopharyngeal swabs, the person being tested should inform the collector of any prior medical history or related matters, such as a history of nasal surgery, curvature of the nasal septum, blood disorders, throat disease, or risk factors associated with taking anticoagulants.
  • After receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, nucleic acid testing is performed at an interval of 48 hours.
  • Remove the mask before testing and wear it immediately after testing, or wear a new spare mask after testing.

When detected

  • When doing nucleic acids, stand obliquely at an angle of 45 to 60 degrees, thereby reducing the risk of infection for the sampled healthcare workers.
  • Head back, relax as much as possible, sample the process as far as possible without shouting, do not do deep breathing, cooperate with medical staff.
  • Nasopharyngeal swabs may cause a sore and itchy nose during the collection process, and if you want to sneeze, you can immediately cover it with a tissue or elbow.
  • Do not place personal items such as mobile phones on the testing table.

After detection

  • Leave the collection site immediately after collection and avoid spitting and vomiting around the collection site.
  • Before and after nucleic acid testing, you need to pay attention to hand hygiene, and you can wipe your hands with hand sanitizer or hand sanitizer, disinfectant pads, etc.
  • A small amount of nasal bleeding may occur after nasopharyngeal swab collection, and generally does not require special treatment, such as more bleeding, please go to the hospital in time for treatment.

Do nucleic acid testing slip through the mouth

Nucleic acid sampling should remember to wear a mask and then go out; staggered peak sampling does not gather, leaving a distance between everyone; take off the mask and open your mouth, avoid shouting deep breathing; shut up quickly after sampling, wear a mask and don't stay. ▲

Editor: Jie Zhang

Copyright notice: This article is the original of Life Times, and unauthorized reproduction is refused.

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