
【Poems】Red Memory (Group Poems) ‖ Hanzhongju

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【Poems】Red Memory (Group Poems) ‖ Hanzhongju

Red Memory (Group Poems)

Hanzhong State


Look forward to the Long March

This is an expedition unprecedented in human history

This is the arduous trek of the Chinese revolution

This is the climbing of the will sharpened by the bloody rain and wind

This is the gallop of faith sublimated by suffering and death

How much confusion and distress burned the choice of life and death to stay

How many thorns and bumps forge righteousness without hesitation

How many dangerous mountains and bad waters lead to indomitable quests

Blood is burning in the road under your feet

The heart is burning The fire of the heart is burning

The earth is burning and the sky is burning

Snow-capped mountains are burning meadows

The barrel of the gun is burning the flag is burning the faith is burning

Iron rushes through the Jedi

Thunder and thunder to the west...

Long March——

It is all the tribulations plus nirvana

Is all dreams plus legends

It is all the blood plus the glory

It's all the setbacks plus brilliance

Step into the tragic and tragic mood of the Long March

Twenty-five thousand miles in iron blood

Every firm and heavy step

Feel the sufferings of the Hell of Regeneration

Look for the spirit that purifies the soul

Look for calcium iron for a strong mind

Sit in a corner of happiness

Trek to the sky of nostalgia

I can't imagine

The team with the gray leggings eighty years ago

What perseverance and faith

Across thousands of mountains and rivers

Break through the siege

Will be the seeds of revolution

Bring out dead meadows and alpine snow

Accomplish earth-shattering feats

Examine history

My imagination was as pale as a textbook

The Long March is a manifesto

The Long March is a seeder

The Long March is a propaganda team

The Five Ridges quenched the iron will of an army

Umeng Majestic Jade Ru a generation of talented Wen Tao martial strategy

Snow-capped mountains and meadows nurture the vision of a political party

The heroism of the poet Mao Zedong

It laid the foundation for the great cause of the Chinese revolution from victory to victory

It has become a legend of the ancient epic of human history

To make people living in times of peace

You can only look up from the mountains

【Poems】Red Memory (Group Poems) ‖ Hanzhongju

Long March, please tell me

How to get to the core of your spirit

What kind of mood to be

Only from the bloody sun and the starry sky full of bullet holes

Look forward to the new Long March in the new century

Gouba, that distant night

A rugged trail through the mountains

A dim squirming horse lamp

A lone figure

The mood fluctuates along the way

That cold spring night in 1935

Flashbacks of these historical images

It is the truth of loneliness

Get out of the pre-dawn darkness

The road under your feet

Because of a kind of independent thinking

Because of the faint light of a star

Become a weary teacher

Paving the way for connections

The inflection point towards the avenue

The path of self-salvation to regeneration

Under the bitter insistence of a person

Peak loop turn

The opinionated Mao Zedong

Later, there was no return to the land

But this past of the lantern night walk

Years later, we learned the new

It's not just that

His fond memories

And he and a political party

The original intention when setting off from the Red Boat

Through the dark night of history

Retrace the Mao Trail

Relive a light

In the long night

The solitary adherence to the truth

Relive a person

In frustration

The persistent pursuit of faith

Heroes act

Saving the crisis in a critical moment,

The speculation of the wise

Rewrite history at critical moments

If there is no one's persistence

Most people may still be groping in the dark

Gouba, that cold night

If there is no stubbornness of one person

Most people may never see the light

On the night of Gouba, a horse lantern

The light of truth that shines through

It's still with us

Sparkling on the way forward

【Poems】Red Memory (Group Poems) ‖ Hanzhongju


Mao Zedong's Loushan Pass

The sharp military trumpet sounded far away

The sound of horses' hooves rattling was far away

The deafening sound of gunfire was far away

The rain of smoke and bullets dissipated

The westerly wind of hunting

Still chanting

Like the cangshan of the sea

A long array of geese in the sky

Still chirping

Blood-colored remnants of the sun

Frost morning moon, high in the clouds

Lonely Hanging One "Remembrance of Qin'e Lou Shanguan"

Guan Shan is full of flies

Ecstatic Mao Zedong

Write the most beautiful verse of your life

Let's do it so far

Can't get out of the heroic agitation

I can't get out of the poet's romantic mood

Can't walk out of Da Lou Mountain

The desolation and tragedy of the long road

Trenches, trenches, stone tablets

Machine guns, knives, sculptures...

For the endless stream of hangers

Flash those familiar stories

The west wind platform pitches the sky

One husband and one hand, no one can open

The sky is high and the earth is high, and the poetry is verdant

【Poems】Red Memory (Group Poems) ‖ Hanzhongju


About the Author

Han Zhongzhou, a member of the Guizhou Writers Association, the vice chairman of the Zunyi Writers Association, serves in the Zunyi Municipal CPPCC. His works have been published in Poetry Journal, Dictionary Journal, Prose Poetry, Star Poetry Journal, Prose Poetry World, Shilin, Mountain Flower, China Youth Daily, Writers Daily, Youth Times, Guizhou Daily, Guizhou Writers and other newspapers and periodicals. His works have been selected into a variety of domestic anthologies, and his public publications include "Century Review", "Zhongzhou Philosophy", and "Floating Clouds and Dust".

Source: Sichuan Provincial Local History Work Office

Author: Han Zhongzhou

Pictured: Fang Zhi Sichuan

Some of Fangzhi Sichuan's pictures, audio and video come from the Internet, only to disseminate more information. The copyright of the pictures, audio and video contained in the article belongs to the original author or media.

【Poems】Red Memory (Group Poems) ‖ Hanzhongju

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