
The families of the suspects in the Texas hijacking in the United States apologized to all the victims

Source: CCTV news client

The FBI confirmed on the 16th local time that the four men who took hostages in a synagogue on the outskirts of Dallas, Texas, were Malik Faisal Akram, a 44-year-old British citizen. According to Sky News, the 44-year-old man from Blackburn does not live in the United States, but has recently traveled to the local area.

Akram's family said they were "saddened" by Faisal's death, adding that they "do not condone any of Faisal's actions and sincerely apologize to all the victims of this unfortunate incident."

Akram's brother, Gurba, said in a statement that the family spent hours in contact with him during his hostage-taking and that although he "suffers from mental health problems, we are confident he will not harm the hostages".

Gurba added, "We can't persuade him or do anything to persuade him to surrender." ”

Britain's Metropolitan Police's counterterrorism unit is reportedly in contact with U.S. authorities and FBI colleagues who said there was no indication that anyone else was involved in the hijacking. (Reporter Kang Yubin)

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