
A large number of herring in the United States died suddenly, dead fish covered the beaches, and local experts said that the cause of death was just lack of oxygen?

author:Speed flower cat u


"Look, there's a lot of fish over here!"

A couple of vacationers passing by were shocked to see the beach covered with dead fish, so the woman who was walking in front suddenly turned back to her husband behind her.

The husband came over and was very surprised, and the two immediately rushed to a nearby restaurant, picked up their mobile phones, dialed the unrest in their hearts, and at the same time dialed the emergency hotline to ask the relevant departments for help.

A large number of herring in the United States died suddenly, dead fish covered the beaches, and local experts said that the cause of death was just lack of oxygen?

Soon, Texas officials arrived and inspected the dead fish on the beach, confirming that it was a fish death caused by a lack of oxygen, and also warned local residents not to catch live fish from the sea and not to pick up dead fish on the beach.

But local residents say they don't think it's just a lack of oxygen, and they even suspect that it is due to local industrial sewage, but experts don't say so.

What exactly is the cause of mass fish kills?

1. Dead fish cover the beach and hundreds of lives are over.

Texas is located on the southern Gulf Coast of the United States and is one of the most prosperous states in the United States, and this mass fish death occurred in a small town in the southwest of the state, Corpus Christie, which is very famous, the city is full of high-rise buildings, and is one of the most famous international commercial ports in the United States.

The Gulf coast east of Corpus Christi is one of America's most famous resorts, where resorts and beaches often see crowds of tourists and riders passing by, but it has recently been in a uproar due to a sudden fish death.

Local government workers arrived at the scene of the fish death less than 10 minutes after receiving an emergency call, and they expected that there had indeed been a mass fish kill.

While it is very common for Texas to be killed by fish in the Atlantic, it is also very rare at this scale, with dead fish covering thousands of acres of beaches.

A large number of herring in the United States died suddenly, dead fish covered the beaches, and local experts said that the cause of death was just lack of oxygen?

The local government staff conducted a preliminary inspection and judgment of the dead fish, and confirmed that this fish is a fish called "clam hazelnut", and this fish is the most common fish, and it is also a very ordinary salmon, but the number of this fish is very large, and this fish has a strong social and group strength.

These species of fish can complete all actions through the power of the group, and at the same time, they transmit information and coordinate various activities through "dwelling", and they are very cultural fish.

Because the hazel fish is a very social fish, they also pay great attention to teamwork and communication in the action, they agree on the direction of action in the action, and carry out the transmission of "dwelling", they can complete very complex actions through the transmission of "dwelling", which is also a major feature of this fish.

It must have been very sad to learn that this action eventually killed thousands of clams and hazelnuts.

Soon, the local residents who arrived were also very shocked when they saw the overwhelming number of dead fish, after all, the scale is still very large.

2. Accusations of hypoxia.

At the ensuing meeting, the local government staff announced to the local residents that they had been given the reason for the dead fish, and the reason was that the amount of oxygen dissolved in the living environment of the fish was too small, so the fish would die due to lack of oxygen, which was also a very simple accident.

Fish kills of this magnitude can be tackled by pipelining oxygen dissolved in the water into the fish's environment.

But the locals do not believe this explanation, claiming that their habitat for the fish has always been very sufficient, and some have even strongly accused the local industry of discharging pollution.

Later, in an effort to dispel rumors and suspicions, the Texas Department of Oceans and Coast brought in a special instrument to test the water quality to check the fish's habitat on the beach.

Eventually, they found that the fish on the beach were in a state of apparent hypoxia.

The lack of oxygen on this beach is very serious, and its specific cause is not the same as the industrial sewage claimed by local residents, but because the cause of the lack of oxygen is more complex.

Experts from the Texas Department of Oceans and Coasts, after a detailed analysis of the Texas marine climate, have come up with a more detailed and credible reason for the decrease in oxygen levels in the water on this beach.

Texas itself is a mountainless prairie, and there was no human activity in the area at that time, but the land was home to a large number of wild animals and fish.

A large number of herring in the United States died suddenly, dead fish covered the beaches, and local experts said that the cause of death was just lack of oxygen?

These fish are the fish of present-day Texas, and these salmon and sturgeon eventually multiplied here, eventually creating this population.

This group of populations lives in the depths of the ocean, but due to the active industry in the United States, the production capacity of the American industry has been greatly increased after the outbreak of the first industrial revolution in the United States, and the industrial waste gas emitted is also very much, which greatly damages the natural environment of the United States, but the industrial waste gas emitted is basically gaseous, and the industrial waste gas emitted contains a large amount of harmful gases such as carbon dioxide.

A large number of herring in the United States died suddenly, dead fish covered the beaches, and local experts said that the cause of death was just lack of oxygen?

Third, the living environment continues to deteriorate.

A large number of herring in the United States died suddenly, dead fish covered the beaches, and local experts said that the cause of death was just lack of oxygen?

In the United States, these carbon dioxide and other harmful gases are blown to the western United States by the wind in the eastern United States, and eventually the wind carries the harmful gases to the beaches of Texas, and these exhaust gases cause the acidification of the local sea.

At the same time, local residents have proposed legislation to the United States to ban industrial emissions of harmful gases such as carbon dioxide exhaust gases, but the United States has not agreed to the legislation, and has repeatedly pushed back on the advice of ecologists and other experts.

A large number of herring in the United States died suddenly, dead fish covered the beaches, and local experts said that the cause of death was just lack of oxygen?

The United States has a very bad attitude towards industrial emissions, but the United States introduced the "Blue Sky Act" when managing the production of blue steel in World War II, which is a piece of legislation that allows factories to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, and the American manufacturing industry began to reduce emissions.

However, this does not mean that the industrial emissions of the United States have been greatly reduced, because the United States is very influential in the world, so other countries have followed suit, resulting in the United States has been the world's leading industrial power for a long time.

A large number of herring in the United States died suddenly, dead fish covered the beaches, and local experts said that the cause of death was just lack of oxygen?

In the 70s of the 20th century, with the outbreak of the "Oil Day" incident, the United States suddenly discovered that this pipeline had exploded all at once, and American industry began to collapse.

Factories in the United States began to close, these industrial emissions were gone, the air in the United States suddenly became very clean, and the carbon dioxide acidification in the waters of Texas disappeared.

However, because the 70s of the 20th century was the era when the American industry began to collapse in the 20th century, those industrial waste gases still exist, but the United States no longer has so many industrial emissions, so those industrial waste gases have also been naturally decomposed after decades of wind and rain.

However, during these years of carbon dioxide acidification, local fish and other aquatic life have disappeared from this gap, and after years of recovery, local fish eventually flourished again, and the current fish eventually suffocated to this size.

The overpopulation of fish in Texas and the introduction of exotic fish eventually reduced the oxygen supply to the sea, which was the cause of this massive fish kill.

The Texas Department of Oceans and Coasts also pointed out that the mass fish kills could have been avoided and resolved by releasing oxygen, and that the beaches were closed, and they called on residents to stop fishing live fish from Texas waters and to stop cleaning up dead fish and reopen the beach when they have finished removing the dead fish.

A large number of herring in the United States died suddenly, dead fish covered the beaches, and local experts said that the cause of death was just lack of oxygen?


A large number of herring in the United States died suddenly, dead fish covered the beaches, and local experts said that the cause of death was just lack of oxygen?

Although the local fish have experienced the largest death from humans, the fish spontaneously continue to reproduce and grow and eventually reach the original population size, which is also the spirit of the fish.

A large number of herring in the United States died suddenly, dead fish covered the beaches, and local experts said that the cause of death was just lack of oxygen?

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