
The United States is training the Dolphin unit again? Dolphins, trained as soldiers, detonate their own explosives

author:Speed flower cat u


The United States is training the Dolphin unit again? Dolphins, trained as soldiers, detonate their own explosives

"Doesn't China also have a Dolphin Force?

Why do you have to treat the training dolphin as a 'murder weapon', don't you feel sorry for it to fight desperately in danger?"

These words come from a group of people who have wondered how dolphins have been treated in military operations, and there have even been incidents in history similar to animal attacks on humans.

Countries that have used animals to attack, as early as the mid-20th century, the Soviet Union and the United States began to establish dolphin troops, and today there are only two countries in the world with dolphin troops, called the United States and Russia.

The reason why the United States and Russia have dolphin units is that in the 60s, the Soviet Union and the United States began to study dolphins and train them as special forces, even if in recent decades, dolphin soldiers have only appeared in a few wars.

But both the United States and the Soviet Union trained the dolphins to the elite.

The United States is training the Dolphin unit again? Dolphins, trained as soldiers, detonate their own explosives

But to train dolphins, to be able to fight?

What's going on?

What kind of thing made this group of "animal soldiers" appear on the big stage of history.

1. Why did dolphins become a member of the navy?

There was a wave of excitement in the United States in the 1980s, when the American space shuttle Atlantis was on a mission with the goal of annihilating Soviet military bases, and the prototype plan was approved by the U.S. government.

In 1985, U.S. Navy Colonel 2 Cruiz performed a miracle when he was alone at an enemy base and on a mission in the dead of night, carrying 300 pounds of TNT and burying it at enemy base, successfully destroying the Soviet nuclear arsenal.

The United States is training the Dolphin unit again? Dolphins, trained as soldiers, detonate their own explosives

These things sound like Hollywood blockbusters, but in the current view, they are just nonsense.

But the people in charge of producing the training videos for this Hollywood blockbuster were the animal trainers of the U.S. Navy at the time, the production team of Hollywood films, and even the Japanese dinosaur masters, and this team was simply the perfect choice for a fictional blockbuster.

The inspiration for this fictional blockbuster is called Training Marine Mammals and Requiring Them to Make Independent Decisions.

The protagonist of this "big movie" is the "Dolphins", as a member of the Navy, the Dolphins team is in a specific place and performs a specific mission.

The military dolphin team has two tasks, one is to find enemy mines in the sea area to prevent the ship from being overturned or destroyed, and the other is to bring some explosives and self-detonate to reduce the hit rate of enemy torpedoes.

These tasks are very difficult for humans, because torpedoes are in the ocean and move randomly, so the hit rate of human torpedoes finding torpedoes is extremely low.

But for marine mammals, as we now call dolphins.

The United States is training the Dolphin unit again? Dolphins, trained as soldiers, detonate their own explosives

Dolphins are in the ocean just like humans are on land, and their eyesight is extremely strong, and they are good at detecting foreign objects in the ocean, which is the advantage of being a sapper.

Moreover, dolphins can also respond to human commands, which are incomparable to humans.

These advantages are precisely to attract the likes of the Americans, so the Americans began to study the use of this advantage of dolphins and carry out militarized training.

First of all, during World War II, the Americans began to study how to use dolphins to upgrade equipment.

The enemy of the Americans is strong, especially weapons, from large to small, which, without special treatment, will most likely be easily verified by enemy submarines and other weapons.

Coupled with the silence of the submarine, it is difficult to detect even if there is an enemy submarine force.

Therefore, the United States then came up with a solution, that is, the "Dolphin Team".

The United States is training the Dolphin unit again? Dolphins, trained as soldiers, detonate their own explosives

The dolphin team will bring mackerel and dolphins to the submarine's premises, where they will be able to photograph the submarine and leave the enemy without a hideout.

But there was no way to achieve this plan, because the Americans did not understand marine life at all, so the American shipping company provided help to the US Navy, but their efforts were only for the US Navy to understand the living conditions and behavior habits of marine animals.

After a year of research, the Americans have summed up several points, the first is that the brains of mackerels and marine mammals can compete with people, and the second is that the eyesight of mackerels is no less than that of humans, and they also have a superpower, which can hear the sound of 1,000 yards in front of the submarine.

These advantages amazed the Americans, so the Americans came up with a way to let the dolphins help the submarine patrol, which is the origin of the dolphin force.

The Americans also trained dolphins, and the training project was to detect torpedoes and other objects under the water, and also trained them to mark, so the Americans would say "there are torpedoes, there are dolphins".

In the 60s, when the Vietnam War broke out, when the United States was conducting military activities in Vietnam, North Vietnam had troops, using human divers, to deploy torpedoes to sabotage the American army's transport boats.

However, the United States was not to be outdone and carried out diver countermeasures in North Vietnam.

The Americans came up with the idea of creating a dolphin unit, and this group of "soldiers" is "dolphins".

Dolphins are extremely agile in the ocean, so dolphins can easily find divers with simple training, and dolphins can approach divers silently and then kill divers with steel claws.

These trained dolphins are called "pro-Americans", and for the divers who are enemies of the United States, they are simply "annihilating the enemy".

The United States is training the Dolphin unit again? Dolphins, trained as soldiers, detonate their own explosives

So in 1964, during the Vietnam War, when the United States was going to transport supplies, the North Vietnamese sent divers to stop it.

The American dolphins chased and intercepted the North Vietnamese divers in this way, and the type of troops used by the United States was still "suicide dolphins", and in this fierce battle, the cause of death of more than 50 divers was this battle, and the North Vietnamese were exhausted.

The United States is training the Dolphin unit again? Dolphins, trained as soldiers, detonate their own explosives

Second, the dolphin team helps.

The Americans sent a dolphin unit and fought many battles with the North Vietnamese divers in North Vietnam, and the dolphins also attacked the divers, but the dolphins' autonomy allowed them to hunt the divers, causing confusion to the Americans.

When training dolphins, the Americans installed cameras for them to keep an eye on their movements in the ocean, and the dolphins did so, helping the United States against divers.

The United States is training the Dolphin unit again? Dolphins, trained as soldiers, detonate their own explosives

North Vietnamese divers are also looking for a way to "escape" dolphins.

The North Vietnamese equipped the divers with seals, seals and dolphins, both marine mammals, on the surface, seals are faster, but underwater, seals are relatively large, so in battle, seals will not fall into the wind.

The North Vietnamese used this tactic to protect divers, but the North Vietnamese spent a great deal of money in order to train seals, although the North Vietnamese did not use it on a large scale in the end, but the Americans still encountered North Vietnamese soldiers with seals on the battlefield in Cambodia, destroying transport ships and yachts.

The United States is training the Dolphin unit again? Dolphins, trained as soldiers, detonate their own explosives

In the 80s, the United States signed a contract with the Suez Canal Company in the Indian Ocean to allow American ships to pass through the Suez Canal directly.

In 92, the Gulf War broke out, and the United States placed mines in the Persian Gulf in order to protect the transportation of supplies, and equipped the dolphin team with gloves, which could be used to allow the dolphins to signal to the "enemy" to attack.

At this time, there are also "suicide dolphins" in the dolphin unit, these dolphins, in order to protect the safety of the ship, of course, they also have an important task, that is, when setting mines, to make adjustments, to ensure that the spacing of the mines can make the enemy ships have nothing to hide.

After the outbreak of the Iraq War, the United States once again activated the Dolphin Force to escort transport ships in the Persian Gulf.

At that time, the navy in Iraq did not have a very strong force, so there was no large-scale war between the American fleet and the Iraqi fleet, but the United States was still very careful, so the dolphin team was used to demine the Persian Gulf.

The United States is training the Dolphin unit again? Dolphins, trained as soldiers, detonate their own explosives

3. The "suicide dolphins" of the dolphin team.

The United States is training the Dolphin unit again? Dolphins, trained as soldiers, detonate their own explosives

The Dolphin Force has shown great combat capabilities in all major scenarios, but there are some "suicidal" members among them.

These dolphins will carry 200 to 400 pounds of bombs, and then swim to the side of the enemy ship, self-detonate, killing the soldiers of the enemy ship, and there is even a story that the Americans bombed a Vietnamese fishing boat in order to protect the "dolphin team" in the Vietnam war, thinking that this would allow the "suicide dolphins" and their tractor soldiers to survive, but in the end, it was found that there were still three "suicide dolphins" and soldiers who died in the bombs of the Americans.

The United States is training the Dolphin unit again? Dolphins, trained as soldiers, detonate their own explosives

After the United States received the news from the satellite, the encirclement of more than 200 people in the American contingent was cleared by American seals and "suicide dolphins", but their war with the Vietnamese could still not be carried out, and the Americans could only sign a peace treaty with the Vietnamese and send out the "dolphin team."

In 1975, the United States and the Soviet Union established an "embassy", at that time the United States sent dolphin troops, but their dolphin team can only be trained outside the territorial waters of the United States, mainly to protect the "embassy" and prevent the intrusion of enemy submarines, these dolphins, but also by the Americans to give the status of guards.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Russian SEAL team obtained information from the United States, so Russia captured a large number of dolphins and established the Russian dolphin team.

The American seal team is to train dolphins to follow the boats, but Russia has not given up training dolphins, so up to now, the United States and Russia are both countries in the world that have military dolphin teams, but for some reasons, the dolphin teams of the two countries have never appeared on the battlefield again.

The dolphins established by the United States and the Soviet Union have different arms of the armed forces, each with different tasks, some are conducting mine reconnaissance, some are placing torpedoes near enemy ships, and some are "suicide dolphins", and some bombs are about to die with enemy ships.

In the Soviet Union, the "suicide dolphins" were called "riders", and the bombs they carried weighed 100 kilograms, while the bombs of the American "suicide dolphins" weighed 20 kilograms, so on the battlefield, the members of the two dolphin units did not meet, and between them, they only limited the range of enemy ships.

No one knows how many of the dolphin units established by the United States and the Soviet Union are, and they don't know if there are any trained "soldiers" among them who have been sent out, and some wars between the United States and the Soviet Union have been launched, and the United Nations has investigated them at that time, but the United States and the Soviet Union have refused to investigate, so these things

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