
Tree big tricks, these four mistakes to avoid!


China has had clouds since ancient times: trees beckon the wind, guns shoot the head bird, wood shows in the forest and the wind will destroy it.

In "Journey to the West", Sun Wukong worshiped under the Bodhi Old Ancestor's door to learn the skill, originally there was still a skill to learn, only blame Sun Wukong for learning halfway, can not stand the loneliness of the night walk in the brocade, at the instigation of the brothers, greatly showed a change of skill, changed a strong pine that soared above the clouds, caused everyone to applaud and make noise, angered bodhi old ancestor, and was expelled from the division.

The words of Bodhidharma revealed everywhere the stakes of "the great wind of the tree." Zushi said, "Goku is coming!" I ask you what spirit you have made, what pine tree has become? Is this a good job to show off in front of people? If you see someone else having it, and don't ask him, others will ask you when they see you. If you fear evil, you will preach it to him, and if you do not preach it to him, you will do harm, and your life will not be saved. ”

This passage of Bodhi Laozu embodies practical common sense of life.

Of course, at some point, the usefulness of "show" cannot be ignored. If the "show" is just right, it will give people a sense of awe, pull away from others, and play a boundary role. On the contrary, you can save a lot of trouble.

But when others regard you as a person on a level, a person in the circle of life, and look at you equally, Mu Xiu Yulin, who is too undisguised, is easy to cause unnecessary troubles.


Invite interference

The tree is big, and this "big" word also has the meaning of exposing too much of one's own life. Once the personal life is too much exposed under the eyes of others, it is easy to become the talk of others, and even, some eventful people like to beak other people's lives, taste other people's lives, and inevitably find opportunities to interfere in your life.

This adds to the unnecessary annoyance.

An old man rushed to the market, first riding a donkey himself, letting the little grandson lead, walking on the road, and as a result, some people said that the old man did not hurt the child, let the child walk on the ground;

The old man let his grandson ride a donkey and walk on his own, and as a result, some people said that the child really did not understand things, and let the old man walk;

So both grandfathers and grandchildren rode on donkeys, and then some people felt sorry for the donkey, saying that such a thin donkey drove two people, really cruel;

The grandfather and grandson jumped off the donkey, no one rode, saw that they had a donkey and did not ride, gossip came again, saying that they were stupid, holding the donkey in their hands, but walking by themselves; finally the grandfather decided to carry the donkey away, which caused a lot of laughter.

This is typical of messing up the square inches of your own life under the interference of others.

Tree big tricks, these four mistakes to avoid!


Attract bad thoughts

There is a passage in "Zhuangzi" on the harm of vanity, there is a saying that in front of people who are not as good as their own cultivation, they show the purity of their own conduct, and have the suspicion of showing off their virtues with the evil of people, which of course will not be pleasant, and may also bring danger to themselves.

In Chinese's consistent modesty, he is actually very learned. Like those polite words "where, where." Kindly, kindly. "You've passed the prize. I dare not. "Cloud cloud. Or simply all to luck and just say "luck, luck." Or through hints, it is shown that in fact, I am not as happy as I appear, and the heartache in my heart is not enough for outsiders.

This kind of modesty, much like a wide fence, not only separates the privacy of one's life from others, but also gives others relief and helps others to be freed from the anxiety and loss of contrast.

At the same time, it also avoids attracting the malice of others.


Invite the desire to attack

The "big" word of tree big has another meaning, that is, a "different" word.

Different, that is, different from others, here is excellent, where different from others, is better than others.

There is a saying that you are a little stronger than others, and others are jealous of you; you are stronger than others, and others envy you; you are much stronger than others, and others rely on you.

This difference in "strength" determines whether you are in a circle or not. With the degree of "strong" is different, the other party's psychology of you has also changed.

The biggest fear is that the other party thinks that he and you are qualified to compete, and you obviously have something he can't reach.

"We are only jealous of people who are on the same level as us, our analogue group. Probably the hardest thing in the world is that our closest friends are more successful than we are. ”

Jealousy itself is out of fear, and too much exposure of the benefits can make the other person feel threatened, thus showing aggression.

Ancient wisdom cloud: things do not have to be the same as the custom, nor should they be different from the custom. Expanding the saying, on the surface and the customs to maintain a sense of identity, and the people around you to maintain a sense of identity, you can not be distracted by external forces, so as to ensure your inner peace, freedom and happiness.

Tree big tricks, these four mistakes to avoid!


Invites inner weakness

In Chinese idioms, there is no shortage of things like "Taoguang Yang Obscure" and "Nourishing Strength". Emphasis is placed on the role of "jing" and "hiding" in the development of personal strength.

"Therefore, the philosophers hid and collected Taoguang", which clearly explained the relationship between the "hidden" power and the "nurturing" force.

Why is it that sometimes hiding deeply can play a role in gathering strength in the bottom of one's own heart, but perhaps at inappropriate times, too much disclosure will release the energy of the gas?

There is a vivid description in the "Vegetable Root Tan": the eagle stands like a sleep, and the tiger acts like a disease, which is where he grabs people and eats people. Therefore, a gentleman must be smart and talented, and only then can he have the strength to shoulder his shoulders.

That is to say, hiding deeply is itself an exercise of self-restraint, an effort to control personal desires and serve goals, rather than being driven by desires and consuming one's own strength. This kind of silent exercise and control is the cultivation of strength.

If you expose your own advantages to the outside world, you will easily lose the ability to control yourself, and pay attention to your "quiet" mentality, just like losing the seed of growing new strength.

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Tree big tricks, these four mistakes to avoid!

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