
During the pursuit, the enemy soldiers suddenly disappeared, and the volunteers mistakenly hit and bumped, but they made a miraculous achievement

During the Kimseong Counterattack in July 1953, the 2nd Battalion of the 609th Regiment of the 203rd Division of the 68th Army of the Volunteer Army received an order from its superiors to capture The 552.8 Heights garrisoned by the 2nd Battalion of the Korean "White Tiger Regiment".

After the battle began, the "White Tiger Regiment", known as the "ace unit", faced the fierce attack of the volunteer army, but the tiger was no longer powerful, and a few hours later, the 2nd Battalion of the Volunteer Army captured the main peak of 552.8 Heights.

After rushing to the top of the hill, the 3 platoon commander ordered each squad to divide into several combat groups to search for the remnants of the enemy.

The soldiers Li Yinzhou, Li Weihua, and Li Changliang were divided into a group, and they had just advanced a few tens of meters away when they found more than a dozen enemy soldiers sneaking over.

Under Li Yin's order on Monday, the three of them opened fire at the same time, knocking down 5 enemy soldiers at once, and the remaining few were frightened by this sudden blow, and turned their heads and fled back.

During the pursuit, the enemy soldiers suddenly disappeared, and the volunteers mistakenly hit and bumped, but they made a miraculous achievement

Li Yinzhou and the other three people killed and killed, and even if they were willing to let the enemy escape, they immediately chased after them.

Just when they were about to catch up with the enemy, they didn't know what was going on, and the guys suddenly disappeared from sight. The three warriors looked around, and there was no trace of the enemy, and Li Yinzhou scolded angrily, "Why are the people gone?" Really X live heck! ”

The three of them were hesitating when they suddenly heard a loud noise not far ahead. Li Yinzhou rushed over to take a look, found a pit crossing, and thought that the enemy must have penetrated it.

He raised his submachine gun and fired a shuttle of bullets at the mouth of the tunnel, heard the enemy's frightened exclamations and retreated, and immediately rushed into the tunnel with Li Weihua and Li Changliang.

Li Yinzhou's eyes were sharp, and as soon as he saw the tunnel, he found that there was a telephone line leading to the outside, and he immediately took out a bayonet and cut it off.

During the pursuit, the enemy soldiers suddenly disappeared, and the volunteers mistakenly hit and bumped, but they made a miraculous achievement

The three of them continued to walk inside, and found that the tunnel was dark, and a foul and damp smell came to their noses. They had no choice but to illuminate the way forward with the light of the fire, alternately advancing while fighting, forcing the enemy into the deepest part of the tunnel.

Seeing that the enemy was no longer firing, the three fighters decided to use the means of persuasion to deal with them instead. But he shouted in a half-baked Korean language for half a day, "Surrender the gun and don't kill", and no one inside took care of it, but instead shouted at himself.

Li Yinzhou said, "It seems that there are still many enemies in this tunnel!" ”

At this time, from the depths of the tunnel came an urgent voice, followed by a man who looked like an officer and cursed angrily.

Li Weihua's Level of Korean was higher, and he could hear what was going on: "The enemy was asking for a phone call, but he didn't want to get through, and the officer was scolding him for being a rice bucket." ”

During the pursuit, the enemy soldiers suddenly disappeared, and the volunteers mistakenly hit and bumped, but they made a miraculous achievement

"As soon as I came in, I cut off the phone line, where do I want to call?" Li Yin laughed when he heard it on Monday, "These guys are so abrasive, hurry out and surrender!" ”

After saying that, he felt two grenades and threw them in, and he heard two muffled noises inside, followed by the sound of the enemy being blown up and crying wolf, but after half a day they still refused to come out.

"Just get some explosives and blow up this tunnel!" Li Changliang said angrily.

"No, this tunnel is very good, we have a counterattack that can deal with the enemy." Li Yinzhou said.

Li Weihua suddenly had an idea: "Or shall we use tracer bullets to make the enemy appear?" ”

"This method is quite good," Li Yinzhou sighed and said, "but we don't have a rifle, and we can't fire a tracer bullet." ”

During the pursuit, the enemy soldiers suddenly disappeared, and the volunteers mistakenly hit and bumped, but they made a miraculous achievement

The three of them were worried, and another person came in outside the tunnel, who turned out to be Ning Guozhi, the commander of the division. It just so happened that he was carrying a flare gun, and Li Yinzhou took the flare gun and fired two flares into the depths of the tunnel.

Unexpectedly, a huge fire suddenly appeared from the depths of the tunnel, and the flames immediately rolled out, and smoke mixed with the smell of gasoline came out.

It turned out that the second flare was unbiasedly landing on a car barrel and igniting the gasoline inside.

The enemy in the depths of the tunnel was stirred up by this, and suddenly it was like a frying pan, emitting a terrified cry.

This time, there was no need for Li Yinzhou and others to shout again, they lined up and honestly raised their hands to surrender.

Li Yinzhou counted, a total of nine Officers and Men of the ROK Army, and then pointed to the depths of the tunnel with his hand and shouted in Korean: "Is there anyone inside?" ”

During the pursuit, the enemy soldiers suddenly disappeared, and the volunteers mistakenly hit and bumped, but they made a miraculous achievement

The enemy soldiers looked at each other for a while before they returned to their senses and replied, "There are, there are many..."

Li Yinzhou also planned to catch a few more live ones to go back to report for merit, but he did not expect that only two military soldiers were drilled out of it. As soon as these two people saw Li Yinzhou, they used their hands to stroke the pipe to ask him for water to drink.

"Are there any of your people inside?" Li Yinzhou asked.

It happened that one of the two captives could speak a little Chinese, and the man replied in frustration: "Dead... All dead..."

At this time, 3 platoons and other combat teams also came to the mouth of the tunnel, and Li Yinzhou led several soldiers to let the prisoner who could call Chinese lead the way and search for the enemy in the depths of the tunnel.

During the pursuit, the enemy soldiers suddenly disappeared, and the volunteers mistakenly hit and bumped, but they made a miraculous achievement

They went inside to take a look, and sure enough, they found that more than 20 enemies had been burned inside. One of them was also the commander of the 2nd Battalion of the White Tiger Regiment, with several medals hanging from his chest. It turned out to be the command post of the 2nd Battalion of the White Tiger Regiment.

Li Yinzhou and others then counted and found that they had killed, burned, and captured 46 enemies and captured 11 enemies inside and outside the tunnel.

When the platoon commander heard that Li Yinzhou and the others had taken down the enemy command post and burned the enemy commander to death, he said happily: "You two are really doing something, and this time we must ask you for credit!" ”

After the course of this battle was reported to the headquarters of the 203rd Division, Li Yinzhou and three other soldiers were awarded the second class merit, and the Propaganda Department of the Division Headquarters also called this battle a "burning tiger cave" for notification and commendation.

In this way, during the pursuit and fighting, the three volunteer soldiers found that the enemy soldiers had suddenly disappeared, and not only failed to escape, but instead led the volunteers to the enemy's command post, came to a clean and neat "one pot end", and made a miracle.

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