
Who is stronger, Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun? Guan Yu once said two sentences separately and gave the answer

During the Three Kingdoms period, there were many martial artists, and many people with high martial arts threw themselves into various camps to try to establish their prestige in the chaotic world. Looking at the many military generals in the Three Kingdoms period, Lü Bu ranked first in terms of force, which is rarely questioned, after all, Lü Bu's battles have proved the high level of his military strength. Lü Bu's military ranking after lü bu has always been debated in the world, after all, there were too many generals who were superior in force during the Three Kingdoms period, there were Tai Shi Ci and Sun Ce in Jiangdong, the Shu state had five tiger generals, and the Wei state had five sons and good generals. With so many generals comparing themselves with each other, there are countless questions about who is stronger than that. Today we are discussing which of the Five Tiger Generals, Zhang Fei or Zhao Yun, is more powerful.

Who is stronger, Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun? Guan Yu once said two sentences separately and gave the answer

Zhang Fei was born as a butcher, and before he followed Liu Bei, he was very good at making friends in the jianghu, so he learned a lot of skills of jianghu friends. Zhang Fei has a rough personality and is full of guts, and once frightened many Cao Juns by drinking on the slope of Changshan. Zhang Fei is very aggressive due to his personality, so he has played against many famous generals, including Lü Bu, the first in the Three Kingdoms, Ma Chao, the general of Xiliang, and Zhang Gao, one of the five sons of Liang. Counting the battles that Zhang Fei has fought so many battles, the chances of Zhang Fei never losing are still very small, but he is brave.

Who is stronger, Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun? Guan Yu once said two sentences separately and gave the answer

Since zhao yun followed Liu Bei, he was loyal and loyal, and was born and died for Liu Bei. Among the thousands of troops and horses that had once entered the Cao army to save Ah Dou, one shot and one horse came and went freely among the enemy troops. Zhao Yun's bravery made Cao Cao praise him for being even more powerful than Lü Bu. Zhao Yun was already unparalleled in the world when he was young, and his strength was comparable to that of Huang Zhong in the twilight years, and Huang Zhong, who was old during Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition, also killed the general of the Wei state.

Who is stronger, Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun? Guan Yu once said two sentences separately and gave the answer

Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun both made great contributions to the expansion of the Shu state, so Liu Bei was named a general of the Five Tigers when he was proclaimed emperor. Although there are occasional encounters between the two, it is not a battle of life and death, but we can understand which is stronger and weaker in martial arts from Guan Yu's evaluation of the two. Guan Yu evaluated the two: So-and-so He Zu Daoya! My brother Zhang Yide took the head of a general in a million troops, such as probing the bag to take the ear. ”

Who is stronger, Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun? Guan Yu once said two sentences separately and gave the answer

Some people may question Guan Yu's selfish intentions in the middle, but you will change this idea when you listen to Guan Yu to Zhao Yun. Guan Yu once said to Zhao Yun: Zilong Jiu followed my brother, that is, my brother also: the position and I are merged, but also. From this sentence, we can clearly understand that Guan Yu has recognized Zhao Yun as the fourth brother. Although there is no act of worship, the four of them have brotherly feelings. Even if it can be seen that in Guan Yu's mind, Zhang Fei's bravery is far better than Zhao Yun's.

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