
Poetry 丨 Huang Zhaolong: The tree greets the brothers in heaven

Poetry 丨 Huang Zhaolong: The tree greets the brothers in heaven

The Tree Greetings Brothers in Heaven (Group Poems)

A tree greets the brothers of heaven

There is a tree in front of my house

It turned out to have a brother

Right next to it

Unfortunately, it was blown down by a typhoon

I'm curious

This tree

Always standing here

Who the hell is waiting for

Until one day

I watched it stand there

Facing the blue sky


I know

It is in

Say hello to your brothers in heaven


There used to be a lot of stars

Now in the city

The stars all walked away with their baggage

I asked Mom

Why are the stars gone

Mom told me

The stars were smoked away by the exhaust gas


In the refrigerator at home

There was a small radish

It's too small

So much so that they forgot

Until the fridge is sorted out

Only to find this radish

All grew leaves

Ready to blossom

This radish is deep

Impressed me

It's learning

Me on the road

At night

In the evening

The fog is coming

Over there in the mall

There was a golden light

Bring the night

Split a slit

Next to the golden light

Dark night

Give yourself a mess

Mixed into a charming purple

My house downstairs on the street

White light shines

It felt like I was all flashed

I can't open my eyes

It seems that in addition to the sunset is good-looking

City at night

It's even more elusive

The Great Wall carries the earth all the way up beautifully

It's the holidays

People put lights on the Great Wall

Night is coming

It seems to be in front of the eyes

Not a building

It's a body full of it

Dragon of Golden Light

This sleeps

A dragon of more than two thousand years

Radiant today

I'm about to wake up

It carries the earth

All the way up beautifully


My mom

Hair falls out when combing your hair

Eat black sesame seeds often

That black sesame seeds

Why don't you grow your own hair

I saw lychees

It's full of hair

So I told my mother

Mom, eat lychees

Long hair


I'm weird


Everything withers and withers

That would be weird

Playing with hearts doesn't


Winter in Hainan

It's almost all fog

Why is it all fog

The fog is somewhat happy

Some sadness

Some delicious

Somewhat light

I just want to

Make these fun

and delicious

Make Chinese New Year's Eve rice


I often think

If I were in a glass jar

Put some water

Wait a day or two

There will be life

Wait another day or two

There will be creatures

To the end

It is a peaceful world


In the hometown

Chicken coop

Shut my heart

I'm in the city

My heart

In the chicken coop in my hometown

I want this poem

Can make me

Round a homecoming dream


In the woods of my hometown

I walked around there

Only to see the dreams of a group of children

Play in the woods

Take a closer look

It turned out to be a bunch

Glowing green fireflies


In the fish pond of my hometown

In the vegetable patch of my hometown

In the pigsty of my hometown

My heart is like a swallow

Fly around your hometown

Another flight

Flew back into my dreams

Don't come out again

music box

Music box, it's amazing

Screw it

Just sing

Music box, really lazy

You don't turn

It doesn't sing

Original singer

Not in your hands

Right in your heart


Kiwi fruit, full body hair

Wear a sweater

Shopping the streets

Kiwi, not like peach

Peaches have pits

It has no core

There's a flat cucumber inside

Can tape stick to a divided friendship?

Tape can

Glued on

Smash the glass on the ground

That's ok


Split friendships


When friendships are divided

You need to

There is good tape

Go and glue it tightly

Wind is a painter

Always painting

The Gobi was drawn

Painted the desert

The wind paints diligently

Painted golden beaches

Painted my colorful childhood

There is also next to it

A few coconut trees

The wind is painting tirelessly


My childlike heart

It's set before the age of six

The Sea Kindergarten

Autumn hairy crabs crawl into my saliva

Golden autumn

Here comes the harvest

Farmer's wallet

With the arrival of autumn

Slowly drum up

Become like a little fat man

Under the tall rice grass

Farmers in the shade

The big tree had yellow hair

It seems to be autumn

Hide and seek out in the trees

Autumn faded

The heat of the sun

Golden wind

Keep us cool

Hairy crabs

Crawl into my saliva

Let the whole world


Huang Zhaolong, mongolian, born in 2011, 10 years old. He is a member of the Chinese Poetry Society, the China Internet Writers Association, the Chinese Poetry Society, and a fifth-grade primary school student of Xiufeng Experimental School in Haikou City. More than 300 poems, prose poems, essays and fables have been published in literary newspapers and periodicals such as "Stars", "Green Wind", "Yangtze River", "Prose Poems", "Overseas Digest", "Young Writers", "Haihua Metropolis Daily" and more than 100 well-known platforms such as China Writers Network and China Poetry Network. He won the Toray Cup Sun Li Prose Award, the Phoenix Xinhua Cup National First National Primary and Secondary School Students Essay Contest First Prize, the Chinese Poetry Society Primary and Secondary School Students Children's Poetry Competition Second Prize was awarded the "Future Star", the Second Prize of the Hainan Learning Platform essay contest for learning power, the first prize of the Annual Masterpiece of "Comic Weekly", the second prize of the An Xiao Tong Home Essay Contest, the second prize of the Oriental Children's Literature Watch Golden Autumn Competition, the excellence award of the "Hongdou" Magazine Little Writers Cup Chinese Language Grand Prix, the first prize of the First Poetry Contest of The World Newspaper Youth Group, the Zhalong Poetry Club Excellence Award, Wenchang Qinglan International Poetry Grand Prix Excellence Award, Chinese Poetry Art Junior Award, 3rd Prize \ Special Award of the 2nd "Pingxiang Good People Cup" Chinese New Poetry Grand Prix, Hainan Primary and Secondary School Students Essay Scene Finals Excellence Award, 2nd Xia Qing Cup National Poetry Competition Finalist Award, 2nd Bailu Cup National Youth Literature Grand Prix Essay Group Third Prize, Foreign Language Bureau Children's Voice Chinese Poetry Grand Prix Excellence Award, The 6th Chinese Love National Poetry Essay Gold Award, The 2nd Fujian Xinhua Basketball Emperor Lion Cup National Essay Third Prize, The 2nd Fangtai Cup Poetry Award Modern Poetry Xinmiao Excellence Award, "50 Poems of Huang Zhaolong" participated in the preliminary selection of the 11th National Excellent Children's Literature Award.


Nostalgia flies in the illusion

——Read Huang Zhaolong's "Why Playing with the Heart Won't Wither (Group of 6 Poems)"

Text/Huang Qizan

In the Internet age, information exchange is highly developed, and all kinds of information are surging like a tide, whistling away, and the beach is a mess, leaving gold, and more is garbage. Looking at the society, many people are addicted to games or short videos, eat fast food, lazy thinking, the mind will naturally become dull, and there are very few people who can calm down to read and write. The poet Huang Zhaolong has already emerged in literary creation at a young age, and it is really valuable to fly against the wind. Today, reading a group of his new works "Why Playing with the Heart Will Not Wither", my eyes lit up, a new perspective, playful language, concise expression, rich poetry, and strong nostalgia, which repeatedly intoxicated me, like a spring breeze, like drinking a sweet spring.

The title of "Why Playing with the Heart Doesn't Wither" is very novel and suddenly caught my heart. A good title comes from a good idea, and with a good idea, the poem succeeds for a long time. The poem is rather short, with only six lines and two verses, and on closer inspection there are actually only two sentences, and it is a big vernacular, which even the illiterate can understand. This reminds me of the Tang Dynasty poet Bai Juyi, who advocated this simple and clear artistic pursuit, and each poem strives to be simple and clear, without obscurity and difficulty, and can be read by old women and children. In the first sentence, the little dragon asked: Why do all things wither and wither? If we stop at this reflection that everyone can do, the poem fails, and at best it is a poem of no artistic value. Poetry is valuable in innovation, thinking about what others have not thought, saying what others have not said, just like a high monk entering Zen, entering a supreme and profound realm, achieving great enlightenment, and obtaining the treasure of the Buddha. The second sentence of The Little Dragon's words turned sharply and jumped to another perspective, which is called the jump of poetry. Why doesn't the playing heart wither and wither? This wonderful, whimsical, ingenious, and immediately exploded with tremendous energy. As long as people maintain a childlike heart, they will never grow old, will not wither and wither.

"The Great Fog" is written about a natural phenomenon, an extremely ordinary thing, because it is pinned on extraordinary thoughts, so it shines with bright brilliance. In the eyes of the little poet, the fog is also full of bittersweet and bittersweet like life, and he is willing to extract the best things in life and make Chinese New Year's Eve rice to dedicate to the dearest and most beloved family. At a young age, I had the desire to share the pressure of life for my family, which was really rare. The whole poem is natural and free, not sculpted, light and strong, and evocative.

"Water", also understated, expresses a kind of great love without a trace, seemingly as light as water, but in fact as strong as wine. As long as there is love in the heart, without too much nourishment, life will appear, it will multiply, it will flourish, the world will be picturesque, and the song of peace will resound throughout the earth.

"Chicken Coop" is a nostalgic poem with a different color. There are usually two states of expression in poetry, one is gorgeous, shallow in thought, but pretending to be profound, in the clouds and fog, without edge; the other is that the words are plain, deep in connotation, poetic and colorful. The former is deceitful and seems to be in the sky, but in fact it is deeply mired in the quagmire; the latter is down-to-earth, close to the soil, with gorgeous flowers and fragrant fragrances.

The perspective of "Firefly" is also very unique, using the technique of scene migration, showing the carefree and happy life of children, saying this and intending to be the other, the sound of east and west, virtual and real, like a dream or a true. The first verse is written about a child's dream, which no one can see really, and the combination of virtual and real expands the tension of the poem. The second verse uses fireflies to imply that children's dreams are as vague as fireflies, as if the dream is real, the mood is deep, and the meaning is profound. Fireflies are clearly extinguished in the dark night, and the green light that flies around is constantly changing in the moonlight like water, showing a dreamlike artistic conception, which is closely integrated with the children's dreams described above, reaching the realm of water and milk.

"Old Home" is also a nostalgic poem, children's perspective is always different from adults, and different experiences and feelings complete this poem. The real scene of my hometown corresponds to my elusive heart, one real and one virtual, reflecting each other. The first section lists the trajectory of my activities in my hometown, which should be my favorite, the longest stay, and the deepest feelings. This is the real writing, the basis for the upward ascension of the poem. The second verse uses swallows as an analogy, stringing together my feelings and such virtual things, vividly showing my happy and comfortable life in my hometown, showing my deep feelings for my hometown, and finally flying back to my dreams with swallows, I hope it will never come out again, showing a good wish to be with my hometown forever. Poetry has thus taken a poetic leap.

It is rare to be childlike and muddy, and the childish writing is proud

——On Huang Zhaolong's poems

Text/Zhang Shengwu

By chance, I was able to read Huang Zhaolong's group poem "A Tree Greeting Brothers in Heaven", which I recited repeatedly, or I could use the Qingren Shen Fu's "Children's Fun": "I can open my eyes to the sun, I can see the autumn, and when I see small things, I will carefully examine its texture, so there is always interest outside the things." "Encapsulates the flavor of this group of poems.

Rich technique, flexible brushwork, poetic philosophy,

Full of realism, the poems leave endless charm and perception

In "Stars", "There used to be a lot of stars / Now in the city / The stars are carrying baggage / Why are the stars gone / Mother told me / Stars are smoked away by exhaust gases". Just a few words, so clean and clear. In the combination of dynamic and static, anthropomorphism is the main trunk, "the stars carry the baggage away" and "the stars are smoked away by the exhaust gas". The poet's anxiety about the environment is invisible, coupled with the poet's innocent vision and delicate heart, giving the "stars" flesh and blood thoughts, making environmental pollution a touching reality. The poet is in it, as if he hears the steps of the stars: heavy, because it has gone through turbid years and has a long way to go; lonely, because it has stood for a long time and overturned the tracks. Is this "star" just a star? Not just. It is also a representative of light, cleanliness and hope. But today, "the dangerous building is a hundred feet high", it is difficult to pick the stars; "the sunset in the isolated city of the Chufu Is oblique", it is difficult to rely on the Big Dipper; "the sky is connected with the clouds and the clouds and the fog", and it is difficult to turn the galaxy. Suddenly, he is sober again, the development of correct things, there will inevitably be a bright future, but how to overcome the twists and turns on the road ahead, he is thinking, we must also think.

There is also "Night", "At night / The fog is coming / Over there at the mall / There is a golden light / The night is split / Split a slit / Next to the golden light / The dark night / Give yourself chaos / Mixed into a charming purple / The street downstairs of my house / The white light shines / Feel like I'm all flashing / Can't open my eyes". The allegorical scene runs through the text, mixed with exaggeration and anthropomorphism. In fact, in the modern metropolis, there are countless situations like those described in the poem. Here, a random street can be seen in a busy and hoofed street, not to mention the streets lined with endless lights and neon lights. Today's pace of life is too fast, and some old things and objects have become synonymous with backwardness. The whole poem takes the night as the main line, with the miscellaneous lights as the main frame, and uses delicate and flexible handwriting to outline the overall appearance of the night, the light is roped and interlaced, the atmosphere is turbid, and there is no clean and bright appearance at all. Although the years of "yellow hair and hanging hair, and enjoying themselves" are not as good as today's conditions, they are also precious. Thus the poet sighed: "It seems that in addition to the beautiful sunset / the night of the city / more uncertain." Although he is still young, the inheritance engraved in his bones, the human touch, overflows in poetry.

The poet may not be able to point out the environmental pollution and social coldness in sharp words, but he is asking questions, and the answer he wants to get also needs to be thought about and solved by the entire social group. Why "vernacular literature" is so hot these days, I think it's not just that a group of writers is simply homesick in a big city, but there is a deeper level of thinking. The writer Chen Fu once said: "Yu Qiuyu wrote in "Where the Township Passes": 'Homesickness can often be specific to a river bend, a few small trees, and half a wall of moss. I didn't think that a wanderer could be so homesick so real, but in recent days, because of the nostalgia, I can't help but think of this sentence again. It's just that my nostalgia doesn't settle in the river bend, the little tree or the moss, but the lights of countless rural twilights. "Behind this series of social problems, the days of hunting and snowflakes spent by generations of ancestors, followed by one warm companion story after another, how not to teach people to remember?

A small poem, a childlike song, a love,

Immature and romantic, the poet wanders in a poetic life

In "A Tree in Front of My House", "I am curious / This tree / Has been standing here / What is waiting / Until one day / I watched it stand there / Against the blue sky / Beckoned / I knew / It is / Hello to the brothers in heaven." Look, the words are full of innocence, and I can't help but think of the Song Dynasty Yang Wanli's "playing with the clear spring sprinkling banana leaves, children mistakenly recognize the sound of rain." And "The Radish", "Until I tidy up the refrigerator / I found out that this radish / All the leaves have grown / Ready to bloom / This radish is deeply / Touched me / It is just learning / I am on the road". The poet is one of the few people I have come into contact with who can be called romantic, and although I have not had direct contact with myself, I have learned a thing or two through his poetry, like "a green leaf, I know the green mountain". These two are the most relaxed and resonant poems in the whole group, and they are suitable for all ages. Why I call the poet "romantic" is only because of the poetry, the love, and the beauty of the tone. The poet "peruses its texture" in one scene after another, and in his cognition, adds a little warmth to this chaotic and impatient world, or can become a spiritual comfort that people can pin on when their bodies and minds are nothing, and they are in the clouds.

Look at "Sesame" again, "My mom / Loses her hair when combing her hair / Eat black sesame seeds often / That black sesame seeds / Why don't I grow my hair / I see lychees / I have all hair on my body / I said to my mother / Mom, eat lychees / Long hair" . Filial piety comes first, and in our country, the allusions and history of filial piety have been passed down and studied to this day. "Twenty-four filial pieties" are in the annals of history, and "Mom, eat lychees / long hair" also makes people cry. The childish tone, the words full of love, and the romance that belong only to mother and child have the same effect as "fear of delaying the return, and the tight seam before the trip". The reason why our hot land is endless is that the civilization force of filial piety has been integrated into generation after generation, engraved in people's bones, how many classic books have been destroyed, as long as excellent cultural traditions can be inherited, this hot land will always develop forward.

Poetry, song and love. In the eyes of the poet, "trees", "stars", "radishes", "evenings" and "sesame seeds" can all become objects of poetry. These are all beings, all talkative, all have feelings, all represent a certain spirit or emotion, and together they are an encyclopedia, writing about the social situation and human fireworks.

Ai Qing is gone, a deep and true style,

The spiritual theme of patriotism remains in Huang Zhaolong's poetry

Huang Zhaolong's abundant and delicate emotions are full of patriotism. In The Great Wall, patriotism is "This sleeping dragon / More than two thousand years / Radiant today / About to wake up / It leads China / All the way up beautiful but coming". It is conceivable that the festival is auspicious, the world is peaceful, and the poet stands quietly on the brilliantly lit Great Wall, facing this monument that symbolizes the spirit of the great Chinese people, and the eyes are proud and proud. It has experienced the rise and fall of ancient China for thousands of years, and now it still stands tall and has become a witness and participant in the take-off of New China. It is like Mr. Ai Qing's emotion of "I will give all those who expect me the most merciful radiance / When the night is almost over; please tell them / Say that what they have waited for is coming".

As a poet, the age difference is nearly a century, but the patriotic heart that is consistent is the same. Huang Zhaolong seems to inherit Mr. Ai Qing's style, more precisely, he is a person like Mr. Ai Qing, a pure literati, full of affection for the country and the people. Sentient, square, they are the same. Covering up the aftertaste, a teenager like Huang Zhaolong can have such a pattern and writing, such a mind and thoughts, I am impressed and relieved. In him, the education of society and the education of the family are undoubtedly successful.

Liang Rengong has a saying: "A strong youth is a strong country." "The poem "The Great Wall" is played again and again, and it has great staying power. High-level life, very much a sense of faith. Huang Zhaolong, the poet, he saw a tree, a few stars and turnips still growing, encountered the noise of the night, thought of his mother's faded hair, and was in the majestic Great Wall, all of which would provoke his thinking, and then the poetry suddenly arose, so he put it into writing, this talent embellished his life without a dust, churning up the turbulent waves, depicting a broader dream.

It's about this group of poems, it's about Huang Zhaolong. I think that a person who can have both childlike fun and arrogance, a person who can pay attention to life, write with his hands, and write with affection, a person who yearns for poetry and lives in poetry, is not a person who is spiritually rich? The child writes poetry, and the poetry is cut to the point.

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