
Touching Qianlong's tiger's ass, a letter of neglect ruined the happy old age, why did Yin Jiaquan beg for food

Yin Jiaquan was a "famous Confucian" during the Qianlong period, and was the same as the Qianlong Emperor. Yin Jiaquan's life was very mediocre, and the highest position was The Zhengqing of Dali Temple and the Sipin Official. His specialty is in doing learning, he is very researched on Cheng Zhu Lixue, and he is diligent in pen cultivation and has written a lot of works. Yin Jiaquan once annotated Zhu Xi's "Primary School" to form the "Primary School Encyclopedia", which was well received by the Qianlong Emperor.

Touching Qianlong's tiger's ass, a letter of neglect ruined the happy old age, why did Yin Jiaquan beg for food

Because of his good at learning, Yin Jiaquan was awarded the supervisor of Inspector Luoxue, which is a school specially set up for the children of the royal family, and the inspector is equivalent to an inspector.

In the forty-sixth year of Qianlong, Yin Jiaquan turned seventy years old, and he was given a glorious retirement and returned to his hometown of Boye, Hebei Province, to retire. In the capital, Yin Jiaquan's four products are insignificant, and when he arrives at the place, he is definitely a "chief". In the envious eyes of his father and elder in his hometown, Yin Jiaquan lived a very respectful and comfortable life, and if it were not for the changes that occurred later, Elder Yin would have ended his life in a eulogy full of overflowing beauty.

In the year of his retirement, the Qianlong Emperor toured Wutai Mountain in the west and stationed himself in Baoding. According to the old practice, Qianlong would meet with local officials in Baoding, as well as gentry and celebrities, including, of course, retired high-ranking officials such as Yin Jiaquan.

The gifts to the emperor, as well as the horse words that had been modified several times, should be prepared, but to Lao Yin's surprise, he did not receive the notice summoned by the emperor, which made him very faceless. The emperor passed by his hometown and actually forgot his own existence, which means that he has no weight in front of the emperor, and he has been a Beijing official for a lifetime.

Touching Qianlong's tiger's ass, a letter of neglect ruined the happy old age, why did Yin Jiaquan beg for food

Old Yin couldn't accept it, yesterday he still enjoyed the worship of his father and fellow countrymen, and in the future, he must not be replaced by ridicule or even contempt? Where does this old face go?

So Yin Jiaquan decided to save himself. He summoned his son, took out a handwritten note, and solemnly instructed his son that he must personally send it to the emperor's palace.

Without any trouble, Old Yin's performance really reached Qianlong's hands. Qianlong looked at it, his brow furrowed. It turned out that the content of Yin Jiaquan's performance was not a major national event, but for the sake of his father Yin Huiyi.

Yin Huiyi was one of the more influential confucians in the middle of the Qing Dynasty, and wrote the Complete Works of Mr. Yin Jianyu. Unlike Yin Jiaquan, Yin Hui served as a magistrate all his life, wandering in the north and south of the great river, and the official to the two Huai salt envoys, from Sanpin. Because of his diligence in government affairs, Yin Huiyi's official reputation was very good, so after his death, he was approved by the imperial court to enter the "Famous Eunuch Temple".

The so-called "Ancestral Hall of Fame" is an ancestral hall established by various localities to honor local officials who have made important contributions to the local area. Yin Huiyi's ability to enter the "Famous Eunuch Temple" marked the recognition of him by his common people and the imperial court.

Touching Qianlong's tiger's ass, a letter of neglect ruined the happy old age, why did Yin Jiaquan beg for food

However, Yin Jiaquan was not satisfied, and he made two requests to Qianlong: to give his father a nickname and let his father join the shrine.

Jiayu is very familiar to everyone, from the worship refers to entering the Confucius Temple, also called The Sacrifice, that is, following Confucius and accepting sacrifices from future generations.

In addition to the confucius, the Confucius Temple also has three levels of worshippers. The first class is called "Matching", there are Fusheng Yanhui, Shusheng Kongling, Zongsheng Zengshan, Yasheng Mengke, also known as "Four Pairs"; the second class is called "Matching", there are Zilu, Zigong, Ziqian and other eleven disciples of Confucius, and Zhu Xi, a total of twelve, also known as "Twelve Philosophers"; the third class is called "Congqi", and is divided into two grades, Xianxian and Xianru, totaling one hundred and fifty-six. In the entire Manchu Qing Dynasty, there were only five people who were qualified to enter the confucian and worship.

It can be seen from this that the qualification from the ceremony is an extremely rare honor. In addition, the official nickname must be submitted through the Ministry of Etiquette, and the relevant officials discuss and determine that they are not allowed to ask for it.

Touching Qianlong's tiger's ass, a letter of neglect ruined the happy old age, why did Yin Jiaquan beg for food

Yin Jiaquan's admiration for his father was understandable, but he should not be unclear, Yin Would be a long way from the title of emperor and the qualification of the ancestor, and this was not something that any courtier could ask for. So, why did Yin Jiaquan go overboard so much?

I think he's been confused by bad moods. Because he could not be received by the emperor, he lost face, lost his mind in anger, and tried to find compensation. This is the first, and the second is also related to his self-inflated state, he thinks that his academic level is very high, his father's level is not below it, and he feels that he should not give in to the title of jia and the subordinate. Third, perhaps he also thought that asking for a title for his father was filial piety, at least the emperor had no reason to punish himself.

But Yin Jiaquan forgot who Qianlong was, and taking his own thoughts and speculating about the great dictator was tantamount to touching the tiger's ass. Sure enough, Qianlong was furious: "It is unforgivable to bark wildly!" "It was ordered that Yin Jiaquan be handed over to the Ministry of Punishment for trial and conviction.

When Old Yin Mei was waiting for the "rain and dew", he was hit by "thunder", and a chain led him back to the capital and squatted in the prison.

Touching Qianlong's tiger's ass, a letter of neglect ruined the happy old age, why did Yin Jiaquan beg for food

What was worse was that Qianlong knew that Yin Jiaquan had written a lot, so he asked the university scholar Yinglian to take the lead in copying all of Yin Jiaquan's writings, and to identify whether there were words of disobedience and rebellion.

Another word hell begins! If you have to pick faults from the text, it is not a trivial matter! Even if Yinglian deliberately let Yin Jiaquan go, he didn't have the guts, it was a high-voltage line. So from Yin Jiaquan's hometown and beijing mansion, more than ninety works were found, dozens of boxes of large and small, and finally more than one hundred and thirty rebellious texts were found from them.

It is estimated that at this time, Yin Jiaquan hates not being able to tear his mouth!

In the face of torture, Yin Jiaquan woke up, and his IQ occupied the high ground again. He made two points, first asking everything to admit his guilt, and second admitting that his sin was negligence, rather than deliberately slandering the court and the emperor.

Touching Qianlong's tiger's ass, a letter of neglect ruined the happy old age, why did Yin Jiaquan beg for food

Historical records record the process of interrogation, which clearly shows that most of them are far-fetched, or ambiguous in understanding in different contexts, but Yin Jiaquan does make people catch some small braids.

For example, in the "Yin Family Tree", he used words such as "Zongmiao" and "Zongqi", and his own explanation was that the ancient books used it this way. This shows its arrogance and ignorance, which Chinese word is not equal at first? "朕" was used casually before Qin Shi Huang, do you dare to use it?

For another example, he called the death of his mother "薨", and the word "薨" was only qualified for use by Manchu imperial relatives, such as empresses, empresses, princes, and princes.

What annoyed Qianlong the most was two things, one was that he was "stolen" by Yin Jiaquan and the term "ancient rare old man". On his seventieth birthday, Qianlong composed a royal poem, calling himself "Ancient Rare Old Man", and specially made a seal, and Yin Jiaquan actually called himself "Ancient Rare Old Man". Although you are the same age as Qianlong, you don't have a different life!

Touching Qianlong's tiger's ass, a letter of neglect ruined the happy old age, why did Yin Jiaquan beg for food

The second thing, Yin Jiaquan has such a sentence in his "The Talk of the Friends": "And the teaching of the literary master is declining, can Jun Yi'an be exalted alone?" This sentence is contrary to Yongzheng's "Theory of Friends", which is considered to be a stage play with the emperor.

There are many other plausible things, such as Yin Jiaquan's referral to Yin Huiyi, Tang Bin and others as "four sons", which is compared with the "four pairs" of the Confucius Temple, and has been criticized for being extremely arrogant.

After seventeen rounds of going through the hall, the following opinions were finally formed: the seventy-nine works of Yin Jiaquan were destroyed, and all the inscriptions were smashed; Yin Jiaquan was sentenced to hanging; the family property was confiscated, and the family was enslaved to officials.

Later, Qianlong's "imperial grace was vast", exempting Yin Jiaquan from the death penalty, and did not harm the whole family. It is estimated that Yin Jiaquan is an idle official, who was arrested without the handle of the party, and was fortunate to be able to escape, but he did not know that he and his family, after this fright, still had a few breaths left.

Touching Qianlong's tiger's ass, a letter of neglect ruined the happy old age, why did Yin Jiaquan beg for food

In this incident, Yin Jiaquan's interests were smoked, arrogant, self-inflicted, and he personally ruined his happy old age and the happiness of his family. On the other hand, the authoritarian face of the Qianlong Emperor was also vividly exposed, and it also illuminated the future of the decline of the Manchu Qing.

Touching Qianlong's tiger's ass, a letter of neglect ruined the happy old age, why did Yin Jiaquan beg for food

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