
For people with high blood pressure, do these 4 exercises regularly, or help control blood pressure, may wish to try

Hypertension is the most common chronic disease in the clinic, and relevant statistics show that so far, about one in every three adults is a hypertension patient, presumably this data has exceeded everyone's expectations.

However, fortunately, the treatment of hypertension is not difficult, in addition to taking drugs under the guidance of a doctor, patients can also do some exercise in moderation, which is more helpful to control blood pressure, such as the 4 mentioned below.

For people with high blood pressure, do these 4 exercises regularly, or help control blood pressure, may wish to try

1. Walk

For older and more serious patients who are not suitable for strenuous exercise, it is recommended to try this method of walking, because the intensity of walking exercise is very low and does not accelerate the heartbeat.

Moreover, the relevant experimental results have proved that if you insist on exercising 4 to 5 times a week, each time maintaining for about 30 minutes, you can reduce blood pressure by 4 to 9 mm Hg.

Of course, there are many types of walking, such as slow walking and fast walking, etc., we must choose the most suitable way of walking according to the physical condition and blood pressure control, so as to achieve more with less.

For people with high blood pressure, do these 4 exercises regularly, or help control blood pressure, may wish to try

2. Jogging

If the age is not old, and there is a foundation of exercise before, it is best to use jogging;

Because jogging can speed up blood circulation, help to discharge harmful substances present in blood vessels, and thus avoid causing greater pressure to the inner wall of blood vessels.

However, jogging must be gradual, under normal circumstances, it is best to walk 1 to 2 kilometers quickly, and then run slowly as the body gradually adapts.

In addition, if there is a sudden dizziness and palpitations in the process, it must be stopped immediately.

For people with high blood pressure, do these 4 exercises regularly, or help control blood pressure, may wish to try

3. Swimming

The occurrence of high blood pressure will inevitably pose a threat to blood vessel health, so choosing reasonable exercise is the main measure to stabilize blood pressure, such as swimming.

Because all parts of the body must participate in swimming, especially the muscles and joints of the legs and arms are moving, which can ensure the patency of blood flow and make the blood pressure in a stable state.

For people with high blood pressure, do these 4 exercises regularly, or help control blood pressure, may wish to try

4. Play Tai Chi

Compared with young people, the elderly are more likely to be entangled in high blood pressure problems, and such people are often not suitable for running or swimming, then you may wish to try to play tai chi;

Because the exercise intensity of tai chi is not large, and the range of movements is small, it can also accelerate blood circulation in the process of limb movement, and eventually achieve the effect of lowering blood pressure.

For people with high blood pressure, do these 4 exercises regularly, or help control blood pressure, may wish to try

In fact, there are many ways to lower blood pressure, in addition to insisting on exercise, the following two are also worth trying.

1. Adjust the diet structure

If you want to stabilize your blood pressure, you should also start with your diet and eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, such as celery, onions, black fungus, etc.;

Onions, in particular, contain a substance called prostaglandin a, and its main use is to dilate blood vessels and help lower blood pressure.

For people with high blood pressure, do these 4 exercises regularly, or help control blood pressure, may wish to try

2. Ensure adequate drinking water

Because the increase in blood pressure is mainly due to the presence of too many harmful substances in the blood vessels, then everyone can also drink more water, which in turn can dilute the blood and accelerate the excretion of metabolic garbage.

All in all, although hypertension does not develop to a very serious point in a short period of time, if you do not pay attention to blood pressure control, it is easy to induce multiple complications.

So we must pay attention to it, in addition to taking medicine according to the doctor's instructions, but also adhere to exercise, such as the 4 types of exercise methods mentioned above, it is worth trying, in addition, patients and friends should drink more water and adjust the diet.

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