
China's electromagnetic bomb is too terrible, US experts say that one can paralyze the United States, is there really such a powerful?

author:The king of Qin does not have the surname Qin

China has electromagnetic bombs, so powerful that one can paralyze the power grid in most parts of the U.S. mainland, fail communications, and within a week Americans will be completely paralyzed by the lack of electricity and energy, and bomb radiation could eventually lead to the death of 90% of the people in the United States.

Vincent Price, an expert and executive director of the U.S. National and Homeland Security Task Force, has repeatedly declared this.

Electromagnetic weapons, usually only seen in science fiction movies, only exist in people's imagination, such as the Marvel movie Iron Man, the palm can emit a shock beam, called the electromagnetic impulse transmitter in the movie. For example, in "Star Wars", "Evaporation Secret Order", "Infamous 2" have electromagnetic pulse guns, electromagnetic cannons and other weapons appear on the big screen.

In fact, the equipment in these movies is the concept of electromagnetic pulse weapons.

China's electromagnetic bomb is too terrible, US experts say that one can paralyze the United States, is there really such a powerful?

In reality, do china really have electromagnetic weapons?

The answer is yes, China's military experts have been at the forefront of the world in developing weapons, but the effect is not as sensational as the Us side describes.

Electromagnetic pulse bombs, also known as high-energy microwave bombs, were discovered by weapons experts due to the large number of shock waves generated during the nuclear explosion.

Nowadays, the world's use of nuclear weapons is highly limited, so nuclear electromagnetic pulse bombs will hardly be used, many countries are studying conventional electromagnetic bombs, this bomb material is usually between conventional weapons and nuclear weapons, can specifically destroy electronic communication equipment, the electromagnetic wave transmitter on the bomb, can release high-intensity microwaves in a few hundred millionths of a second, the power is almost equivalent to the electromagnetic waves released by nuclear explosions.

China's electromagnetic bomb is too terrible, US experts say that one can paralyze the United States, is there really such a powerful?

Electromagnetic waves can quickly penetrate underground fortifications, along the holes of cables and pipelines, causing underground facilities, power supply, communication transmission, radio signal propagation, and computer systems to be disturbed and failed, although it does not kill people, but also causes a large amount of electromagnetic radiation.

There is also a radar-like electromagnetic pulse bomb, which emits electromagnetic pulse waves intensively to interfere with the radio communication systems and radar systems on military aircraft, warplanes, missiles, tanks, and even warships.

Because this weapon can play the most powerful and devastating blow to energy, information technology, and high-precision electronic equipment, it is called "epoch-making new weapon".

China's electromagnetic bomb is too terrible, US experts say that one can paralyze the United States, is there really such a powerful?

The Japanese have said that China's military investments have focused on asymmetric warfare, electromagnetic pulse weapons, cyberspace warfare and low-quality but accurate nuclear deterrence. Chinese weapons design has always been good at using low-cost materials in exchange for the most efficient benefits.

The Americans are uneasy about this, because the United States, which is known for its high-tech level, is very dependent on electronic information technology, and they are worried that their technological superiority in the future war will be completely lost.

Although China has not yet officially and publicly displayed electromagnetic pulse weapons, there are already indications that China's technical strength in this field is enough to manufacture electromagnetic weapons in large quantities, especially china has technical patents such as all-electric propulsion systems, which can provide Great energy advantages for China's research and development of electromagnetic weapons.

Although the news of China's electromagnetic guns is rare, there are constantly sporadic news from abroad: China continues to promote the electromagnetic pulse equipment program, and has even conducted live-fire tests many times.

China's electromagnetic bomb is too terrible, US experts say that one can paralyze the United States, is there really such a powerful?

They said that a scientific research unit in northern China photographed two electromagnetic guns fixed to the ground base, and appeared in the field of view of satellite observations in 2011 and 2012, according to which they determined that China was conducting electromagnetic gun experiments.

In 2017, they also said that a Chinese warship was suspected of carrying electromagnetic weapons, and was undergoing shipboard tests, and it was expected that the cost of the equipment was only about one-tenth of that of similar weapons in the world, and the cost was much lower than that of the US Tomahawk electromagnetic missile.

The reliability of these foreign sources still needs to be verified, and it is not excluded that they have ulterior motives or deliberately exaggerate the facts. But what is surprising is that the China Aerospace Science and Technology Commission has previously left a message on the official website, saying that China's electromagnetic weapons research has been secretly established as early as the 1960s, and has now entered the final stage of specific application research.

China's electromagnetic bomb is too terrible, US experts say that one can paralyze the United States, is there really such a powerful?

Although China's achievements in the field of electromagnetic guns are encouraging, the so-called electromagnetic pulse bombs that immediately destroy the enemy's power facilities and power grids do not exist at present. Capable of destroying power grids and power lines is another weapon – graphite bombs.

Graphite bombs are also known as soft bombs, power outage bombs, commonly known as "power killers", the main component of graphite is common in our lives.

Inside this bomb structure are several cylindrical cans made of specially treated pure carbon fiber filaments, each with a diameter of a tiny fraction of a thousandth of a centimeter.

After the bomb explodes over the target, the small tank will fall with a parachute, at this time, a small amount of gunpowder will explode at the bottom of the tank to break the can, and the carbon brazing wire in it will fall on the target facility, which will immediately cause a short circuit, and at the same time, the heat vaporization will form an arc on the surface of the insulating material, making it lose its insulating effect.

China's electromagnetic bomb is too terrible, US experts say that one can paralyze the United States, is there really such a powerful?

Because the diameter of the carbon fiber is extremely small, it will be difficult for the enemy to clean up, but if a carbon fiber is missed, it will repeatedly short-circuit and lose power, causing the power facilities to be burned out. As long as the equipment is not completely enclosed, the graphite bomb will play a role, and almost any electricity-related facility will be doomed.

In particular, once the urban power supply network is attacked by graphite bombs, it is easy to cause a wide range of power outages, which cannot guarantee the military, economic and people's livelihood needs.

However, although it can cause the power supply to be paralyzed, the power of the graphite bomb is far from what US officials claim.

U.S. officials have confused the concept of graphite bombs and electromagnetic pulse bombs, which is a mistake that should not be made.

You know, the first systematic development of electromagnetic pulse bombs and graphite bombs, are the United States.

China's electromagnetic bomb is too terrible, US experts say that one can paralyze the United States, is there really such a powerful?

During World War II, in order to accelerate aggression and oppose anti-fascist countries, Germany and Japan had studied electromagnetic weapons, but both ended in failure. After World War II, Australia first applied the principle of electromagnetic pulse in the military, using the power generated by electromagnetics to speed up the flight speed of missiles in orbit and make them produce greater kinetic energy.

However, Australia did not systematically develop electromagnetic weapons, but the United States came in and began to develop electromagnetic weapons, and there was an experimental plan for electromagnetic weapons in the "Star Wars" program.

In 1958, the United States conducted an anti-satellite hydrogen bomb test, which triggered a series of bizarre chain reactions. The shock wave generated by the hydrogen bomb explosion spread extremely widely, crossing the Pacific Ocean, causing all the lighting facilities in the Hawaiian Islands to be cut off for hundreds of kilometers, and the entire urban area fell into darkness, however, the shock wave continued to spread, as far as the northeast coast of Australia even destroyed the radio communication equipment, thus the United States began the pace of systematic development of electromagnetic pulse weapons.

China's electromagnetic bomb is too terrible, US experts say that one can paralyze the United States, is there really such a powerful?

After the end of the Cold War, the United States once suspended the experimental program of electromagnetic weapons until 2005, but in the time when its research and development stagnated, the development progress of electromagnetic weapons in other countries has caught up, and China has even achieved curve overtaking.

In December 2010, the U.S. military released a video of the test firing of the anti-aircraft electromagnetic railgun and accelerated the specific practical application of the shipborne electromagnetic gun at sea.

In July 2021, it was reported that there were major technical obstacles in the development of electromagnetic weapons in the United States, and the United States would significantly reduce the research and development funds for the project, and even have the possibility of closing the project.

Americans used graphite bombs more frequently in actual combat, making their debut during the Gulf War in 1991. U.S. warships threw graphite bombs at Iraq, destroying its power supply and transmission facilities, paralyzing power in most parts of the country.

China's electromagnetic bomb is too terrible, US experts say that one can paralyze the United States, is there really such a powerful?

In 1999, during NATO's military operations against Yugoslavia, the U.S. Air Force used the stealth fighter F-117A to carry graphite bombs to attack Yugoslavia's power supply pipelines, causing a power outage in 70% of the country.

It can be seen that the US official should be very familiar with electromagnetic pulse bombs and graphite bombs, so why should they exaggerate and describe China's electromagnetic pulse weapons as so frightening? There are four reasons for this.

First of all, China's achievements in the field of electromagnetic weapons research have disturbed the United States, and the top level of the US government hopes to exaggerate the effect of weapons, cause public opinion on the lethality of China's weapons to the American people and the international community, make them fear and jealousy, advocate the "China threat theory", smear China's international image, and endanger China's relations with other countries.

The "China threat theory" that the United States and Western forces continue to spread has sometimes misled some Chinese media, and has been used by people who do not know the truth as evidence to advocate China's military power. In addition, Western forces led by the United States often make a big fuss about China's military spending, and their spokesmen have publicly stated many times that China's military expenditure is too high and will threaten regional peace and security. The truth, however, is that the U.S. military spending is much higher than China's.

China's electromagnetic bomb is too terrible, US experts say that one can paralyze the United States, is there really such a powerful?

Second, the US Government and the Pentagon hope to exaggerate the power of electromagnetic pulse bombs and create an atmosphere of terror in order to justifiably increase their own military expenditures, especially in weapons research and development, as an excuse for expanding military strength.

Not only that, publicly boasting about the lethality of China's weapons will also arouse anti-China sentiment in public opinion, which is conducive to diverting internal contradictions between the US government and the people.

Finally, the sensational depiction of Chinese weapons is conducive to the accumulation of political capital by some American politicians with ulterior motives.

In a sense, it is also a kind of political correctness among the top echelons of the US government, which is conducive to the US parties, election teams or individual politicians to obtain a certain degree of support and win political prestige for their stable governance and votes.

In addition, the remarks of US officials may not be without the intention of using public opinion to exert pressure and hope to improve the US power supply infrastructure.

The infrastructure and power supply facilities in the United States are indeed inconsistent with its level of economic development, and disrepair and aging circuits abound, and if they are attacked, the power supply system in the United States is obviously more fragile and easier to paralyze than China's power grid facilities.

In the past two years, large-scale and long-term power outages have often occurred in some parts of the United States, resulting in local people being unable to live normally, suffering heavy economic losses, and even people who have been frostbitten and frostbitten in winter.

Recently, Alaska's power supply facilities have been unable to withstand local weather conditions and natural disasters, resulting in large-scale power outages.

In February 2021, Texas faced an "electric power crisis" as a result of a winter storm that caused many power company equipment to trip.

At its peak, about 4.5 million homes and businesses were affected, and nearly 120,000 people were unable to use their pumps due to power outages.

China's electromagnetic bomb is too terrible, US experts say that one can paralyze the United States, is there really such a powerful?

In contrast, China's infrastructure is updated quickly, the infrastructure is of good quality, and the quality of the entire power supply system is guaranteed, so it can withstand certain attacks.

However, no matter how the US side guides and disseminates anti-China remarks, China adheres to the diplomatic principle of independence and peace, and the fundamental purpose of China's weapons development is for national security, social stability, and the happiness and well-being of the people, but also to maintain world peace, stabilize the regional situation, and oppose hegemonism.

The research process of China's national defense science and technology will not stop, and more aspiring young people will join the ranks of weapons research and development to contribute to China's military industry!

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