
The Japanese suffered heavy casualties at the Battle of Nomonkan, and Hitler pleaded with Japan to attack the Soviet Union, Japan: I was afraid

On April 30, 1945, the embattled Hitler finally committed suicide by drinking a bullet in the chancellor's basement. The end of Hitler's life marked the eventual collapse of the Third Reich he had founded.

In Hitler's political and military career, the greatest failure was the collapse of the army under the city of Moscow, which was close to the German army but indestructible. In the end, the Soviet Union relied on victory after victory, giving the Germans a fatal blow and finally winning the war.

Moscow was not only Napoleon's lingering nightmare, but also Hitler's lifelong regret. At the beginning, Hitler was full of confidence in taking the Soviet Union, and in order to take the Soviet Union, Hitler once issued a plea to Japan to send troops to Moscow together. Contrary to expectations, Japan, an ally, betrayed Hitler and did not choose whether to attack the Soviet Union or go south to the Pacific to stab the Americans, the French, and the British in the ass. Why didn't Japan choose to attack the Soviet Union? Because the Japanese were afraid, in the Battle of Nomonkan, Japan was severely taught a lesson by the Soviet army, and the Japanese were really afraid.

Japan was eager to try the Soviet Union

After the establishment of the Soviet Union, Japan was very unconvinced. Always thinking about teaching the Soviet Union a lesson, in the Soviet Far East and northeast China, is where the core interests of the Soviet Union and Japan are entangled.

In the Russo-Japanese War, the victorious Japanese gained control of northeast China and half of Sakhalin Island, and the Japanese understood that once the Soviet Union regained its strength and deployed heavy troops in the Far East, it would directly threaten the safety of the Japanese mainland. In order to eliminate the troubles, the Japanese have always been eager to try the Soviet Union, but in fact, the Japanese have no idea what the military situation of the Soviet Union is, and can only tentatively explore.

In the face of Japan's foolish moves, Stalin was very clear about the ambitions of the Japanese, and if he did not teach Japan a harsh lesson, it would be a big hidden danger in the future.

At that time, the countries in Europe except the Soviet Union were basically swept away by Germany, and although the Soviet Union and Germany signed the "Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact", Hitler's character was to turn the other cheek, there was no strong military deterrence, and any peace treaty was just a piece of waste paper.

The Japanese suffered heavy casualties at the Battle of Nomonkan, and Hitler pleaded with Japan to attack the Soviet Union, Japan: I was afraid

At this time, the Soviet Union was facing serious internal and external troubles, a serious agricultural crisis occurred in the economy, the implementation of collective farms led to a decline in productivity, and a large number of peasants were passively sluggish, resulting in poor harvests on the land and grain. Militarily, after a tragic purge, the Soviet Union lost a large number of excellent commanders, and the overall quality of the army fell off a cliff.

The Japanese also know the general situation in the Soviet Union, the current Soviet Union still has some of the strength, only after the hands will know whether it is a cat or a tiger, a long-planned battle is about to begin.

Phase I

In 1939, the Japanese army concentrated its heavy troops here on the Sino-Mongolian border, 200 kilometers from Hailar, in an area called Nomenkan, which is the southwest of today's Hulunbuir City in Inner Mongolia, in the Nomenhan-Ride area of the New Balhu Left Banner, where the Japanese army concentrated its heavy forces to test the Soviet Union's hypocrisy.

After Su Dalin knew about the Japanese army's actions, he had already guessed the purpose of Japan's visit. In order to combat the arrogance of the Japanese army, Stalin ordered Zhukov to dispatch troops to destroy the prestige of the Japanese.

Outer Mongolia was a strategic buffer zone between China, Japan, and the Soviet Union did not deploy many troops here. In the face of the aggressive japanese momentum, Zhukov quickly dispatched troops while transporting a large number of artillery and tanks by rail to the Nomonkan area.

Through the rapid deployment of troops, the Soviet Union gathered nearly 500 tanks, 385 armored vehicles, 542 artillery and mortars, 515 aircraft, and the number of Soviet-Mongolian troops in the battle reached 57,000.

The Japanese suffered heavy casualties at the Battle of Nomonkan, and Hitler pleaded with Japan to attack the Soviet Union, Japan: I was afraid

In this war of aggression, Japan invested 500 artillery pieces, 182 tanks and more than 300 aircraft, and the number of participants reached 75,000, even in the late stages of the war, the notorious Japanese Unit 731 also participated.

The Japanese army had a slight advantage in numbers, and the firepower configuration exposed the shortcomings of the Japanese army. The Japanese tanks were not only small in number, but also mainly light tanks, and in the face of tall Soviet tanks, the Japanese tanks were not vulnerable at all.

At 9 p.m. on May 13, 1939, a Japanese search team arrived at the Kangyur Temple, more than 80 kilometers from Nomonkan. The squad consisted of 104 cavalry and 90 armored men, and belonged to the 23rd Division of the Kwantung Army, and the leader of the squad was named Dong 800zang.

From May 14 to 15, Dong 800zang asked the division for help, and the Japanese army urgently sent five aircraft to support. The Eastern Eight Hundred Hiddens, without the orders of the division, attacked the Mongol army east of the Halaha River. Relying on their air superiority and firepower superiority, the Japanese killed and wounded more than 300 Mongol troops, and after the Mongol army retreated to the west of the Halaha River, the Japanese won the skirmish.

Upon learning of the Japanese attack on the Mongol army, the Soviet Union urgently dispatched the 11th Tank Brigade of the Far Eastern Forces and the 36th Motorized Infantry Division to assemble near Nomonkan in accordance with the Soviet-Mongolian Mutual Assistance Agreement. The 6th Mongol Cavalry Division was the last to enter the battlefield, and by late May, the 6th Mongol Cavalry Division had erected pontoon bridges over the river in preparation for the march of Soviet troops.

On May 28, when the first rays of sunlight shone on the Mongolian steppes, the Soviet troops who were crossing the river were suddenly attacked by the Japanese army, which attacked the Japanese army in addition to the 200-man search team in The East 800 Tibet, as well as more than 1,000 men under Takeko Yamagata and one regiment of the 1st, 2nd, and 8th Regiments of the puppet Manchu Xing'an cavalry.

The Japanese attacked the Soviets in three ways, and the attacked Soviets quickly launched a counterattack. Relying on the advantages of tanks and motorization to quickly turn passive and active, the Japanese army did not expect the Soviet army's firepower to be so fierce that it was defeated. In this skirmish, Dong Yao baizang himself was killed on the spot, his search team had 115 people killed and 85 people missing, and the troops led by Wu County, Shan County, lost 151 people, and 92 people were unaccounted for, with a casualty rate of up to 20%.

In the first stage, both sides have their own victories and losses. At a certain cost, the Japanese army called on the aviation unit to bomb the Soviet army on the vast Mongolian steppe, and the Soviet army did not take advantage of it.

Phase II

After the Japanese army exchanged fire with the Soviet army, the Japanese officers vigorously publicized militarist education to ordinary soldiers, which made the Japanese army's mood for the war high and wanted to compete with the Soviet army.

After Zhukov arrived in Talmutsag Prague on 18 June, in order to avoid being attacked again by Japanese aviation forces, Zhukov commanded his men to open forests and build airfields. After the airport was built, Soviet aircraft fought a decisive battle with Japanese aircraft.

The Japanese suffered heavy casualties at the Battle of Nomonkan, and Hitler pleaded with Japan to attack the Soviet Union, Japan: I was afraid

On June 19, Soviet planes bombed Japanese assembly areas near Arshan, Kangyur Temple, and Amugulang, and in an instant about 500 barrels of gasoline were detonated by aerial bombs.

On June 20, the Japanese army dispatched more than 20,000 people from the 23rd Division, and under the leadership of commander Komatsuchi, the whole army set out for the Nomonkan area. In addition, the Kwantung Army also deployed the 1st Tank Regiment and the 2nd Flying Group to support the 23rd Division, with a total of 12 infantry battalions, 70 tanks, and 180 aircraft.

On July 2, 1939, the Japanese army took advantage of the fact that the Soviet army had not yet gained a foothold and relied on its superiority in strength to launch an attack on the Soviet Union. The Soviet army was not as large as the Japanese army, and with the advantage of armored firepower, the Soviet army adopted the flexible tactics of attacking during the day and retreating at night, constantly attacking and harassing the Japanese army.

The Japanese commander Komatsubara was familiar with the usual tactics of the Soviet Army and knew that the Soviet Union had eliminated armored forces internally, but the flexible tactics used by Zhukov made the self-proclaimed "Soviet" division commander very embarrassed.

The Japanese set the time for the general offensive to August 24, but Zhukov had already prepared the countermeasures. He first asked the troops to remove the silencers from the tanks and let them move back and forth on the positions to paralyze the Japanese. Later, the Soviet army found several high-powered sounds, simulating the sound of piling machines to confuse the Japanese army, so that the Japanese army mistakenly thought that the Soviet army was building defensive positions instead of launching an attack.

At 5:45 a.m. on August 20, the Soviets launched an attack in the sleep of the Japanese army. The Soviets sent 150 aircraft and hundreds of artillery pieces to fire 31,000 tons of shells at the Japanese positions in a short period of time, and the Japanese suffered heavy losses under the heavy artillery fire of the Soviet army. After the artillery stopped, the Soviets sent all their tanks and armored vehicles to form a torrent of steel to attack the Japanese positions.

The Japanese suffered heavy casualties at the Battle of Nomonkan, and Hitler pleaded with Japan to attack the Soviet Union, Japan: I was afraid

The Japanese army was caught off guard, and the corpses were scattered across the field and collapsed. Under the torrent of steel in the Soviet Union, the Japanese army had no resistance and was violently pressed to the ground by the Soviet army and rubbed. In order to save the decline of the war, the Japanese army even sent the Ishii Germ Unit, which is known as Unit 731, to drop more than 20 kilograms of various viruses and germs in the Halaha River, including the Black Death, malaria, anthrax, etc., in an attempt to defeat the Soviet army with biochemical forces.

After Unit 731 put a large number of germs in the river, it was highly secretive, and only a few senior leaders knew about the situation. In order to prevent the Japanese from drinking the river by mistake, soldiers were ordered to prohibit drinking river water. This is a disgraceful thing, and I am afraid of being condemned by the international community.

However, because the Soviet drinking water was a pipe laid in the rear, there was no Soviet drinking water in the river. On the contrary, many soldiers of the 23rd Division drank river water while they were thirsty, and even though the Japanese army had already issued a ban, more than 1,000 Japanese soldiers were infected with various germs.

In the end, the Japanese army still did not resist the fierce attack of the Soviet army. On September 9, The Ambassador of Dongxiang to the Soviet Union requested an armistice at Nomonkan to the Soviet Union. On September 15, Japanese Ambassador to the Soviet Union Togo signed an armistice agreement with Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov, and the two sides stopped all actual military operations at 2 a.m. on September 16.

The Japanese suffered heavy casualties at the Battle of Nomonkan, and Hitler pleaded with Japan to attack the Soviet Union, Japan: I was afraid

In this war, there is no clear data on the specific casualties of the Soviet Union and Japan, and there are three versions in general, namely Japan's own version, the Soviet Union and China.

According to the Japanese scholar Lin Sanlang's "Kwantung Army and Soviet Far Eastern Army", the Japanese army has successively invested 15,975 troops and lost 12,220 people, of which 4,786 were killed, 5,455 were wounded, 639 were missing, and 1,340 were sick, with a loss rate of 80%. The Japanese have always liked to conceal war damage, and its credibility is worth pondering.

Soviet records show that the Japanese army invested 76,000 troops, of which 18,000 were killed, wounded and sick; but according to Soviet statistics, the Japanese army only killed at least 18,300 people and captured 464 people.

According to the Chinese scholar Li Chunpeng and others, according to the "Nomonhan War" written by Chinese scholars Li Chunpeng and others, according to the Japanese casualty survey form compiled by the Military Medical Department of the 6th Army of the Japanese Army, the Japanese army died 7696 people, injured 8647 people, missed 1021 people, a total of 17364 people.

In any case, the defeat at the Battle of Nomonkan completely made the Japanese army realize what was a torrent of steel and what was the gap in strength between countries. In this war, japan did not catch a single oil or water except for tens of thousands of deaths. For Japan, the occupation of Siberia and the Far East is not cost-effective in the South Pacific, because there are a large number of mineral resources and oil resources, after the End of the Battle of Nomonkan, the Japanese base camp will invest a large number of troops in the Pacific region, and began to focus on attacking the colonies of the United States, Britain, and France, which is about to cause the next round of bloody rain.

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