
The little tadpole looks for its mother

author:Anne Chunhua

The little tadpole looks for its mother

When I was a child, there was a pond on the way to school, and the pond was covered with grass, and I often saw frogs jumping on the edge of the pond with their eyes open.

Every day after school, we would gather by the pond to catch frogs and take home a few small tadpoles in canned bottles.

The little black tadpole elephant is a small comma, swimming around in the water, very cute.

In the beginning, we did not associate tadpoles with frogs, but thought that the little tadpoles were more attractive and cute than frogs, and we liked the smooth feeling when they were worn around in the palms of their hands, feeling that they were like a group of lively and active children.

Later, when the small tadpoles grew larger and larger in the canned bottles, the adults warned us: be careful that these tadpoles have toads in them, and not all tadpoles can turn into frogs.

We were horrified for a moment, because we didn't like the toad, we didn't like its ugly appearance, we were afraid of the pimples on its body, but we still didn't put the little tadpoles back into the pond.

Then one day, we learned a text called "Little Tadpole Finds Mother" in chinese class, and realized what a cruel thing we had done, how painful it would be for a child who was forcibly separated from his mother, and how anxious the mother who could not find her child should be!

The first thing we did after school that day was to run home quickly, pick up the canned bottle containing the tadpole and return to the pond where we passed, and put the little tadpole back into the pond.

We never want to witness the growth of the little tadpoles again, we don't want them to leave their mothers, and we are afraid that one of them will actually grow into a toad.

In fact, growth is always silent and invisible, whether you like it or not, it will always grow into what it should be.

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