
Seeing the Japanese soldiers bullying the mother and daughter in Nanjing, he stepped forward and later saved many people

One day in December 1937, there was a vicious Japanese soldier on the street in Nanjing, he was looking for "prey" on the street, looking for a long time and did not find any movement, and when he was planning to change streets to look for it, he happened to meet a pair of unlucky mother and daughter.

The Japanese soldier with an obscene smile on his face, rushed up at once and hugged the young girl, planning to drag the girl to the house on the side of the street, the girl's mother shouted desperately, pounced on it to try to get her daughter back, and as a result, this Japanese soldier looked at his mother viciously, grunted and said some words that the mother could not understand, and saw that the mother still did not give up, the Japanese soldier kicked the mother into the stomach, kicked the mother out, lay on the ground and covered her stomach and shouted, and the desperate mother watched her young daughter being dragged by the Japanese soldiers to the street hut. She screamed with all her might, hoping that someone would step forward to save her daughter, and just when she was about to give up hope, a European and American-looking man stepped forward.

Seeing the Japanese soldiers bullying the mother and daughter in Nanjing, he stepped forward and later saved many people

A man who stepped forward in a critical moment

The mother watched her daughter being dragged away by the Japanese soldiers, and her voice was exhausted, and the European and American-looking man heard his mother's voice and immediately rushed to the scene, and when he saw the atrocities of the Japanese soldiers, he did not hesitate at all, rushed forward and shouted: "Stop!"

The Japanese soldier was frightened by this sudden roar, he did not continue to drag the girl, but turned around and pulled out a pistol, intending to shoot the nosy person who destroyed his own good deeds with one shot, just when his bullets were loaded and he was about to shoot, he took a closer look at the people in front of him, and actually looked like a European and American, and the Japanese soldier sadly put down the gun in his hand.

The gun was put down, but the Japanese soldiers still planned to continue to drag the girl to the house, at this time the European and American-looking man shouted again, the Japanese soldier turned around and carefully examined the person in front of him, and found that the man had a special mark on his shoulder, the Japanese soldier understood that this person was definitely not an ordinary person, so he reluctantly left the girl, hanging his head and leaving, the man quickly stepped forward to support the mother lying on the ground, the mother and daughter were reunited, and a tragedy that almost happened was successfully stopped by the man.

Seeing the Japanese soldiers bullying the mother and daughter in Nanjing, he stepped forward and later saved many people

This man was Johann Rabe, who was originally a German who came to China with his wife at the age of 27, ostensibly as the head of the German Siemens subsidiary sent to Nanjing, China, but in fact Johann Rabe had a more important identity, he was the head of the German Nazi Party in Nanjing.

The good deeds that John Rabe did

John Rabe stayed in Nanjing for a long time, witnessed the evil deeds of the Japanese in Nanjing and was very opposed to the Japanese practices, in order to truly reflect his prevention of the evil deeds of the Japanese and the protection of the people of Nanjing, John Rabe made many actions worth remembering for posterity.

At the time of the massacre of the Japanese in Nanjing, John Rabe, after witnessing the atrocities committed by the Japanese, intended to do something for the people of Nanjing, and he wanted to do his best to save the innocent people of Nanjing from the butcher's knife of the Japanese, which was a very difficult and courageous thing.

In the first stage, John Rabe built an air raid shelter in his home, due to the limited materials and manpower at that time, plus this matter must be absolutely confidential, so the air raid shelter that John Rabe initially built was not large, and could only accommodate more than 30 people, but it was this small air raid shelter that saved too many lives of nanjing people.

Seeing the Japanese soldiers bullying the mother and daughter in Nanjing, he stepped forward and later saved many people

In order to prevent the Japanese from carrying out an aerial attack on his own air raid shelter, John Rabe planted a Nazi flag in the most conspicuous place above the air raid shelter, so that the Japanese could see the flag from a distance and thus stop bombing the place.

As John Rabe's behavior attracted the attention of some foreign friends, more and more foreigners joined John Rabe's action to protect the people of Nanjing, and when the Japanese army officially attacked Nanjing, John Rabe united more than a dozen foreign friends, and everyone worked together to establish a safe zone for refugee refuge.

With the concerted efforts of everyone, John Rabe and his group established a considerable number of safe zones, relying on the help and protection of these safe zones and john Rabe and other international friends, they saved thousands of Chinese civilians during the Japanese attack on Nanjing.

The end of John Rabe

With the end of World War II, John Rabe also returned to his country, Germany, during those days in Germany, John Rabe combined what he saw and heard in Nanjing, specially wrote a book called "Rabe's Diary", which clearly recorded the evil deeds committed by the Japanese in Nanjing at that time, and these deeds became ironclad evidence of the Japanese's numerous crimes, even if the Japanese tried their best not to admit it, it seemed useless.

Seeing the Japanese soldiers bullying the mother and daughter in Nanjing, he stepped forward and later saved many people

Somewhat regrettably, because Germany belonged to the defeated countries in World War II, coupled with the influence of Hitler's crimes, after the end of World War II, many people associated with the Nazis were punished, and Johann Rabe, as the head of the Nazi mission in Nanjing, of course, became one of them.

In John Rabe's later years, in addition to the entanglement of illness and poverty, it is more about his memories and nostalgia for Nanjing, he can't forget his years in Nanjing, and those people in Nanjing who were once saved by him can never forget him. Perhaps john Bella also had despair in the last days of poverty and illness, but compared to his glorious image in people's hearts, it was all worth it.


John Rabe was originally a German Nazi, but he was able to stand up and save thousands of people when Japan attacked Nanjing and committed atrocities, this noble humanitarian spirit is worth remembering for our posterity, although his last time is relatively bleak, but compared to the dull end of life, the glorious image he left in people's hearts is something that people will never forget.

Seeing the Japanese soldiers bullying the mother and daughter in Nanjing, he stepped forward and later saved many people

History is like this many times, when the light has passed and the years are quiet, we should profoundly appreciate how many people are worth remembering forever in those thorny roads, how many things are worthy of our eternal reflection, of course, how many blood debts and shames are still there, which we must not forget!

Remarks: The picture comes from the Internet, infringement must be deleted, welcome to comment to leave interesting ideas.

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