
The son cried and begged to buy a green hat, and his mother suggested changing other colors, saying that green ones had to be worn when they grew up

The little boy is simply cute.

A little boy in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, insisted on buying a green hat he liked, but his mother did not want to wear a hat of this color for him, suggested that he change other colors, the little boy cried and said: I don't want, I just want a green hat, his mother laughed after listening to it.

On January 14, 2022, in a shopping mall in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, a little boy was squatting on the ground and crying because he had a crush on a hat and his mother would not buy it for him.

The son cried and begged to buy a green hat, and his mother suggested changing other colors, saying that green ones had to be worn when they grew up

He himself had no money to buy, so he could only sullen at the door of the store, and he was unwilling to continue to follow his mother, so his mother had to ask him: What are you crying? He said, "I'm going to buy that hat in green."

Green represents hope, the color of life, but in the adult world, it also means another meaning, that is, betrayal, and it is for this reason that the mother does not want to buy a green hat for the little boy.

The son cried and begged to buy a green hat, and his mother suggested changing other colors, saying that green ones had to be worn when they grew up

The mother had no choice but to suggest to the little boy: Can we buy other colors, what color do you want? The little boy cried and said firmly: I don't want it, I want it to be green. Then his mother said: When you grow up, you have to wear it.

The little boy heard that he had to wait until he grew up to put on the green hat, and he cried even harder, and his mother quickly asked him: Why are you crying so much? The little boy replied firmly, I just want the green hat. After my mother listened, she laughed and said: You have loved green hats since you were a child.

The son cried and begged to buy a green hat, and his mother suggested changing other colors, saying that green ones had to be worn when they grew up

Why instill adult thinking in children?

The reason why children are children, not only because of their biological age, but also because their thinking is very simple, in the adult world, a lot of non-black and white is not a sentence can be said clearly, take the green hat, many adults do not understand what it means, let alone a child who is not deeply involved in the world, looks only three or four years old?

The child's innocence is precious to everyone, as a parent, do not protect this simplicity, but also in turn with the adult communication style and cognition to joke with the child, this is not a parent should do.

The son cried and begged to buy a green hat, and his mother suggested changing other colors, saying that green ones had to be worn when they grew up

As a parent, you should instill positive cognition in your child.

A person who hangs his head and complains all day is absolutely not welcomed by most people, for example, if you are in a very good mood at this moment, and suddenly there is a person who constantly sighs and sighs around you, will you think that this person is very obscure?

And a person who is full of positive energy every day and is positive is welcome everywhere, and people only want to communicate and associate with such people, because others can "absorb" positive energy from him.

The son cried and begged to buy a green hat, and his mother suggested changing other colors, saying that green ones had to be worn when they grew up

Therefore, as a parent, you should teach your children how to be a positive energy person from an early age, and to do this, parents must first practice it, so that children can feel the "power" of positive energy, so as to instill more positive cognition to him.

As some netizens said, in the eyes of children, green is green, where are there so many messy things?

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