
The two sons, one became a rich man in the United States, and the other became the father of the Republic of China

In China, there is a saying that "the dragon gives birth to the dragon, the phoenix gives birth to the phoenix, and the child of the mouse will punch a hole", and there is also the concept that "the hero does not ask the provenance". In fact, a person's origin only determines the starting point of this person, but the end of his life is completely in his own hands.

Sun Yat-sen, who is familiar to everyone, is known as the father of the Republic of China and was born in a very ordinary family. His father was a fighter who had been looked down upon by others in the same village, and some had even deliberately teased him. But he educated such an excellent talent as Sun Yat-sen.

Not only that, his other son, Sun Mei, is also very good, and he went abroad to work at a young age, because of his down-to-earth personality, he was appreciated by many people, and he also made a lot of money.

Instead of being complacent, he used the money to reclaim the desert island and have his own business. Although Sun Mei and Sun Yat-sen's origins are not very high, they have exchanged their efforts for the respect of others.

The two sons, one became a rich man in the United States, and the other became the father of the Republic of China

As a fighter, do not humble yourself, live your own life

Sun Da da is also known as Da Da Gong because he has a special profession, that is, to fight more. You may not know much about this profession, but you must have seen similar roles in TV series. In the middle of the night, when the three changes, knocking on the sticks, shouting: Three more midnight, be careful of the candles.

Now there is no such profession in society, because we have a watch, we can see the time for ourselves, and we don't need to be reminded by others.

But in ancient times, everyone did not have a clock, they could only rely on the sun to distinguish time, and there was no sun at night, so they could only find someone to remind everyone so that they could arrange their own lives and work.

The two sons, one became a rich man in the United States, and the other became the father of the Republic of China

This profession seems to be a lot of responsibility, but no one likes to do it, because it is too hard to beat people. While everyone is sleeping, they insist on not sleeping, and they can't make up for sleep during the day.

Because in ancient times, the sunrise was carried out by the day, and there was a farm work that needed to be done every day. Playing more is only to supplement the family, and it cannot delay the daytime work.

Sun Dada also did this job to reduce the burden on the family, because he would get a certain amount of food subsidies, although it was not much, but in that era, he could manage a lot of things.

Sun Dada did this, doing farm work during the day and fighting more at night, being diligent and earnest, and working hard and complaining. And his down-to-earth and hard-working character has not been respected by everyone, but has been looked down upon by everyone.

The two sons, one became a rich man in the United States, and the other became the father of the Republic of China

The ancient hierarchy was very strict, and those who were officials were the most respected, followed by rich people, and those who earned money by their labor like Sun Dada were regarded as the lowest people at the bottom. In the eyes of the rich, he can only do such a job forever, no matter how hard he tries, he cannot change the situation, and it is impossible to turn over and become the master.

However, Sun Dada does not think so, he does not care about other people's opinions, even if he is looked down upon or teased, he never says much.

He only did his own thing, and he told the children that education was the top priority and that he had to study hard no matter what. Only by reading can we go out of the mountains and look at the outside world, and can we truly change our identity and status.

The two sons, one became a rich man in the United States, and the other became the father of the Republic of China

Sun Dada can have such an opinion, which is inseparable from his experience of working in Macao. At that time, the family was too poor, so Sun Da da carried his bags and went to Work in Macau. After apprenticeship in a shoemaker's shop, he began to mend shoes for his guests.

At that time, the economy of the whole country was very backward, and many people had to wear a pair of shoes for several years, so the business of the shoe shop was very good.

However, Sun Dada's monthly salary was not high, only four yuan, and he felt that he could not make a difference in Macau, so he returned to his hometown with the experience of repairing shoes. But this trip undoubtedly broadened his horizons. And in his spare time, he also repaired shoes for the villagers and earned a little change.

The two sons, one became a rich man in the United States, and the other became the father of the Republic of China

In this way, although Sun Da's family is not a rich and noble family, it will not be hungry. Several children have grown up slowly under his cultivation, and perhaps his expectations for his sons are only to be able to do their own thing and be innocent. But unexpectedly, the children were more prominent than one, bringing him infinite light.

The eldest son, Sun Mei, became a wealthy American businessman

The eldest son, Sun Mei, was the first child to go out of the village, and he came to the United States alone to work, which required a lot of courage at that time. Sun Dada encouraged the children to see the outside world, not only did not prevent his son from going abroad, but provided him with the greatest help.

The two sons, one became a rich man in the United States, and the other became the father of the Republic of China

Sun Mei just came to the United States, life is not good, he works several jobs a day to earn his living expenses. As soon as he had extra money, he sent it to the family, but he had no complaints, did not give up halfway, and his hard-working personality was like that of a father.

Even if he only had a little time to sleep every day, he didn't feel hard and embraced life every day with a positive mindset.

Under his efforts, he saved a certain amount of savings, he did not want to return to China like this, and always felt that he could still do a big business. He seized the opportunity to reclaim land on a desert island, raise livestock, and trade for exports, and his career grew.

The two sons, one became a rich man in the United States, and the other became the father of the Republic of China

His father had a great influence on him, on the one hand, the cultivation of character, not afraid of failure, dare to try, work hard, and work hard; on the other hand, the cultivation of education, although the conditions at home were average, but the father did not let them go to school for a day.

With a good knowledge system and a never-say-die spirit, Sun Mei became a rich man in the United States.

The youngest son became the father of the Republic of China

Speaking of Sun Yat-sen, everyone is familiar with him, who led China to open the first revolution against feudalism and had a great impact on the Chinese people.

This was a successful ideological enlightenment movement, and he was also known as the founding father of the Republic of China. It's just that everyone may not know that his father is also the grandson of the previous article, because of his son's achievements, this father seems even greater.

The two sons, one became a rich man in the United States, and the other became the father of the Republic of China

Compared with his brother Sun Mei, Sun Yat-sen's life is relatively easy, because he has always been helped by his brother in the process of growing up. At that time, Sun Mei had already gone to the United States to work, so as soon as he had savings, he sent them to his family, and his father used all the money to live and study for the children.

Because of his relatively good living environment, Sun Yat-sen has a better educational environment than his brother, and he no longer worries about the livelihood of his family, so he can go to a good school. Moreover, Sun Yat-sen was also more fond of reading and politics, and was not interested in the business that his brother liked.

The two sons, one became a rich man in the United States, and the other became the father of the Republic of China

Sun Da never restricts the development of children, the eldest son likes to engage in business, let him develop according to his own preferences, and the younger son likes politics and silently supports.

With the help of his father and brother, Sun Yat-sen achieved extraordinary feats at a young age. The Xingzhong Association he established in San Francisco was also inseparable from his brother's financial support, and his brother also joined it without hesitation.

The achievements of Sun Mei and Sun Yat-sen are inseparable from the relationship with the father, and it is precisely because of the father's vision and humble personality that each child develops according to his own nature.

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