
How to maximize the effectiveness of health screening? Army experts answer the questions for you!

Source: Learning Corps, PEOPLE's Liberation Army News and Communication Center Media Health Examination is an important means of health management. Through scientific health examination, the risk factors of the disease can be found in time, and the physical health status can be prompted and warned, so as to play a role in preventing the disease. In this issue of the "Health Salon", Professor Zeng Qiang, director of the Department of Health Medicine of the Second Medical Center of the PLA General Hospital, was invited to tell us about the topic of health examination.

How to maximize the effectiveness of health screening? Army experts answer the questions for you!

Jiang Chenhui reporter: How to correctly view health examination? Zeng Qiang: There is a process in the occurrence and development of the disease, according to the development process of the disease, the body state can be divided into three stages: healthy state, sub-healthy state (or subclinical state) and disease. For many diseases, early detection and timely treatment are the key to determining the effectiveness of treatment and whether they can be completely cured. A health examination is carried out when the body does not show any discomfort, and signs of sub-health status and underlying diseases can be found. Timely health management according to the results of physical examination, such as adjusting lifestyles and eating habits, helps to shift the body from a sub-healthy state to a healthy state. Reporter: Combined with clinical practice, please talk about what misunderstandings there are about the health examination of comrades-in-arms? Zeng Qiang: With the continuous improvement of living standards, everyone attaches more and more importance to health examinations. However, some comrades-in-arms also have some misunderstandings in the physical examination. Myth 1: Just check it out. Individual comrades-in-arms have only physical examination and no intervention, which is specifically manifested in participating in the physical examination on time every year, but after the physical examination, they do not carefully read the physical examination report, nor do they intervene in the disease risk factors found, so that in the long run, the potential disease may further develop and bring adverse effects to the body. For example, in patients with hypertension, it is entirely possible to return blood pressure to normal by improving lifestyle in the early stages of hypertension, but if blood pressure is not regularly monitored and intervened after blood pressure abnormalities are found, it may lead to a continuous increase in blood pressure. Myth 2: The physical examination does not need to be checked annually. Some comrades-in-arms believe that there is no need to conduct an annual physical examination, and it is enough to have time to check it out. Human health changes with age, environment, work stress and lifestyle habits. Moreover, some diseases develop rapidly in a very short period of time. If the interval between physical examinations is too long, the optimal treatment period for the disease may be missed. The frequency and program of physical examinations are formulated according to the conclusions of functional medicine, and it is recommended that comrades-in-arms participate in health examinations on time every year. Myth three: do not pay attention to the small problems found in the physical examination. A small number of comrades-in-arms do not pay attention to the small problems found in the physical examination and some disease risk factors, believing that they are young and resistant, and they will get better after a while or rest for a while, and the result may develop into serious diseases or chronic diseases. Comrades-in-arms should attach great importance to some small problems and precursors of diseases found in the physical examination, and carry out treatment and intervention in a timely manner. Reporter: How can physical examination institutions and physical examination subjects work together to improve the quality and effectiveness of health examinations? Zeng Qiang: The physical examination institution should do the following three aspects of work: one is to provide the subject with complete, effective and personalized physical examination items and examination services; the second is to ensure that the physical examination results are accurate and effective through strict quality control; the third is to improve the post-examination management service, inform the subject of the diseases and positive signs found in a timely manner after the physical examination, give health management suggestions such as diet and exercise prescriptions, and provide follow-up services. During the physical examination process, the subject should pay attention to the following two points: First, complete the examination in strict accordance with the recommendations of the physical examination institution, so that it should be checked. In the process of physical examination, we found that some comrades-in-arms will choose the examination items according to their own preferences and understanding, such as some comrades-in-arms feel that the urine routine and stool routine examination are not important, or it is more troublesome to leave urine and stool specimens, so they give up the examination, resulting in the inability to find certain diseases in time. Comrades-in-arms should conscientiously complete all physical examination items during the physical examination to avoid missing the examination. The second is to cooperate with physical examination institutions to do a good job in post-examination management. The examining physician will give the subject targeted and personalized health advice in the physical examination report according to the main chronic diseases and health risk factors of the subject, combined with the bad lifestyle found in the life questionnaire survey. After the subject gets the physical examination report, he should read it carefully and go to the hospital for follow-up or healthy lifestyle management in time according to the recommendations. Reporter: How to make health examinations really play a role in preventing diseases? Zeng Qiang: I think we must adhere to two points, one is to "check correctly", and the other is to "manage well". "Check right" mainly refers to choosing a suitable physical examination item. The occurrence of disease is often closely related to individual genetic factors, living environment and habits. Different individuals have different rates of various diseases, and the items examined should also be different. It is recommended that you choose the "1 + X" personalized physical examination program, that is, the basic physical examination project plus the special physical examination project. The special physical examination project is a targeted special screening according to personal living habits, age, gender, occupation, family history, etc., which helps to improve the detection rate of diseases. "Well managed" is to do a good job in the next article of the physical examination, and take corresponding measures for health management in a timely manner according to the results of the physical examination. Subjects should carry out targeted interventions on the health problems shown in the physical examination results, such as strictly control blood pressure in people with abnormal blood pressure; effectively control blood sugar in people with abnormal blood sugar; and people with frequent insomnia should channel their psychology and condition their bodies to make themselves fall asleep smoothly. In addition, develop a healthy lifestyle. Developing a healthy lifestyle can start with the four cornerstones of health. Eat a sensible diet. The daily diet should be diversified, with energy-supporting foods such as protein, fats and carbohydrates, as well as non-energy-supplying foods such as vitamins, minerals, trace elements and fiber. Exercise in moderation. Moderate exercise is an important factor in maintaining mental and physical coordination, preventing and eliminating fatigue, and preventing sub-health. Do not participate in sports when fatigue is extreme. Quit smoking and limit alcohol. Smoking is the causative factor of many malignant diseases, including lung cancer and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Heavy alcohol consumption can affect liver and pancreatic function, increasing the incidence of many diseases such as hypertension, stroke, breast cancer, gastrointestinal cancer and osteoporosis. It is recommended that comrades-in-arms reduce smoking and drinking alcohol at ordinary times, and try to quit smoking and limit alcohol. Psychological balance. A healthy and balanced mental state can put cognition, emotional response, and volitional behavior in a positive state, so as to give full play to the potential of the body and mind.

(Produced by the Media of the Learning Corps and the People's Liberation Army News and Communication Center)

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