
After the shame of Jing Kang, how did the Southern Song Dynasty find a way to take revenge? Why are only 100,000 of the 7 million gold people left

The Battle of Jingkang forever nailed the Southern Song Dynasty to the column of shame of history. Whenever this battle is mentioned, presumably the Southern Song Dynasty people will feel both angry and ashamed. Many people feel that the Southern Song Dynasty is in a corner of peace, only caring about pleasure and not caring about the survival of the country, but after the shame of Jing Kang, the Southern Song Dynasty also began to find ways to take revenge, making the Jin people pay a tragic price.

The wheels of history are rolling forward, and no dynasty can flourish forever. The Jin people washed the Southern Song Dynasty in blood during the Battle of Jingkang and tortured and humiliated the Southern Song royal family, and the scene was too cruel that year, and countless Southern Song people remembered hatred and held hatred in their hearts. The Southern Song Dynasty recuperated and finally thought of a way to take revenge, so that the 7 million golden people were finally only 100,000 left, how did the Southern Song Dynasty do it?

After the shame of Jing Kang, how did the Southern Song Dynasty find a way to take revenge? Why are only 100,000 of the 7 million gold people left

First, the Southern Song Dynasty united with Mongolia to avenge

For the Southern Song Dynasty, the biggest enemy was the Jin Dynasty, and it was also the most hated enemy of the Southern Song Dynasty. At the same time, people also know that the enemy of the enemy is the friend, so the Southern Song Dynasty has a plan for revenge.

Since the Jin Dynasty entered the Central Plains, on the one hand, it suppressed the Southern Song Dynasty, and on the other hand, it was also very jealous of the steppe nation, the Mongols. The steppe peoples, the Mongols, were brave and good at war, which was a great threat to the Jin Dynasty. Therefore, there were also constant battles between the Jin Dynasty and the Mongols.

After the shame of Jing Kang, how did the Southern Song Dynasty find a way to take revenge? Why are only 100,000 of the 7 million gold people left

Knowing this, the Southern Song Dynasty embarked on a plan of revenge. The most important point of this revenge plan was to unite with the Mongols against a common enemy, the Jin Dynasty. As a result, the Southern Song Dynasty Northern Expedition, mongolia went south, and the Jin Dynasty faced the dilemma of two-sided attack, which was very passive.

Second, the Jin people suffered fierce reprisals

War is always brutal, and the Jin people have been retaliated very fiercely. Once the Jin Dynasty imposed a harsh policy of suppression against Mongolia, and when it encountered young and strong Mongols, they would brutally kill them, thus limiting the development of Mongolia. Such a cruel practice caused a great hatred between the Jin Dynasty and the Mongols.

After the shame of Jing Kang, how did the Southern Song Dynasty find a way to take revenge? Why are only 100,000 of the 7 million gold people left

At the same time, due to the emergence of Genghis Khan, which united the mongol tribes, the strength of Mongolia became stronger, and it was difficult for the Jin Dynasty to confront it. Under such circumstances, the Southern Song Dynasty and Mongolia were actually a very correct choice.

The Southern Song and Mongol armies besieged the Jin people in Caizhou, where Emperor Jin hid. At this time, the Jin people were attacked by the enemy on their backs, and there was no reinforcement to support them, and it was difficult to support themselves. The Southern Song Dynasty and the Mongols besieged the Jin people in all directions, and the Jin people could not get supplies, not only did they not have enough weapons, but they also gradually ran out of food, which could be said to be to the point of running out of food.

After the shame of Jing Kang, how did the Southern Song Dynasty find a way to take revenge? Why are only 100,000 of the 7 million gold people left

Under such circumstances, Jin Aizong committed suicide in despair, and the Jin Dynasty was greatly defeated. After the war, the Southern Song Dynasty carried out crazy torture and killing of the people of the Jin Dynasty, burning and looting, doing everything! The number of Jin people, from the previous 7 million, plummeted to 100,000, which is enough to show how crazy the slaughter of the city in the Southern Song Dynasty was. Since then, the Jin Dynasty has completely collapsed.

Third, the shame of Jing kang

Why did the Southern Song Dynasty have such a great hostility to the Jin Dynasty, and after the great defeat of the Jin Dynasty, it still did not spare the people of the Jin Dynasty, and washed the city of Caizhou in blood, whether it was the nobles of the imperial palace or the common people, the Southern Song Dynasty did not let go. Presumably, the Southern Song Dynasty and the Jin Dynasty formed a huge hatred a long time ago, and the Battle of Jingkang made the Southern Song people hate the Jin people to the bone.

After the shame of Jing Kang, how did the Southern Song Dynasty find a way to take revenge? Why are only 100,000 of the 7 million gold people left

The shame of Jing Kang was recorded in the annals of history, after which the Song Dynasty lost half of the country and could only go all the way south, and finally established the Southern Song Dynasty, from which the Southern Song Dynasty came. Therefore, in the hearts of the Southern Song Dynasty, the Jin Dynasty let their country break up and their families die, and it can be said that they have a vendetta against heaven.

In that year, the Jin people attacked the Song Dynasty in a big way, and the Southern Song Dynasty, which had been in an comfortable nest for a long time, was difficult to overcome. Soon, the Song Dynasty was attacked, the imperial family and nobles, the Manchu Dynasty Wenwu were captured by the Jin, countless gold and silver jewels were looted, and the Song Dynasty faced the crisis of national collapse.

After the shame of Jing Kang, how did the Southern Song Dynasty find a way to take revenge? Why are only 100,000 of the 7 million gold people left

The royal family of the Song Dynasty suffered inhuman torture and humiliation, not only being escorted in the costumes of the Jin people, but also forced to expose their upper bodies. The tragedy is even more tragic for women who have become prisoners of war, and women are often the biggest victims of war. The women of the royal family once enjoyed the glory and wealth, but now they have become the playthings of the Golden People, and they are tortured to death.

Emperor Huizong of Song's son Zhao Zhuo successfully escaped during the Jingkang Incident and fled south to Zhejiang, becoming Emperor Gaozong of Song of the Southern Song Dynasty. Due to the protection of the Yangtze River Graben, the Jin people were not familiar with naval warfare and did not continue to pursue. Emperor Gaozong of Song was able to establish a provisional state in Hangzhou, and the Southern Song Dynasty was truly established.

After the shame of Jing Kang, how did the Southern Song Dynasty find a way to take revenge? Why are only 100,000 of the 7 million gold people left

Fourth, feng shui takes turns

When the Jin Dynasty passed through Nanjing, it was repelled by the famous and mighty General Yue Fei, and with the natural geographical advantages of the Southern Song Dynasty, the Jin Dynasty temporarily gave up the idea of continuing the southern expedition. Because of this, the Southern Song Dynasty was able to settle down in the south, had the capital to live in a safe corner, and also had the ability to take revenge many years later!

After the Southern Song Dynasty stabilized, it was impossible to forget the shame of Jing kang in that year, the children of the imperial family instantly became the laughing stock of the world, a large area of land was occupied by the Jin people, countless women and children were brutally killed, and the hatred of the subjugated country was buried in the hearts of the Southern Song people, and slowly took root. The Southern Song Dynasty was established, and with the opportunity to recuperate, it was also recuperating and waiting for the opportunity to take revenge.

After the shame of Jing Kang, how did the Southern Song Dynasty find a way to take revenge? Why are only 100,000 of the 7 million gold people left

However, the Jin people were a people on the steppe in the end, Xiao Yong was good at war, and the Southern Song army was still difficult to confront the Jin Dynasty, so they had a strategy of uniting with Mongolia and jointly attacking the Jin Dynasty. Just as the so-called feng shui took turns, the Jin people suppressed Mongolia and brutally humiliated and killed the Song Dynasty, which was eventually destroyed by the alliance of the two countries.

The Jin Dynasty was once also an infinite scenery, but it was easy to fight the country and the mountains, and it was difficult to defend the country. Although the Jin Dynasty army was brave and good at war, and invincible, it was difficult to escape the fate of the country. In the final analysis, it is because the Jin Dynasty will only exclude dissidents, but it will not care about the survival and development of the people, and it will eventually be impossible to escape the fate of extinction!

After the shame of Jing Kang, how did the Southern Song Dynasty find a way to take revenge? Why are only 100,000 of the 7 million gold people left

Everything in this world has its own laws to follow, and the demise of the Jin Dynasty is not accidental, but inevitable. The ruler will only blindly attack the city, suppress other countries, take a brutal way to attack the city strategically, although he has taken the city, but he does not know how to appease people's hearts, such a golden country, the demise is sooner or later. In the end, the Mongol army was able to travel all over the Central Plains and successfully enter the Lord!


Since ancient times, when dynasties have changed, it is the war and the chaotic years, and it is precisely such a moment that the real heroes will be screened. After the shame of Jing Kang, the Southern Song Dynasty could not bear such a great shame and humiliation, looking for opportunities to take revenge, so that the 7 million people in the Jin Dynasty were sharply reduced to 100,000 people, which was sad and lamentable!

After the shame of Jing Kang, how did the Southern Song Dynasty find a way to take revenge? Why are only 100,000 of the 7 million gold people left

However, after the revenge, the Southern Song Dynasty did not continue to develop, but was in a quiet corner. The development of any country is like a boat on the water, if it does not advance, it will retreat, and eventually the Mongol tribes under the leadership of Kublai Khan can successfully enter the Central Plains and establish the Yuan Dynasty. The allies who once attacked the Jin Dynasty together eventually became enemies more than a hundred years later, and the Southern Song Dynasty, which only cared about enjoyment, finally came to the end of its life.

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