
The founding general Zhou Zhijian was addicted to war, and on the wedding night with his wife, they all ran out to fight a battle

"The Nanba boy is like this, and the killer is a hero." - "Don't Be Yang Horse"

War happens suddenly, and we may have no way of anticipating what will happen in the next second. As a warrior, when the signal of war is launched, no matter what you are doing now, you must immediately stop and prepare for battle!

It can be said that as long as you are a soldier for a day, you need to be on standby at any time and be ready for war at any time.

The founding general Zhou Zhijian was addicted to war, and on the wedding night with his wife, they all ran out to fight a battle

The special status means that the responsibility is deep and far-reaching, because on their shoulders is the safety of the people of the whole country.


Zhou Zhijian, a veteran of the founding of the country, suddenly received a signal on the wedding night, and left his bride to go out to fight, which has since become a topic of ridicule by many veteran soldiers.

But it also became a regret between the bride and him, and it could never make up for such a lack.

The two met in the hospital, and at that time, Zhou Zhijian was unconscious due to the bleeding from the bullet in his left leg. After being sent to the hospital, with the efforts of doctors and nurses, he gradually regained consciousness.

The founding general Zhou Zhijian was addicted to war, and on the wedding night with his wife, they all ran out to fight a battle

When he woke up, he found that it was a 19-year-old girl who took care of her.

This little girl is Jiao Ming, a nurse who takes care of Zhou Zhiming's basic life. Zhou Zhijian, who has been fighting and killing outside, is accustomed to contact with men, but when faced with a little girl, he is overwhelmed.

He was a little shy and wanted to change a male nurse to take care of him.

Jiao Ming told him that it was her duty to take care of the patient, and she would not feel inconvenient. Therefore, in the long-term past interaction, Zhou Zhijian had a different kind of affection for the little nurse in front of him.

The founding general Zhou Zhijian was addicted to war, and on the wedding night with his wife, they all ran out to fight a battle

Zhou Zhijian often tells Jiao Ming about his glorious history, and in Jiao Ming's eyes, the heroism of the man in front of him rises, and he is very admired in his heart.

Under the premise that the two learned that the other was single, the two had different feelings for each other.

Driven by the people around him, Zhou Zhijian considered his future, and he really needed a family. After repeated consideration, Zhou Zhijian still took the initiative to ask Jiao Ming whether he was willing to associate with himself.

The founding general Zhou Zhijian was addicted to war, and on the wedding night with his wife, they all ran out to fight a battle

From his blushing face, he knew the answer.

Responsibility comes first

The relationship between the two people was understood by more people, so they began to ask when they would get married, and Zhou Zhijian did not hesitate to say that he would get married immediately.

So, on the first day of his discharge, the two of them had a wedding.

At the wedding, the two received many blessings. The two were very happy on their wedding day, and after the wedding, the two went to the wedding room.

The founding general Zhou Zhijian was addicted to war, and on the wedding night with his wife, they all ran out to fight a battle

Unexpectedly, in the early hours of the morning, a signal was suddenly received.

Zhou Zhijian immediately left and went to the battlefield to fight, and this battle was fought very beautifully, not only won a complete victory, but also brought back a lot of advanced weapons.

When he returned home, Jiao Ming was very unhappy, but he only said a few words to him helplessly, and then forgave him.

When the war comes, these so-called feelings immediately become insufficient, and when the crisis comes, the instinct of these fighters is to give up themselves and benefit more people.

The founding general Zhou Zhijian was addicted to war, and on the wedding night with his wife, they all ran out to fight a battle

Therefore, sacrificing their immediate happiness can be exchanged for the peace of more people, which is their sense of mission.

Zhou Zhijian is a well-known fierce general, many times in the war rushed to the forefront, leading countless soldiers, on the battlefield, through thorns, he did not care about personal safety, to be able to win is his goal and responsibility.

Later, some medical staff found that there were more than 50 wounds on his body, large and small, and if he had not been seen by medical staff, he might never have told others about it. Perhaps, in his mind, this is all a matter of course.

The founding general Zhou Zhijian was addicted to war, and on the wedding night with his wife, they all ran out to fight a battle

Perhaps because his life was more difficult since childhood, he tempered his own will, and he would not bow his head in the face of any danger. Facing the difficulties, he never flinched, such a heroic spirit, worthy of our admiration, he is always the hero in our hearts.

Brave and fearless

Since childhood, at a very young age, he has endured everything that should not be borne at that age, and after losing his parents, he has become an orphan loved by no one, and he has no ability to be independent, so he can only do long work in the landlord's house.

He suffered a lot here, and every day he would be coldly looked at and scolded by others, but he could not resist, so this hatred was all accumulated in his heart, and as he grew up, he took root and sprouted together, and finally became a belief in the party.

The founding general Zhou Zhijian was addicted to war, and on the wedding night with his wife, they all ran out to fight a battle

When people came into contact with the ideas of the Communist Party, people seemed to see the light, and countless people who were squeezed by the landlords all straightened their waists and fought against the dark forces.

Zhou Zhijian also joined in, and he did not want to continue to suffer such torture.

At the age of 12, he became a glorious Red Army, although he was small, but his ambition was not small.

As he learned more and more in the future, he felt more and more that the party belonged to him, and he was willing to give everything he had and dedicate his country.

The founding general Zhou Zhijian was addicted to war, and on the wedding night with his wife, they all ran out to fight a battle

The Party became his lifelong belief, and with this belief, he achieved many achievements, and although his future life did not go well, he struggled in difficulties and won the attention of his superiors.

At the age of seventeen, he was promoted to deputy commander of the 74th Regiment through his outstanding performance, and it can be said that he was young and promising and could shoulder heavy responsibilities.

After being valued by the party, he paid more attention to his responsibilities, worked harder, led by example, and became an example admired by many people.

During the period of the War of Resistance Against Japan, he hated the Japanese army from the bottom of his heart, their inhuman killing, and their inhumane actions were fatal to us, and Zhou Zhijian was determined to kill the Japanese army and drive them out of China.

The founding general Zhou Zhijian was addicted to war, and on the wedding night with his wife, they all ran out to fight a battle

Therefore, in many battles, he annihilated countless Japanese troops and captured many advanced weapons. Later, as a commander, he achieved excellent results in many wars, and it was also at this time that he received the attention of his superiors.

In many subsequent battles, he achieved great success, and after the end of countless wars, he served as an adviser to the Nanjing Military Region.

The founding general Zhou Zhijian was addicted to war, and on the wedding night with his wife, they all ran out to fight a battle

In his old age, he can finally enjoy his old age peacefully and no longer have to endure the baptism of war.


When the soldiers in their later years recall the war, most of them talk about the past with tears, which is brilliant, proud, and even more nostalgic.

Those years became an indelible part of the memory, and whenever I remembered it, it was touching.

The founding general Zhou Zhijian was addicted to war, and on the wedding night with his wife, they all ran out to fight a battle

And the people in that period of history are the objects of eternal remembrance in their minds. Although the past is a thing of the past, memories will never be erased.

They have become heroes that we will always respect, and we will always remember and build the responsibility of the motherland, and we still have a long way to go.

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