
The founding lieutenant general returned to his hometown, and when he saw his nephew, he pulled his collar with his left hand and scolded him with his right finger, which turned out to be for this matter

During the winter vacation, braving the snowy weather, with Xiaogan local colleagues to the Dawuxia shop to taste the snow scenery, the mountains here are majestic, all kinds of strange stone shapes are peculiar, strange stones abound, what general stone, immortal seal, parrot stone, flying stone, camel stone, treasure diamond, etc., are amazing, the image is vivid, magnificent and majestic, dazzling, amazing.

The founding lieutenant general returned to his hometown, and when he saw his nephew, he pulled his collar with his left hand and scolded him with his right finger, which turned out to be for this matter

The beautiful Xiadian mountain and stone left myths, strange rocks are picturesque, ghostly and marvelous nature, stone generals are mighty, flying to the green mountains of boulder town, parrots with wings and python dances, and swimming fish play in the mountains. The Hercules Immortals left their marks, and the heavenly drums vibrated the heavens.

The founding lieutenant general returned to his hometown, and when he saw his nephew, he pulled his collar with his left hand and scolded him with his right finger, which turned out to be for this matter

After reading this, when I was marveling at the infinite charm of nature, my colleague told me that during the revolutionary war years here, many generals were bred in this red land, known as Hubei in addition to Hong'an, which is the second major general county, and in the small township of Xiadian, there were a number of founding generals, one of the most famous of which was Zhou Zhijian, one of the most famous three wild and ten tiger generals.

The founding lieutenant general returned to his hometown, and when he saw his nephew, he pulled his collar with his left hand and scolded him with his right finger, which turned out to be for this matter

Therefore, with a feeling of great reverence, he came to Zhoujiawan Village, not far from this town, to explore the hometown of zhou Zhijian, the founding lieutenant general. Zhou Zhijian, born in this village on January 12, 1917, formerly known as Zhou Yufa, joined the Red Army guerrilla brigade at the age of 12, and the reason why he changed his name to Zhou Zhijian was to make a sonorous oath of unswerving loyalty to the party's cause, in his own words, to "work for the revolution for a lifetime."

The founding lieutenant general returned to his hometown, and when he saw his nephew, he pulled his collar with his left hand and scolded him with his right finger, which turned out to be for this matter

Zhou Zhijian once studied a blacksmith in his hometown, fought bravely after joining the Red Army, and won a reputation for "daring to fight hard battles and fighting evil battles"; in addition, he once led his troops to cross snowy mountains and three meadows, was born into death several times, and was surrounded by dangers; "dare to fight hard battles" embodied the spirit of fighting in an indomitable manner and the responsibility of daring to show the sword. 。

The founding lieutenant general returned to his hometown, and when he saw his nephew, he pulled his collar with his left hand and scolded him with his right finger, which turned out to be for this matter

Zhou Zhijian's life of fighting horses, he is the best at tackling tough battles, ambush battles, sports battles, surprised, unprepared, bold, careful, brave and witty. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, when Zhou Zhijian was the commander of the Pinghan detachment, he was ordered to lead his troops to march westward to eliminate the Japanese puppet army in the Baizhaoshan area and consolidate and expand the anti-Japanese base area in central Hubei. Then, by combining military offensives with political offensives, the Japanese puppet army in the Baizhaoshan area was eliminated, creating conditions for the establishment of the Baizhaoshan anti-Japanese base area.

The founding lieutenant general returned to his hometown, and when he saw his nephew, he pulled his collar with his left hand and scolded him with his right finger, which turned out to be for this matter

At this time, the Japanese Kou felt that Mang was stabbed in the back, and it was difficult to sleep and eat, and mobilized heavy troops to attack Pingba with great momentum, and Zhou Zhijian ambushed a column of mountains southeast of Pingba with one ambush, and detoured back to the rear of the Japanese side with the second team of the second team. When the Japanese army entered the ambush circle, Zhou Zhijian ordered the troops to attack, and the second brigade of the second team after the movement to the Japanese flank also launched a charge. The Japanese immediately left the main road and seized the favorable terrain to resist, and the first attack of the second brigade failed to work. Zhou Zhijian saw the situation and quickly dispatched the first team of the first team and the first team of the second team to cooperate with the attack from the north and northeast. The main force of the second brigade took advantage of the situation to launch a second attack on the Japanese army, capturing several mountain bags and Lijiazhai at once.

The founding lieutenant general returned to his hometown, and when he saw his nephew, he pulled his collar with his left hand and scolded him with his right finger, which turned out to be for this matter

Based on past experience, Zhou Zhijian judged that the Japanese army would organize a counterattack, even if the troops stopped attacking, rushed to repair the fortifications on the spot, or occupied favorable terrain to hide and prevent them from counterattacking. Sure enough, the Japanese army counterattacked frantically under the cover of strong firepower. Because Zhou Zhijian had already prepared, he repelled many counterattacks by the Japanese army. Zhou Zhijian saw that the Japanese offensive was slowing down, immediately jumped out of the bunker, commanded the troops to launch a counterattack, the Japanese army could not resist, and fled in a hurry. Hundreds of people were lost and they were utterly defeated.

The founding lieutenant general returned to his hometown, and when he saw his nephew, he pulled his collar with his left hand and scolded him with his right finger, which turned out to be for this matter

Later, Li Yunlong, the protagonist of "Bright Sword", who was widely loved and sought after by the audience, had many themes taken from Zhou Zhijian's personal experience.

The founding lieutenant general returned to his hometown, and when he saw his nephew, he pulled his collar with his left hand and scolded him with his right finger, which turned out to be for this matter

Subsequently, Zhou Zhijian served as the brigade commander of the 13th Brigade of the 5th Division of the New Fourth Army, and during the Liberation War, he successively served as deputy commander and chief of staff of the 2nd Column of the Central Plains Military Region, commander of the 13th Column of the East China Field Army, and commander of the 31st Army of the 3rd Field Army. After the liberation of the whole country, he successively served as the commander of the Zhousheng Fortress District, the deputy chief of staff of the Shenyang Military Region, the chief of staff of the Henan Provincial Military Region, and the deputy chief of staff of the Nanjing Military Region. In 1955, he was awarded the rank of lieutenant general and was awarded the Order of August 1st Class, the Order of Independence and Freedom of the First Class, and the Liberation Medal of the First Class. Among the founding lieutenant generals, there are not many people who have won the three first-class medals.

The founding lieutenant general returned to his hometown, and when he saw his nephew, he pulled his collar with his left hand and scolded him with his right finger, which turned out to be for this matter

In his hometown village, talking about General Zhou Zhijian, the villagers were very proud one by one; on the battlefield, Zhou Zhijian was wounded many times, and the troops were scattered and lost organizational ties many times, but they never forgot to follow the party and follow the party. In the years of bloody rain and wind, he always persistently pursued faith, cared for his comrades-in-arms, and was unswervingly loyal to the people. Only with great loyalty and great love can we have great wisdom and courage.

The founding lieutenant general returned to his hometown, and when he saw his nephew, he pulled his collar with his left hand and scolded him with his right finger, which turned out to be for this matter

According to the villagers, his immediate family in the village had his nephew, that is, Zhou Zhijian, the son of a brother, Zhou Moudian, and when Zhou Moudian was only a few years old, his father was captured by the Kuomintang soldiers and asked him to hand over Zhou Zhijian. After that, Zhou Moudian and Zhou Zhijian were as close as father and son. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Zhou Zhijian became a founding general and held an important position, and the first thing to return to his hometown in this village was to visit Zhou Moudian.

The founding lieutenant general returned to his hometown, and when he saw his nephew, he pulled his collar with his left hand and scolded him with his right finger, which turned out to be for this matter

When the elderly people in the village mentioned Zhou Moudian, they would say that Zhou Zhijian was sometimes very grumpy. One of the things that the people in the village personally experienced, that happened in the 1970s, General Zhou Zhijian returned to his hometown of Xiadian Zhoujiawan Village to visit relatives, at that time, Zhou Moudian served as the captain of the Zhoujiawan Production Brigade, as soon as he returned to the village, he found that electricity could not be brought to the village, in order to let the villagers use electricity, Zhou Zhijian ran around, and finally attracted a project, invested more than 300,000 yuan to build a power plant, he also personally participated in the design, and told Zhou Moudian, the nephew who was the captain of the brigade, to do a good job in this matter.

The founding lieutenant general returned to his hometown, and when he saw his nephew, he pulled his collar with his left hand and scolded him with his right finger, which turned out to be for this matter

This time back to the hometown, is to personally see the father and fellow villagers with the joy of electricity, who knows once back to the hometown, or the black light blind fire, electricity has not yet entered the village, suddenly angry, immediately told people to call the nephew Zhou Moudian, the villagers secretly informed the captain not to go, said that the general is on fire, but Zhou Moudian still went.

The founding lieutenant general returned to his hometown, and when he saw his nephew, he pulled his collar with his left hand and scolded him with his right finger, which turned out to be for this matter

When General Zhou Zhijian saw Zhou Moudian, he pulled his collar with his left hand and pointed his right finger at his head and scolded: "How did you make this ghost like a power plant?" Finally, the nephew explained to him that he was not in charge of the power plant, and that the commune had a special class responsible for construction, and Zhou Zhijian turned around and ran to the commune, and urged the special class to hurry up and start construction.

The founding lieutenant general returned to his hometown, and when he saw his nephew, he pulled his collar with his left hand and scolded him with his right finger, which turned out to be for this matter

Later, under the repeated supervision of Zhou Zhijian, soon the village was finally electrified, and he worked hard for the construction of his hometown, traveled back and forth, and solved problems for the people of his hometown, and the people in the village still remember it.

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