
Japanese media exposed the outbreak of confrontation between China and Japan on the Diaoyu Islands, saying that the Chinese side invaded its "territorial waters" and that the Japanese side sent ships to obstruct them

author:Sun Xuwen

The China Coast Guard Bureau released a news on January 15 that the Chinese Coast Guard 1301 ship formation went to the territorial waters of the Diaoyu Islands on the same day to cruise; shortly thereafter, Japanese media quoted the headquarters of Japan's 11th Regional Coast Guard as reporting that at about 10:00 a.m. on January 15, the Japanese side found four Chinese Coast Guard ships "invading Japan's territorial waters" off the coast of the so-called "Senkaku Islands" (China's Diaoyu Islands), and then the Japanese side sent ships to warn and monitor the Chinese ships, during which a short and fierce confrontation broke out between the two sides.

Japanese media exposed the outbreak of confrontation between China and Japan on the Diaoyu Islands, saying that the Chinese side invaded its "territorial waters" and that the Japanese side sent ships to obstruct them

The Japanese side claimed that the Chinese vessel had been sailing in the waters near the Diaoyu Dao for about 2 hours, and after the Chinese vessel left, the Japanese Coast Guard also continuously issued warnings and adopted surveillance measures to prevent the Chinese vessels from "re-invading"; in fact, almost every time the Chinese Coast Guard vessel entered the waters of the Diaoyu Dao to cruise, the Japanese side would make some moves, often sending some ships to obstruct and intercept.

Because of this, Chinese Coast Guard vessels have stepped up their patrols in the waters around the Diaoyu Islands in recent years, after the Japanese Coast Guard also released data saying that Chinese Coast Guard ships cruised the Diaoyu Islands 332 times in 2021. It should be noted that the Diaoyu Dao and its affiliated islands have been China's inherent territory since ancient times, and the confrontation in the waters near the Diaoyu Islands is entirely caused by the frequent provocations and deliberate play of fire by the Japanese side, and Japan's so-called "territorial waters have been invaded" is completely a nonsense.

Japanese media exposed the outbreak of confrontation between China and Japan on the Diaoyu Islands, saying that the Chinese side invaded its "territorial waters" and that the Japanese side sent ships to obstruct them

The reason why Japan frequently makes these small moves on the Diaoyu Islands is aimed at creating an illusion of "defending its own territorial waters" in an attempt to distort the Japanese people's understanding of the Diaoyu Dao issue, including the farce of "landing on the island" and "erecting monuments" that Japan has previously trumpeted, in order to instill in the Japanese people the concept that the Diaoyu Islands are "Japanese territory.", but there is no doubt that the sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands belongs to China, and no matter how Much Japan ignores the facts and confuses the public, it is impossible to occupy China's territory.

Because since World War II, ordinary People in Japan have generally tended to a peaceful and stable situation and are unwilling to get involved in conflicts and wars again, but this is not what Japanese right-wing politicians are willing to see, so there are many extreme right-wing forces in Japanese politics who have created an illusion that "Japan is already in crisis" by desperately rendering the so-called "military pressure and security threats" from the outside and frequently confronting The Chinese side in the waters near the Diaoyu Islands.

Japanese media exposed the outbreak of confrontation between China and Japan on the Diaoyu Islands, saying that the Chinese side invaded its "territorial waters" and that the Japanese side sent ships to obstruct them

In addition, Japan's ambitions are obviously not just the Diaoyu Islands, but a vain attempt to further intervene in the situation in the Taiwan Strait and thus prevent the process of cross-strait reunification. Because the Diaoyu Dao is extremely close to Taiwan Province of China, some people in Japan are worried that once the mainland completes the seizure of Taiwan, the People's Liberation Army stationed on the island of Taiwan will make the Chinese mainland firmly grasp the control of the Diaoyu Islands, and it will be unrealistic for Japan to want to compete with China for the Diaoyu Islands, so Japan will try its best to prevent the mainland from closing in Taiwan while provoking trouble on the Diaoyu Islands.

For example, according to the plan of the Japanese Ministry of Defense, the plan of deploying the Land Self-Defense Force missile force on Ishigaki Island will be completed by the end of 2022, and Ishigaki Island is only about 300 kilometers away from Taiwan Island, and it is only 170 kilometers away from the Diaoyu Island.

Japanese media exposed the outbreak of confrontation between China and Japan on the Diaoyu Islands, saying that the Chinese side invaded its "territorial waters" and that the Japanese side sent ships to obstruct them

In fact, Japan's intention to occupy China's territory comes from the support of the United States, such as the "island seizure" joint exercise in Jindoro Island, which is very similar to the terrain of the Diaoyu Islands in December last year. The Frequent Conduct of such exercises by the United States and Japan, in addition to military provocations against China, is more of a symbol in the political sense, on the one hand, by adding blockage to China to show loyalty to the US-Japan alliance, on the other hand, the "Ming Xiu Zhan Dao Darkness Chen Cang" to tie the US-Japan alliance relationship to the death.

In January, the Japanese and U.S. foreign ministers held a "2+2" meeting and issued a joint statement, saying that China was "concerned about undermining the rules-based international order" and reiterating that the Diaoyu Islands apply to Article 5 of the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty. This also means that in the future, the United States and Japan will cooperate more in the relevant affairs of the Diaoyu Islands, and combined with Japan's ambitions to intervene in the Situation in the Taiwan Strait mentioned above, it is not difficult to predict that the United States and Japan will intensify their "fight and cooperation" in the Taiwan Strait situation in the future.

Japanese media exposed the outbreak of confrontation between China and Japan on the Diaoyu Islands, saying that the Chinese side invaded its "territorial waters" and that the Japanese side sent ships to obstruct them

However, no matter what kind of ghost tricks the United States and Japan engage in, they will not be able to stop the mainland from closing in on Taiwan, and the trick of vainly trying to "use Taiwan to control China" can be put to rest; no country should underestimate the PLA's determination to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and any tentacle that vainly attempts to intervene in occupying China's territory and obstructIng China's reunification will be cut off by the PLA's sword!

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