
During World War II, the most unfortunate generals were who, and the final ending was surprising!

It is said that war is cruel, because bullets do not have long eyes, and they may hit themselves, but not only must we be careful of the enemy's bullets, but sometimes we must also guard against bullets from our own side. In World War II, three generals were not killed by the enemy, but were mistakenly hit by their own hands and died.

1st place: Liao Lingqi

Who were the most unlucky generals during World War II? The most unfortunate of course was Liao Lingqi, the former commander of the "net red" Zhang Lingfu and the commander of the 58th Division of the Huangpu Fourth Phase, who resisted Japan and killed the enemy and fought hard, and as a result, he was killed in a vacuum. If Liao Lingqi had not been accidentally killed, Zhang Lingfu would not have successfully taken the position of division commander, and it is even more unlikely that he would later take charge of the 74th Army and the reorganized 74th Division.

During World War II, the most unfortunate generals were who, and the final ending was surprising!

Born in 1905, Liao Lingqi, originally from Qiyang, Hunan, graduated from the fourth phase of the Huangpu Military Academy, and after graduation, he entered the Fourth Army of the Iron Army as a platoon leader, and was seriously injured in the battlefield of the famous Battle of Tingsi Bridge in the Northern Expedition, so that he could only write with his left hand for the rest of his life. Later, he was transferred to the 88th German Armament Division as a battalion commander, participated in the "128" Songhu War of Resistance in 1932, was promoted to regimental commander for merit, and then participated in the Battle of Songhu in 1937, and was promoted to brigade commander in the line of fire, which was a direct subordinate of Sun Yuanliang, and once led his troops to defend the Zhonghua Gate in the Nanjing Defense War.

The Japanese army once invaded Changsha after breaking the main force of the Ninth Theater, but it was only because the food and ammunition were running out and it was necessary to return to Yichang that it had to be reversed. Such a big defeat naturally alarmed the Chongqing side, and the chairman of the committee went to Hengshan to hold a military conference after the war to investigate responsibility, and Xue Yue's unkind side was exposed, and he issued a long list of punishments, including Li Yutang, commander of the 10th Army, Chen Pei, commander of the 37th Army, Xiao Zhichu, commander of the 26th Army, and so on.

2nd place: Itano Balbo

During World War II, the most unfortunate generals were who, and the final ending was surprising!

Itano Balbo was Italy's Air Marshal, leader of the Blackshirts, and one of the central figures of Italian fascism. He was Mussolini's designated successor, and he was very unlucky, and in 1940, Balbo, then governor of Libya, was shot down by anti-aircraft guns from Italy's own naval warships in the aircraft over the northeastern Libyan port of Tobrug, killing Balbo on the spot. Balbo also became the only field marshal of World War II to be killed by his own men.

Third place: Leslie James McNair

During World War II, the most unfortunate generals were who, and the final ending was surprising!

To say that in recent years, the US military has mistakenly injured friendly forces, but this is not what is happening now, as early as the Second World War, the US military has killed many of its friendly forces, one of which is its own general, he is Leslie James McNair. In 1944, he saw that World War II was about to end, but when he inspected the front line in France, he was killed by bombs dropped by his own bombers, and he became the highest-ranking general of the US army to die in World War II.

Fourth place: Nikolai Fedorovich Vatutin

Nikolai Fedorovich Vatutin was one of the most famous Soviet generals of World War II, having fought hundreds of battles with the Germans and commanding the Battle of Stalingrad at Hakolkusk. Vatutin also won the titles of "General of lightning" and "Little Saturn" as good as Zhukov and Trikov. However, such an excellent general was mistakenly injured by a guerrilla group of Ukrainians in 1944, the bullet hit the artery in his thigh, and he was seriously injured and sent to Kiev for treatment, and after more than 40 days of rescue, he was still unable to survive, and was solemnly buried after death.

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