
Warcraft 3: Cross Siege is very effective and ornamental, why is it becoming less and less common?

Earlier, when introducing the Hurricane Wand for everyone, there was a brief mention of siege for everyone, and in the siege operation of "Warcraft 3", the classic operation of cross siege, both the effect and the ornamentation are very good. Unfortunately, judging from today's matches and daily matches, the frequency of such operations has become less and less frequent. This time, Mai Wen came to talk to everyone about why the cross siege is very difficult, but the operation that was often seen in the past is rarely seen now.

Warcraft 3: Cross Siege is very effective and ornamental, why is it becoming less and less common?

Before we begin to introduce the specific reasons, let's first look at several prerequisites that must be met in daily matches, in addition to operational problems, if you want to complete the cross siege.

1, have enough troops: in theory, with 4 units can complete the cross siege, but in fact, to complete this operation, the number of units required must exceed 4, only with enough troop superiority, can the opponent's units be driven into their own encirclement;

2, the unit movement speed is faster than the opponent: if your unit movement speed is not faster than the opponent, it is naturally unrealistic to want to round up, although in theory there is a unit that moves faster than the opponent to the card position, you can complete the siege, but in fact, if the movement speed of other units is too slower than the enemy unit, it is difficult to complete the siege, so it is also necessary for the unit to move faster than the opponent, and it is best to move faster than the opponent unit at the same time, the movement speed of other units is not much different from the enemy unit;

3, have enough blood: this is easy to understand, if your own side of a bunch of blood troops to surround and kill the opponent's full blood G, then the final result is not to round up but to send experience, so it is also very necessary to have enough blood;

4. The opponent cannot support or give up support: If the target object he surrounds and kills has more blood, the opponent can also let the large troops come to support before the besieged unit enters the dangerous health, and the effect of the siege will also be greatly reduced. Therefore, the opponent's inability to support or other reasons to give up support is also a key factor in the success of the siege.

Warcraft 3: Cross Siege is very effective and ornamental, why is it becoming less and less common?

The cross-kill itself is too difficult

Because the cross siege itself belongs to the category of micro-operations, the player needs to operate multiple units at the same time, not to mention, there are high detail requirements for multiple aspects such as the position of the unit. Such a high degree of difficulty makes the cross siege, which is also an advanced micro-operation skill in the time period of the master. Nowadays, due to the gradual reduction of the number of old players and the difficulty of new players to see, it is also reasonable that the frequency of cross-fights has decreased.

Prevention is relatively simple

Although the Cross Siege itself is an extremely difficult micro-operation technique, the difficulty that players want to use is very high. However, in the case of the opponent's intention to prevent, the difficulty of prevention is actually not high. In actual combat, you only need to let other troops come to support, or pay attention to the positioning situation, basically to avoid being surrounded and killed successfully. After all, no matter in which version, the cross-fight that relies solely on operation is based on the player's strong skills and the opponent is somewhat careless or does not operate when the multi-line operation is not carried out.

Warcraft 3: Cross Siege is very effective and ornamental, why is it becoming less and less common?

Common classes are not very supported

Compared with the past, in today's regular matches, long-range units such as muskets, spiders, and headhunters have become the main output points. While these units have good output capabilities, there are either a small number of them (such as spiders) or a small amount of health (muskets, headhunters). Coupled with these long-range piercing fire units, the output ability itself is very powerful, in the game with other classes, in the case of no siege, you can suppress the opponent's blood volume while ensuring that you have a safe amount of health; on the contrary, after using the siege technique, there will be a situation where your own health is depressed, or even the unit that is killed and broken.

Warcraft 3: Cross Siege is very effective and ornamental, why is it becoming less and less common?

The special requirements for cross-killing are too high

In addition to the above mentioned, there is another very key reason - that is, compared to normal pull-and-pull combat, the cross siege operation requires too much timing, props, skills, health, etc. to succeed. Under such high requirements, the difficulty of the cross siege wanting to be shown has naturally increased greatly, and it is reasonable that it is difficult to appear in both the game and the daily game.

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