
What should I do if my teeth are missing due to periodontal disease? Dentist: These 3 methods can be chosen for repair

In a short lifetime, people will only experience a tooth change once. Usually in infancy, deciduous teeth gradually grow, deciduous teeth gradually fall out and grow new teeth when they are about 7-8 years old, after which the teeth will stay with us for life until death.

However, due to various reasons in life, some teeth will not accompany them for life, or even begin to fall out before they reach old age.

What should I do if my teeth are missing due to periodontal disease? Dentist: These 3 methods can be chosen for repair

Common causes of tooth loss are basically related to periodontal disease, such as periodontitis, caries and so on. Caries is not treated in time, and the surface of tooth damage is getting bigger and bigger, which will not only lead to problems such as periodontal pockets and inflammation, but also cause tooth loss.

Once the teeth are missing, it will not only affect the health and aesthetics of the teeth, but also affect the eating, and bid farewell to the pleasure of eating. So the question is, full mouth teeth due to periodontitis and caries problems, what to do?

What should I do if my teeth are missing due to periodontal disease? Dentist: These 3 methods can be chosen for repair

1. Full mouth implant denture, fixation and repair

This is one of the most common methods in the clinic, before the implant of dentures, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive assessment according to the patient's own bone mass and physical condition to see if it meets the conditions for full denture implants. In clinical view, as long as the bone mass of the patient's alveolar bone is sufficient, and there are no other chronic or serious diseases in good health, full implant denture fixation repair surgery can be considered;

What should I do if my teeth are missing due to periodontal disease? Dentist: These 3 methods can be chosen for repair

Usually, this procedure takes into account the implant of at least 6 dental implants in the upper and lower jaws of the patient, and only in this way can the full mouth of the tooth reconstruction be completed.

However, this treatment requires extremely high alveolar bone, and it needs to be removed and cleaned after each meal, and the patient may have a significant oral foreign body sensation and the comfort will be relatively reduced. However, after the operation, it can improve the patient's chewing ability and use function, which is more convenient to use.

What should I do if my teeth are missing due to periodontal disease? Dentist: These 3 methods can be chosen for repair

2. Traditional full-mouth movable denture repair surgery

Traditional full denture restoration is also one of the most commonly used clinical treatment methods, it mainly uses the characteristics of the base of the denture and the oral mucosal tissue closely fit, its edge is in a closed state, will produce great adsorption force and atmospheric pressure, so that the denture can only be adsorbed on the patient's upper and lower jaw alveolar crest, and then let the denture play a function;

However, this procedure requires a healthy condition of the upper and lower jaws in the patient's mouth, which plays a vital role in the stability of the denture.

What should I do if my teeth are missing due to periodontal disease? Dentist: These 3 methods can be chosen for repair

Usually, the doctor will make a suitable movable denture according to the specific situation of each patient's mouth, which can promote the patient's appearance recovery, chewing and pronunciation functions will return to normal, can improve the patient's self-confidence, chewing function, and reduce the burden of the digestive tract, to ensure that eating is not affected;

However, when the dentures are first worn, the patient may have a pronounced foreign body sensation. If you often bite the oral mucosa in the later stages, you need to seek medical attention in time to adjust it so that the mouth can gradually adapt. What needs to be emphasized here is that full dentures need to be maintained regularly and do a good job of cleaning and hygiene.

What should I do if my teeth are missing due to periodontal disease? Dentist: These 3 methods can be chosen for repair

3. Implantation with movable denture repair

This treatment is a repair between mobility and immobilization, which can increase the retention effect of movable dentures, further improve the patient's oral comfort, and reduce the conditions and cost of implantation.

Usually, about 2-4 implants are implanted in the upper and lower jaws, and then the movable dentures are semi-fixed to the implant, and the patient is able to remove and wash themselves.

What should I do if my teeth are missing due to periodontal disease? Dentist: These 3 methods can be chosen for repair

Write at the end: Missing teeth in your entire mouth doesn't mean you've lost the joy of eating. You know, nowadays, China's oral medical technology is very mature, and there are multiple ways to treat teeth.

Before performing dental restoration, we can choose the most suitable restoration method according to our actual situation and economic strength.

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