
Neonatal Mom Nurse Items

Neonatal Mom Nurse Items

Baby items

1, 4 sets of baby clothes (it is best to buy 100% cotton monk clothes, preferably a one-piece suit. It is convenient to change diapers and can also protect your baby's navel very well)

2, diapers 1 piece (buy NB code, newborn stool is relatively thin, there are 6 to 7 times a day of poop. Babies will use 10 to 15 diapers a day)

3: 2 bottles (one to drink water, one to drink milk. Buy a capacity of 150 ml on it)

4, wrapped 2 (depending on the baby's birth season to buy, winter to buy a little thicker, summer to buy thin. It is best to buy a quilt with a hat to protect the baby's head)

5, 3 small square towels (for the baby to wipe the mouth and bath, it is best to use separately)

6, wet wipes 3 packs (the baby changes diapers more frequently, wet wipes are used faster, you can buy more. Baby skin is very tender, it is best to buy fragrance-free alcohol)

7, 1 hat (to protect the baby's head, buy a thicker one in winter, buy a thin one in summer)

8, milk powder 1 yuan a jar (even breastfeeding mothers should prepare milk powder, in case the milk is not opened in time, spare for the baby to drink)

Neonatal Mom Nurse Items

Mom items

1, 5 pieces of chocolate, 2 cans of Red Bull (used in production, chocolate can lubricate the production channel, Red Bull can give you more strength during production)

2. 3 packs of facial tissues (for washing and wiping your face)

3. 2 pairs of slippers

4. 1 toothpaste toothbrush

5. 1 cardigan coat

6, 5 pairs of socks (just after the production is very afraid of the wind, protect the feet is indispensable)

7. 3 nursing bras

8. 1 set of discharge clothes (whether it is winter or summer just after giving birth, you still have to wear a thicker one)

9, 4 pairs of underwear (it is best to buy loose)

10, 4 sets of pajamas (hospitals generally require the use of hospital uniforms, so this can be brought or not)

11: 4 towels

12, a mobile phone charger (must remember to bring less, now the hand does not leave the machine)

13, bank cards and cash (although many of them are now paid by mobile phones, some of them still have to collect cash)

14, 2 moon hats (just after the production is very afraid of the wind, but also to protect the head)

15. 2 packs of maternity mats

16. 3 packs of maternal sanitary napkins (it is more convenient to buy sanitary napkins and pants to wear and take off)

17, the baby bath basin one (in the hospital nurse every day to the baby bath to the baby to use)

18, mother washbasin one

19, drink 3 cups (hospitals will generally have hot water to drink, but the cups need to be brought.)

Neonatal Mom Nurse Items

Mother's heart: Mothers with big bellies are not convenient to go out, it is best to buy online. Remember to count after buying according to the list!

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