
More than 50 children were hospitalized for infection with Omiquerong The youngest is 5 years old and the oldest is only 12 years old

Winter is approaching, and Tianjin is once again caught in a "defense war" against the new crown virus. In December 2021, Tianjin detected the Aomi kerong strain from the inbound personnel and fired the first shot against the Omicron. After a month, Omicron reappeared, and even extended its "claws" to the innocent and cute children.

On January 8, two people in Tianjin tested positive for nucleic acid and were infected with the Aomi Kerong strain. Subsequently, Omi Kerong demonstrated his strong communication ability. As of 13 January, the number of locally confirmed cases in Tianjin has reached 126.

It is worth noting that this round of the epidemic is not only the first large-scale case of Omiljung infection in China, but also a considerable number of children infected, which is heart-wrenching.

More than 50 children were hospitalized for infection with Omiquerong The youngest is 5 years old and the oldest is only 12 years old

It is understood that the first two confirmed cases, one is a staff member of a childcare institution, and the other is a primary school student. Subsequently, of the 18 new cases added on the first day, 10 were students of the custodial institution and their families, while the other 8 were classmates of the primary school student, forming two obvious chains of transmission.

At present, Haihe Hospital is launching a "tug-of-war" between Haihe Hospital as a designated hospital for the treatment of new crown patients in Tianjin and Aomi Kerong. Here, more than 50 children are being treated, the youngest of whom is only 5 years old and the oldest is only 12 years old.

More than 50 children were hospitalized for infection with Omiquerong The youngest is 5 years old and the oldest is only 12 years old

In this regard, Zhang Ying, deputy chief physician, was once worried. Before this, Tianjin had never treated a child patient infected with Aomi Kerong, let alone face so many child patients. Do children cry? Will it not cooperate with the diagnosis and treatment? Will parents be worried?

However, things went unexpectedly smoothly, and in the face of the epidemic, the children showed exceptional strength and understanding. Every day when checking and taking medicine, the children are very cooperative with the work of the medical staff, and even raise their small fists to cheer with the medical staff, which is very gratifying. In addition, in order to reassure parents, medical staff will maintain communication with parents and will also let parents and children have video calls.

Zhang Boli, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said that the treatment of children is the focus of the current fight against Omicron. In order to better treat children infected with the new crown, Tianjin has organized a lean medical team. At present, doctors from a number of hospitals have been stationed in designated hospitals, integrating traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, accurately treating pediatric patients and prescribing the right medicine.

More than 50 children were hospitalized for infection with Omiquerong The youngest is 5 years old and the oldest is only 12 years old

Fortunately, the children's situation is getting better. Some medical staff said that in this epidemic, there are more children with mild or asymptomatic infections, and there are no very serious symptoms, and even ordinary types are rare. Most children have symptoms such as sore throat, cough, nasal congestion, etc., and high fever is not common.

Now, a small number of children with fever symptoms have returned to normal body temperature, and other children's cough symptoms have also eased.

At present, Tianjin is setting up the second ward of Haihe Hospital for the treatment of children, and "preparing for the rain" for a protracted war. If the number of cases in children continues to increase, Tianjin will have sufficient capacity to cope and ensure the treatment of children.

Experts remind that Omi kerong has "occupied" countries around the world and has appeared in many cities in the country. Parents should pay attention to the fact that the protection of children should not be taken lightly, let alone taken advantage of and turned a blind eye to the minor symptoms of children. Once the child has symptoms such as cough, it is best to go to the hospital immediately for examination and timely treatment.

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