
10 weight loss misunderstandings Don't step on the pit to be a healthy big beauty

author:South Wind Show

The lessons of the predecessors were all exchanged for blood and money. Standing on the shoulders of giants, people fly faster.

In this era of no shortage of food, men and women, young and old, are shouting about weight loss, even if they lose more and more weight.

I'm a person who's blunt about a lot of things, and the same goes for weight loss. Of course, maybe I haven't been particularly fat all along. Or before it reached the point of affecting the cityscape, I was not very sensitive to obesity. The main reason is that if I had been a little fatter, I would have recovered in a few days. For example, I have a fat lower abdomen, I go down after a few days of sit-ups, I gain weight, and I lose weight after a few days of hunger.

Until recent years, I was misled by the obesity of "middle-aged fortune" and made me fat for several years. In fact, the reason for the blessing of middle age is most likely because the amount of exercise in middle age is reduced, and the body function is reduced. So, conversely, how many middle-aged people have you seen who regularly exercise and are still fat?

The heart that wants to lose weight, and the mouth that wants to eat, are two very contradictory guys.

Although any topic has individual differences, it is a scientific universal truth. Today, when we lose weight, how to eat, how to sleep, and how to move.

To be honest, when I first started walking, I even had to learn how to walk on Baidu, the posture of walking, the position of the force, and the body parts that landed on the ground, all in full accordance with scientific norms. This may also be one of the reasons why my walking is effective.

What are the misunderstandings of weight loss?

Myth 1: Because you eat less during weight loss, you have to pick the best one. The basic principle of weight loss is that the calories consumed > the calories ingested, and the diet is preferred for low-calorie foods. Vegetables, fruits, and grains are all foods with large volume and low calorie density, and these foods should be mainly used during weight loss.  

Myth two: Eat less and eat more meals to lose weight. The premise of eating less and eating more meals can lose weight is that the total daily calorie intake is fixed, that is, the food of three meals is divided into five meals to eat, rather than eating the same food five times.

Myth three: go to bed late and stay up late to lose weight. The argument that tiredness can lead to weight loss is untenable. Biomedically, the human body engages in a day of activity and naturally enters a state of rest at night. However, synthetic fat insulin secretes more at night, so it is easier to become fat precipitation at night, and try not to eat 2 hours before bedtime at night to reduce the production of excess fat.  

Myth four: fine food can nourish the face and slim down. Food that is too fine will cause the loss of some beneficial substances for health, and eating fine grains and foods too fine such as eggs and milk can easily lead to constipation, causing adverse negative effects on metabolism and weight loss. When losing weight, you should eat more fiber-rich foods, which can promote intestinal peristalsis and are conducive to digestion and weight loss.  

Myth five: as long as you exercise, you will definitely lose weight. Exercise in weight loss refers to aerobic exercise, aerobic exercise can consume more calories, aerobic exercise must have three conditions: the energy required for exercise is mainly provided by oxidizing fat or sugar in the body; most of the muscles of the whole body are involved in exercise; the intensity of exercise is between low and medium, and the duration is 15 to 40 minutes or longer. Such as brisk walking, jogging, aerobics, swimming, cycling and various ball sports.  

Myth Six: Liposuction is an immediate way to lose weight. Here it is necessary to distinguish between the two concepts of "weight loss" and "liposuction", liposuction is to improve the body for the purpose, from the body's ability to bear and ensure the safety of surgery, it is not suitable for large-scale weight loss. For those who are too obese, they should rely on reasonable eating habits and exercise to achieve the purpose of healthy weight loss under the treatment of doctors.  

Myth Seven: Taking diet pills can lose weight. Diet pills mostly achieve the effect of "weight loss" by suppressing appetite, increasing energy expenditure, and inhibiting intestinal digestion and absorption. However, at the same time, adverse reactions such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, adverse side reactions to nerves and the heart, and side effects such as abdominal pain and diarrhea can be caused, which do more harm than good. And almost all weight loss achieved through drugs rebounds.

Myth eight: Eating spicy foods can lose weight. Because it is easy to sweat when eating spicy, and eating a little bit will have a feeling of fullness, so it seems to have a weight loss effect. However, eating spicy food for a long time to lose weight will have an impact on the function of the stomach, and there is a risk of stomach pain and even stomach bleeding. At the same time, eating too much irritating food will also make the skin rough, and even acne, which is not worth the loss.

Myth 9: Do not eat meat, only eat vegetables, fruits can lose weight. In fact, vegetables, fruits, all kinds of lean meats, etc. have their own nutritional value. Lean meat contains some essential amino acids, more protein and trace elements, and sufficient protein can enhance the energy consumption of calories, but if there is a lack of protein, the body's metabolism will slow down, and the heat will be stored in the body because of excess, and will eventually be converted into fat. Therefore, weight loss should also be nutritionally balanced.

Myth 10: Not eating foods with high starch content can lose weight. Foods with high starch content are a kind of carbohydrate, but it does not mean that eating foods with high starch content for a long time will lead to obesity problems in people. In a way, people eating foods containing protein for a long time will lead to a higher chance of obesity. Therefore, everyone does not need to pay too much attention to their diet, as long as they control their diet as much as possible to eat more vegetables and fruits to benefit the body and mind.

The above are common weight loss misunderstandings, of course, there are others that cannot be exhausted.

Finally, the most important thing is that everyone should study the causes of obesity according to their own physical condition, targeted weight loss.

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