
"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors

If there must be a show that never disappoints at the Spring Festival Gala, it is the dance category!

"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors

As soon as Yingbao and five young dancers appeared on the stage "Full Tingfang National Color", Uncle Oxygen instantly woke up from his drowsy state.

The combination of song + dance + color culture completely presents a stunning aesthetic that can truly represent the national color.

"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors

The beauty of the national color is also as poetic and flexible as the connotation of color, that is the texture beauty of the face like peach, the skin like coagulation, the spirit like a satin leaf, the god like ultramarine, and the clothes dyed with agarwood.

The national beauty of the night also included Li Qian, the lead dancer known as "China's first soft" in "Splendid Embroidery".

Unlike Tang Shiyixiang's soft and stretching water sleeve beauty, her Han Dynasty terracotta figurines represent women's speed + control, as well as the beauty of tenacity and strength.

"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors

Li Qian, "Splendid Embroidery"

Today, let's talk about the cultural connotation of national colors and color aesthetics, and appreciate the stories behind those beautiful colors. After really understanding them, you may have a deeper understanding of color atmosphere + practical color matching itself.

"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors

Zhu Jiejing "Ikaribu Bridge"


"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors

The source of color: the five elements of color

The five central colors in the national color are derived from the white, black, red, yellow and cyan of the five elements.

Different from the three primary colors in science, the ancestors believed that the five square colors formed by combining the four positions, the scenery of the four seasons, plus a central position, are the source of the hundred colors.

The five colors of coagulation, agarwood, peach, satin leaf and ultramarine in "Full Tingfang" this time also derive from the derivation of positive color.

"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors

"Full Court Fang, National Color"

In addition to highlighting the static vision of color, the dance part also derives dynamic connotations.

When dealing with the relationship between color + dance this time, a striking point is that Ultramarine chose a heroic and sassy female image, while Condensation chose a gentleman-like male image, breaking the stereotype of gender, which is therefore more moving.

The manners of the two dancers here can very well interpret the soul of color

The connotation of color starts from its naming, which is a complete fusion of story + connotation + atmosphere + color characteristics.

It is like a microcosm of 5,000 years of Chinese civilization, and it is precisely because there are traces to follow that it is timeless and precious.

(1) Western color: white

The original meaning of the white character is taken from the scene of sunlight falling between heaven and earth.

The whole glyph symbolizes the top of the cloud mountain and the sun that is about to rise on the skyline, shining brightly. Most of the characters that use "white" as a symbol are related to bright white, such as: 皎, 皙, 皑, 皓 and so on.

"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors

The Book of Poetry says, "The white dew is frost." ”

The white one is dewy, and the qi is cold.

The ancients used pale leaves and condensed white dew to outline the color of frost and snow and the plain scenery, which is close to life and full of poetic beauty.

"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors

Coagulation itself is a metaphor for smooth and white skin, it is white with a little yellow tone, and it is also the white that belongs to the Chinese people.

"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors

The shape of the dancers + the charm of the scene are all contained in the pink white with yellow tones + the moon white with green tones, and the whole presents a real and natural elegant beauty.

"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors
"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors

(2) Northern color: black

"Black, obscure, as obscure."

Heavenly Yellow. The color of the night is one of the earliest colors recognized by human beings.

Xuanqing refers to the deep black color that is as rich as a starry night. This black, bluish or reddish color, is a rich and condensed color to the extreme.

"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors

The interpretation of black by dance has the free-flowing meaning of ink dance.

"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors

There is also agarwood, a special plant that sinks or sinks semi-into the water, which is known as the "king of all fragrances" and is the "diamond of plant fragrance".

"The heart of wood and the knot are black, and the one who sinks the water is agarwood."

The color also represents the unique weight and dignity.

"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors

(3) Southern color: red

"Chi, Heya. The color of the sun too. ”

Nothing is more inspiring than orthodox red.

"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors

"The old testament of the pot, the laughter of the world, the peach is a thousand times."

The pink that can very represent the texture of women is like adding a little white to the gorgeous forehead red, highlighting its own pink tone and appearing more feminine.

Zhu is deep red, and vermilion itself is also a very famous traditional color.

"Emperor Zhu Fusi", this strong color dyed through four procedures, represents the dignity of an emperor.

As precious red inorganic pigments with strong hiding power, they are often known for their bright color and long-term fading. The insect-proof dan paper sandwiched in ancient books and the high-quality printing clay used in Chinese calligraphy and painting are made of this silver vermilion.

"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors

The Tang Dynasty poet Bai Juyi once wrote in "Remembering the South of the River" that "the sunrise and the river are red and victorious over fire", and the beautiful scene of the sun shining on the river here is to praise the red color of the river.

"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors

And every dancer with outstanding dancing posture in "Splendid Embroidery" is also like the red floating on the river, which together constitute a beautiful and brilliant scenery.

"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors

(4) The color of the earth: yellow

"Yellow, Akira, still shaky, like daylight."

The dazzling colors like daylight make people feel open and bright every time they are mentioned.

"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors

Frangipani yellow is derived from the color of the stamen of the frangipani flower, and the floral language of the frangipani itself has a beautiful meaning of purity and elegance.

Just like this dancing leaf.

"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors

The leaf itself refers to the pale yellow leaves, but it is given a flower-like fragrance due to the softness and agility of the dancers. It refreshes and energizes after watching.

"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors

The color of the leaf scene is close to that of jasmine yellow

The third of the Northern Song Dynasty Dao's potential "Second Rhyme Huangzi Lixuan Detian Ju Four Times" wrote: "Zhongtian is as yellow as a cloud. ”

Indeed, it is an ethereal and flexible texture like a cloud.

(5) Oriental color: blue

"Qing, Kong Qingya."

Empty blue is a type of malachite and belongs to the natural mineral. It is recorded in the "Records of the Western Regions of the Great Tang Dynasty: Qu Lang and the Kingdom": "There are mountains, and there are more gold essences in them, and they analyze their stones, and then they get them." ”

Qingben is the color of blue, blue ore or grass, which later extends to the color category of green and black.

Meng Qingyang "Only This Green Green"

Blue is a base color, it is crisp and not ostentatious, smart but not sleek, refreshing and not monotonous.

"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors

Zhu Jiejing "Ikaribu Bridge"

"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors

As a color unique to China, cyan has extremely important significance in ancient society.

It symbolizes strength, hope, simplicity and solemnity, and traditional objects and costumes often use cyan. This time using ultramarine to interpret female power is very good at interpreting the connotation of color itself.

"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors

It can be said that cyan is a color between blue and green, which is mixed by emerald green light with blue-violet light in equal amounts.

If it is not possible to define whether a color is blue or green, the color can be called cyan.

"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors


"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors

Traditional color matching and national color beauty

The poetic beauty of national color lies in the fact that it standardizes the three attributes of hue, brightness and chroma of the color itself with more flexible techniques.

The change of traditional national color, like ink, pays attention to "thick, light, heavy, clear and burnt".

"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors

It is obviously a light monochrome picture, but it has a unique charm due to the subtle differences of the same color.

A simple gray tone can also derive yellow, green and blue atmospheres due to intensity and weight. At first glance, it looks simple and elegant, and the details are all Chinese subtle and luxurious romance.

"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors

China Qitan, 2023 | Three stories, three atmospheres

It can be said that the picture that constitutes the beauty of national colors has never been a color, but a sense of color.

It is also an atmospheric beauty composed of many colors harmoniously matched.

"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors

Tang Shiyi's "Full Tingfang, National Color"

"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors

The adjacent color scheme represents | Compatible with red and yellow color systems

The practical color combination with story atmosphere + color mood can be roughly divided into two categories: light and intense.

(1) Light and elegant

Light and elegant colors will first give people a sense of emotional tranquility, and then derive different textures such as hearty, leisurely, and plain.

"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors

For example, adding a cool and gorgeous Wei red to the light yellow-green color is the finishing touch on the lip color of the delicate beauty.

"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors
"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors

To describe the color of Zhu Yin's version of Huang Rong, it is more appropriate to distinguish it as green and green. Fifteen or sixteen-year-old girls are like cardamom flowers waiting to be put hanging beautifully on the branches.

Du Mu wrote in "Farewell": "More than thirteen years, cardamom head in early February", is a green green that is not enough to describe.

"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors

The deeper green is as precious as Garo's fragrant wood.

Its color also continues the warm coffee color of wood color, and also has the elegant and solemn beauty with plant green tones.

"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors

If you use a beauty as a metaphor, it has to be a woody-scented beauty like Manshen.

"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors

(2) Intense pie

The strong color is undoubtedly a strong and heavy color, which is more suitable for autumn and winter.

"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors

From the strong, a domineering sexiness belonging to the royal sister can be derived, and it is a rich and solemn texture like Zhu Ying.

It is said that red to purple, and purple itself is more inclined to the royal sister color.

"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors

Among the beauty in ancient costumes, everything that can interpret purple makeup will become a beautiful light and shadow fragment that cannot be erased in people's hearts.

"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors
"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors

"Six Finger Demon" 1994

Another evolution of the texture of intense colors can be dazzling sweetness.

"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors

For example, Wang Zuxian, who has a very neutral and beautiful texture, has also become a soft image like a water hibiscus because of a bright shade of brilliance.

It is itself a perennial aquatic herb of the family Nymphaeae, which is just right for shaping waterside beauty.

"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors

"Green Snake" 1993 | The scene + service Dao has a heart

Similar to the color of the glow, there is also a glow red, although it is red, the color itself is closer to pink.

"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors

It is also this color that gives Wang Zuxian a beautiful shape that will be remembered for a lifetime.

"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors

"Spirit Fox" 1991

Of course, the most orthodox destination of the strong school must be a solemn color.

"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors

Li Qian's Han Dynasty terracotta figurines in "Splendid Embroidery" is a solemnity that is difficult to match even if there is a popular aesthetic with traffic.

This red may not be so eye-catching, but it is a more intrinsic energy and awe-inspiring solemn texture.

"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors

The traditional national color scheme is not only suitable for dressing, but also suitable for home life. It can constitute a complete life experience, making people feel happy and adding happiness + belonging + ritual beauty.

"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors

The Legend of Ruyi, 2018, | The beauty of the details

"Jiaxing four o'clock with the picture in the garden, clear light thousands of miles to see through the heart of the pool."

"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors

The Legend of Ruyi, 2018, | Scene color aesthetics

"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors

To feel the beauty of national colors and cultivate color aesthetics, start by enjoying the beautiful colors around you.

May these traditional colors bring everyone, even a little bit of good mood.

"Full Tingfang National Colors" tells you the story behind those beautiful colors

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